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After the preseason concludes it comes time to get this new chapter started. We had a clean slate and our eyes in one thing, winning the Stanley cup. No one cared much about the individual stuff, nothing compared to lifting that trophy over your head in front of the ones you love. And I believe we can do it. This is a great group of guys who have winning in our DNA. I believe that this group has what it take to be considered the best in the league. All we had to do is prove it.

For opening night I decide to wear my all black tux that the Obama's got for me when I visited Washington in the summer. I was surprised they let me keep it because I know this is a very expensive suit, but it was made especially for me so it made the most sense for me to have it. This way there's some use out of it. Once I pull on my suit I put on my Blackhawks cuff links and style my hair. I look in the mirror and for the first time admire myself. I'm so used to being in pads and jerseys I forgot what I looked like out of them. Not bad for a undersized hockey boy.

"Well there's my handsome boyfriend" Aaliyah says as she comes in our room. She comes in front of me and fixes my tie as I smile down at her. What would I ever do without this woman?

"Where have you been" I ask her. I feel like I haven't seen her all day.

"I've been with your sisters" she explains making my eyes go big.

"That's a scary thought" I admit and she laughs.

"Don't worry, I didn't let them talk too bad about you" she smirks.

"I hope not. I hope you weren't talking about me at all" I insist. All I need is for my sisters to embarrass me...

"Of course we talked about you" she claims and I let out a whine.

"What did they say" I ask and she laughs.

"Babe, it was nothing bad. Quite the opposite actually" she says.

"Really" I question.

"Yes. Why is it so hard to believe that your sisters said nice things about you" She asks.

"Because they're my sisters" I scoff. They've always given me a hard time just as I did to them. It's the circle of life.

"My sisters and I hardly ever fight. I mean, of course we disagree on some things and get into heated arguments, but we're the first family and there's a lot of intensity going on there. But we love each other and at the end of the day I love them no mater what is said" she explains.

"I do too. I just wish it was a little easier to love them" I mumble.

"Come on, your sisters are great" she claims.

"To you" I laugh.

"They love you. They are so proud to be your brother. They might not tell you all the time but you mean the world to them. They love coming to Chicago and watching you play. This has become someplace they want to be more often than they want to be anywhere else. After all these years of them watching you play, following you around the globe and being involved in hockey they still love it all. And it's because it's for you. You might be their stinky annoying older brother, but you're their most favorite person in this world" she claims.

"Those sound like your words" I insist.

"Their my words based off their actions. Actions will always be more prominent than words. Anyone can say "I love you" but only a few can actually mean it. Even less can show it. And your sisters show it, they got your number on their cheeks and your jersey on right now excited to start a new season. They're here to see you do good, to be a part of your life even though they could easily just stay in New York and focus on theirselves. But they're not, they put it all on hold to celebrate with you" she says.

"I guess I'm pretty lucky. I have a lot of powerful and wonderful women on my side" I admit.

"You do. And we're right here for you" she says as she points to my heart.

After I get ready for the big night I decide it's time to leave. So we all go over to the UC and we go to where we're supposed to be. I meet up with my guys backstage and wait to walk the red carpet.

"Damn Patrick, it kills me to admit this but you look real nice" Sharpy admits as he looks me up and down. I'm never going to let him forget saying that.

"This was made by people who make clothes for the president so it better look nice" I insist.

"Aaliyah got that for you" he asks.

"Well it was a gift from her family. But I think I'm gonna have to ask her for another one" I admit.

"Hook me up too. Because if they can make you look good then the suit must be really nice" he teases and I roll my eyes. I just can't catch a break from the teasing with that guy.

Finally it comes time to walk the red carpet and I get out there. I see all the fans ready to watch us play and I smile. I helped create this culture where hockey is a big part of people's lives in this city and everywhere around it. One day on draft day someone will ask the kid who his favorite player growing up was and they'll say it's me. And I can't wait to get there, but I wasn't done quite yet. I was ready to create something that people will talk about for decades. That people will tell their kids about when they get older. And it won't be easy, to have a dynasty in these times is no laughing matter. But I believe in this group, and I'll go to the end with them.

Eventually it comes time for the game and we get ready. There's no banner raising ceremony this year which sucks. But that makes us that much more hungry to do it this year.

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