Parade for the Ages

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The other night was a whirlwind. From watching my favorite team win the cup right in front of my own eyes to Patrick proposing in the ice, it was incredible.  The best day of my life by far and I don't think it was close.

As I roll over in bed super early this morning I see Patrick laying there beside me. I move in closer and start to run my fingers through his tangled hair. His mouth was wide open and it was actually the cutest thing ever. He eventually starts to wake up and shows those beautiful blue eyes of his. He smiles once his eyes focus in on me and I smile back.

"You're so beautiful" he says softly and I feel my cheeks burn up. All this time later and he makes me feel like a love sick teenager.

"You're so full of it" I accuse making him chuckle.

"Are you ready to make our first public appearance as fiancés today" he asks and I smile big. I look at the ring on my left finger as I feel my heart beat faster. It still felt like a dream.

"So ready. I saw the parade in 2013, but to actually be up on the busses and see what you guys see... it's going to be so cool" I insist.

"I feel like I'm on top of the world and the view is only this good because you're there with me" he claims.

"Yup... you're full of all the shit today" I accuse.

"Hey! I haven't even taken a drink" he defends.

"I know. And I'm proud of you" I admit. 

"It's actually been kind of nice to be able to remember all of this. I can't recall much from the other celebrations, but even if I don't remember this one it's still the best because I got you" he says.

"What is with you today" I giggle.

"Just appreciating you more this morning than other mornings, that's all" he assures me.

"Well I appreciate that" I tease. I pull him into a long kiss and he happily kisses me back. He rolls me over so I'm straddling him and he starts to move his hands around.

"Baby" I huff, "we gotta get going. The parade starts soon."

"They can't start without me" he claims and I smirk.

"Ever so cocky" I accuse.

"Shut up and kiss me" he demands and I smile.

"Yes sir."

We arrive right on time and walk up to the second deck of the bus. We end up with Jonny and Sharpy because where else would we be? Patrick pulls me into his lap and I sit there comfortably. I rest my head on his shoulder as he holds me tight.

"I heard there's going to be 2 million people here today" Lindsey says as she looks at her phone.

"Woah, I haven't seen that many people since my dads inauguration in 2008" I admit.

"So we should be asking you for pointers" Jonny teases.

"Just don't do what Corey did in 2013 and you will be fine" I assure him.

"I'm sure he's going to do it himself, he doesn't need me" he smirks.

"I mean, it is one of the greatest speeches in Chicago history" I admit.

"Please don't tell him that" Sharpy begs and I smile.

"No promises."

We take off into the streets of Chicago, and let me tell you something, it was amazing. There was nothing but red for the as far as your eyes can see. It looks like something out of the movies it was so insane.

We end up turning in front of MAC and I see all the people standing outside. They had their Blackhawks stuff on and it made my heart happy. Antonio sat there with Bella in his arms and Patrick's family around them. We wave to Bella and she happily waves back. We wanted to bring her up here but she's so young. Plus she's been in the cup just about as many times as the beer has so I think she's got a good Stanley cup experience already.

We continue on the parade route and I realized just how special this is. This is the third time they've got to do this and all these people still love them. I think this group of Blackhawks will live on in this city forever. They'll be the pride of this city far after they're gone and that's pretty amazing.

We arrive at solider field after stopping a few times on the route to talk to fans. I go out into the field and join Patrick's family and our extended family from MAC. We sit back and listen to the drunken guys yell into the microphone. It was pretty entertaining because most of these guys have done nothing jut drink the past three days. I know, I hung out with their families while the boys had their fun. And bless their souls they've been through a lot. But this... this was all worth it.

Eventually Patrick steps up to the mic and I try to figure out what he's going to say. He's a man of few words when it comes to hockey. He lets his play do the talking and it's more than enough. But every once in a while he talks and everyone listens.

"What's up Chicago" he starts. "It's so nice to keep meeting like this. I hope we can do it a few more times before Father Time catches up with me. But I don't plan on stopping any time soon, in fact I hope to get better... and keep my collar bone in one piece.

I just wanted to give a shoutout to all the people who made this posssible. All the equipment managers and office people and coaches. All the fans who cheered us on even in that Anaheim series where things kinda fell apart. I want to thank my family who has been to more games than they've missed and they checked up on me when I was hurt.

Most of all I want to thank my fiancé, you're my favorite reason to play and you're the reason no one won bigger on that night than me because now I'm getting two rings" he smirks and I just shake my head.

Eventually the parade concludes and I grab my child and Patrick and we head to Chicago cut where the guys wanted to hang out and not be drinking for once. So we rent the place out and have our families with us. Everything comes together and we can put into perspective all What's happened in the past four days.

"So what happens now? We're engaged, we won the Stanley cup, we have a perfect little baby and amazing families all around us. What's next" Patrick asks as we chill out with our friends.

"The rest of our lives" I smile.

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