Behind the Glass

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Hockey has been a major part of me for as long as I can remember. Some of my first memories is watching hockey, going to Sabre's games with my dad, my favorite birthday present was my skates when I was a child and I have given up a lot to be the player I am today. Being a part of the US developmental system means I never went to a normal high school. We moved around so much I wouldn't be able to go to a normal high school even if I wasn't a part of the program. I even lived with my peewee coach in Detroit for a while and then I went to the London Knights in the OHL. The hardest thing I had ever done as a kid was moving away from my parents. Detroit isn't that inviting, especially as a cocky little 13 year old. The closest I've been to college is going to Norte dame for training camp.

But it was all for the greater good. It was so I can be one of the most prolific players in the NHL now and for some time in the future. And I'm there, I'm the face of USA hockey and the Blackhawks and everything in between. I've won many awards and get recognized for my talents both near and far. But I want more, why stop now? There's plenty of new levels I can reach, and once I do I'll keep climbing. I'll keep going.

That's why being with Aaliyah has been so good for me. I feel inspired seeing how hard she works. Seeing how doing something that you care about can reinvent you. I've been playing hockey my whole life so it can get old at some points. But she makes it so worth while. She makes me want to be better than I ever had just to make her proud. She loves watching me play and she knows so much about hockey. She's always been my biggest fan and I'm happy that I get to do what I love the most with who I love the most.

"You ready for the first organized hockey game of the season" Aaliyah asks as she makes us some dinner. Although it was just the preseason, the first home game was tonight and I was so excited to get out there in front of the crowd and see so many people wearing my jersey.

"I am. You're coming right" I ask hoping she doesn't have any other plans with MAC or something.

"Of course. I'll be there" she promises.

"You should come down to glass at warm ups so I can see you" I say and she smiles.

"I would give Ryan a heart attack" she claims. That I don't doubt.

"Just one time. Like the good old times" I insist and she stops cooking. She turns to me with the biggest smile and I try not to look too suspicious.

"How do you know about that" she wonders.

"I have my sources" I smirk.

"I know it's my mom. She was the only one around when I went down there as a kid" she insists.

"Then why did you ask how I knew" I tease.

"Because I don't understand why you know that" she says.

"Well... I called your mom to ask for ideas for our first date and we ended up talking about you at Blackhawks games as a kid banging on the glass. And I know that little girl is in you hoping that a player will turn around and flash you a smile. And I would love to be that player" I insist.

"If I get let out of my cage I would love to come see you" she promises.

"I'll be looking for you" I say.

After dinner I go to the UC and get ready for the game. It was sold out and I'm sure it'll be hopping once we get out there. It's crazy how much this place has changed since I first got here. You couldn't fill the place if you paid the fans and now there's a wait list for preseason games. It's crazy.

"KANER" someone yells as I walk into the locker room. I turn around and see no one other than Andrew Shaw running towards me.

"Oh boy" I mumble as he pulls me into a big hug.

"Man am I glad to see you" he claims as I shake my head.

"You saw me this morning mutt" I remind him.

"Oh yeah" he smiles. Somethings I think he's a actual puppy. "How the girl" he asks.

"She's great. She's coming to the game tonight" I say.

"Oh that's cool. What are you doing after the game" he asks and I just laugh. This guy just doesn't have a off switch does he?

"Probably just going to work out then go home" I say.

"What!?! That's so lame, you and Aaliyah should come out to the bars with us like last year" he says and I stop. I feel my heart pounding against my chest and I felt like crying.

"I think we're just gonna go home. She has a lot of organization things to do and I'm not in the mood anymore" I try.

"Oh come on! We had so much fun last year" he says. Boy he couldn't be more wrong.

"Maybe another time Shawzy" I promise.

I get changed and we head on out to the ice. I skate around for a little and get warmed up. I keep looking out to the glass where all the Blackhawks families are and I don't see Aaliyah out there. I know it's hard for her to come out here and try to see me up close. She has a face that you won't ever forget, people will recognize her quickly. And even if they don't like her dad everyone loves her. She's practically forever Miss America.

"KAAAANERRRR" Shaw yells agains and I swear I wasn't going to choke this kid. But sometimes...

"What mutt" I snap.

"Someone's here to see youuu" he sings and I turn around. I look at the glass behind the net and see Aaliyah banging on the glass. She had quite a crowd around her but Ryan and a few of our guys made sure no one was hurting her.

I smile big as I skate over there. I hit the glass back causing her to giggle.

"You made it" I start.

"I wanted to be here for you" she assures me.

"Thank you love. I'll see you after the game" I wink.

"I'll be waiting" she smirks. I skate off and she tends to her fans who asked for pictures and autographs. I smile to myself because she was amazing, and she was all mine.

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