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We end up winning the Wild series in a overtime goal scored by yours truly. I knew Aaliyah was watching and she sent me a sweet text afterwards telling me that she's proud of me and that she loved the goal. I felt like things were heading in the right direction with her and I, but there was still a long way to go.

And we still had a long way to go this post season as we take on the LA King's in the conference finals. The King's were no joke, they won in 2012 and we won in 2013 and now we're meeting here in 2014 trying our best to build our own dynasties. And no one wanted it more than me.

"Where are we going" I ask Jonny as he pulls me into the UC. We were supposed to be leaving after a morning skate here but he brought me right back in. I loved being here but if I don't get my nap in I won't be ready for the game.

"Someone is here to see you" he claims as I start to pout.

"If it's my parents I already knew they were coming" I assure him.

"It's not your parents" he insists.

"Oh my god is it Britney Spears" I gasp.

"Why in the hell would it Britney Spears be here to see you" he asks me.

"I don't know. She might be a Blackhawks fan" I shrug.

"It's not her" he tells me.

"Well in all honestly if it's not Aaliyah then I don't want to see them, whoever it is" I insist.

"Lucky you" he smiles and I stop.

"Don't you fuck with me" I threaten. He goes into his bag and pulls out a jersey. I see it's the one that said "friends" on the back that matches with Leah's.

"Put this on and I swear if you say one more queasy thing I'm not showing you where she is and you're going to have to find her yourself" he threatens as he tosses me the jersey.

I swear I put that thing on quicker than I've ever put on a jersey before and I run up to him to catch up. I keep looking around waiting for the moment I can finally see her again. Like a husband seeing his wife for the first time on their wedding day.

"How do you know about her being here" I ask.

"She called me" he replies mono toned.

"And you would do this for me" I smile.

"Or I want her back because you're a lot easier to be around when she's here" he claims.

"No. You did this because you care about me" I accuse.

"I'll leave" he threatens but I just smile.

"You wouldn't" I say. He finally cracks a smile and just shakes his head.

"Don't make me regret this" he says. That's the closest I'm going to get to a "I care about you and I want you to be happy" I'll get from him, so I'll take it.

We finally turn a corner and I see Aaliyah standing at the edge of the ice. Her long back hair spiraling down her back and her long legs covered in skinny jeans that hugged her curves perfectly. I stop in my spot and realize that I've waited two weeks for this moment. To see her again and be in her presence. There was so much I wanted to tell her, so much I needed her to understand but now that she's here I'm not so sure I can say it. I don't think it'll change anything really. She's strong minded and if her mind is made up there's no changing it.

"Go to her" Jonny demands.

"It's not that simple" I insist. "I can't just go up to her and be like "hey girl. I love you and I lost you but now you're here and everything's fixed. Wanna go get breakfast?" It's not that easy.

"It's only as hard as you make it" he claims.

"Have you met me" I ask as he laughs at my dispense.

"Unfortunately I have. But I watched you and this girl create something incredible out of nothing. You guys were amazing together and even someone as annoying as I am has to respect that. And I know that something that special can't end like this" he insists.

"Where do I start" I ask.

"Start from the beginning and build from there. Then before you know it you'll be somewhere you created that's so beautiful" he claims.

"Alright" I sigh as ready for what awaits me. "I can do this."

I walk over to her and I couldn't keep the smile off my face. I was about to approach her when a guy comes over and I stop. He was tall and lean and athletic built. He had on a hat and a pair of jeans with a Blackhawks shirt on. He places his hand on her lower back before whisper something in her ear and slipping away. I feel a pain in my heart as she smiles up at him. He disappears and I kinda wanted to too. I try to stay still but I let out a involuntary cough causing her to turn around.

Once she does her eyes meet mine immediately. The smile on her beautiful face was huge as she starts to run over to me. Once she gets here she jumps in my arms and I easily catch her. My arms wrap around her tight as her perfume dances around in my head. I close my eyes as I remember this weightless feeling that only she gave me. She gives me a good squeeze and all of the sudden I felt like things were as they were supposed to be. With her in my arms and in my heart.

"I've missed you so much" she whispers in my ear like it was a secret only for my ears to hear.

"I've missed you too Little Skater" I admit. "What are you doing here" I wonder as I set her down. But I keep her body next to mine because I wasn't about to let her go just yet. I just got her back.

"I convinced my mom to come out to a playoff game to support our favorite team" she explains.

"So you're not staying" I ask somberly.

"No, I'm not. But I have all day to catch up with my best friend" she says with a little bit of hope in her voice.

"Really" I ask.

"Yeah. But I have to bring Ryan with me. He was just here a second ago" she admits as she looks around.

"Oh. Is he your boyfriend or something" I mumble.

"He's my bodyguard. My mom only let me come back if I brought him with me" she explains and I blush.

"Oh" I say bashfully.

"And don't worry. His fiancé is one of my best friends" she assures me as I let out a sigh.

Once she gets her body guard we head out to the park. We sit on a bench with him in proximity and we just talk. She had watched every single Blackhawks game this post season and we talk about them. She lists off stats like she's some sort of hockey analysist and I just smile. I missed her passion so much. And her eyes don't shine as bright as they used to, but they will again one of these days. I'm going to make sure of it.

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