Say Yes To the Dress

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"Please" Patrick begs as he follows me around his kitchen. I was making us some lunch while he was patronizing me.

"Why do you want me to come to this high end charity event for your hockey team? What am I going to do for you there" I ask.

"First of all, you have a lot of power. It would be hard to deny you when you ask them to donate money for sick children or to save the planet or whatever charity we are helping this year. Second of all I would love for the first time in my life that I can go to one of these things with someone I actually cared about. To enjoy the night and actually want to be there for once" he explains.

"You know, saying that you don't want to attend this charity event in the first place really isn't helping your case" I warn as he lets out a long groan.

"Please Leah, I will never ask you for anything again" he claims causing me to scoff.

"That's a lie" I accuse.

"Okay, that is a lie. But me really needing you there isn't. I don't get why you're so against going, you do volunteering and benefit events all the time. Why is this different" he questions.

"Because I don't want to go as the presidents daughter, I don't want people to say "Patrick is with Aaliyah Obama again, I don't see how that works out." I read the headlines Patrick, I always have. And I'm used to them saying things about my dad but this isn't about my dad. It's about me. And I don't want to be a piece of arm candy and I don't want to do good things just because my dad is the president. Why does there have to be a reason" I ask.

"Because this is America. You know as well as anyone that this place is cruel and confusing. But you're not like everyone else. Not because your dads the president but because you have the chance to be someone who can mean something to everyone. Someone that can change the world not as the president or even his daughter.

But you can't do that being scared of what people can say or what can happen. You have the power to tell people who you are, you just gotta use your voice" he claims.

"And how does me going to a charity event with you as your arm candy help me with that" I question.

"Get your name out in the community around here. You said you wanted to help Chicago, you wanted to help your home be as glorified as people say it is. Now you can" he insists.

"And you don't want to go alone" I accuse and he smiles.

"I'm either going with you or not going at all" he claims.

I let out a long sigh as I feel my walls breaking. I hate how he always got to me like this.

"Alright, Fine. I'll come. But you're coming dress shopping with me since it's tonight and you failed to ask me before now" I shun.

"I figured if I asked you earlier you would have over thought it more than you already did" he shrugs.

He wasn't wrong.

So I finish making us lunch and we hit the city. We walk around and I torture him a little bit by finding as many dresses I can and making him watch me try on every single one of them one. I knew which one I wanted all along, but I wanted to have some fun too you know.

Finally I pull on the dress I wanted

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Finally I pull on the dress I wanted. I just needed to make sure it fit so I grab the right size and try it on.

"Hey Pat, can you come snap this at the top" I ask.

"You're asking me to come in your dressing room" he asks as his voice cracks and I roll my eyes.

"Yes sir chasity. Now get in here" I beg.

He walks in with his hand over his eyes and I roll mine.

"Patrick you are literally the biggest player I know, why are you covering your eyes" I ask.

"I feel like as a American citizen I shouldn't be able to see our nationals treasure" he claims.

"And how do you expect to help me if you can't see" I question.

"I... don't know" he admits.

"Please just drop your hand and help me" I sigh.

"Fine" he mumbles as he moves his hand. As soon as he does his eyes search me like a crossword puzzle. He had the biggest smile on his facing making me blush really hard.

"Holy shit Al... you look amazing" he whispers and I smile back.

"Thanks. Can you hook the back of this" I question. He just nods his head as he goes behind me. I move my hair and he sets me up. I look into the mirror to see how it fit but I only see Patrick standing behind me. He softly places his hands on my waist and and pulls me into him. He rests his chin on my shoulder as his eyes stay glued on mine through the mirror.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on" he whispers in my ear and I get chills.

"I don't believe you, but thank you" I say.

"Why don't you believe me" he questions.

"I don't know, I just don't see it" I claim.

"It's all I can see" he replies and I couldn't help but smile. He softly kisses my shoulder before letting go. He leaves me in the dressing room a little confused and feeling very good. Despite what people think that is the kindest most thoughtful man I know who isn't my father. And even though our friendship hasn't been easy, there's times like today where I don't feel like going out and getting dressed up, I'll do anything for that man.

After I get my dress I head back to my apartment to get ready. I decide to straighten my hair which takes a whopping two hours. So I spend 10 minutes on my makeup and my roommate clips me up before I head over to the convention center. I find Patrick at the door waiting for me and I smile. I walk over to him and he pulls me into a tight hug.

"I missed you" he starts and I squint at him.

"I spent all day with you" I remind him.

"I know" he smirks and I just shake my head. This man, I swear.

"Let's go in" I say as I wrap my arm around his. He looks at our crossed arms and back up at me before smiling big.

We go inside and he introduces me to everyone. I end up meeting a lot of cool people. There was a few peoples who's card I took because I would love to pick their brains. And of course I meet Patrick's friends and their significant others in the process. And every single wife or girlfriend or fiancé looked like a freaking model, it was crazy.

"Is there like a protocol you have to pass to date a hockey player? Or do you guys all shop at the same modeling business" I wonder making him laugh.

"Every strong guy needs a stronger girl. We just know how to pick them out" he claims.

"Then why don't you have someone to bring to these kinds of things" I wonder. A eligible bachelor like him should be swarming in beautiful girls. There has to be at least one girl who wasn't totally awful.

"Because there's only one girl I want" he insists making me blush. Damn him.

"I'm talking about before me" I say.

"Oh" he grumbled. "I don't know. Never saw myself with a girl after a few weeks. We would have fun and we would try to date and it always fell through. They never wanted to meet my family and I didn't want to meet theirs. I wouldn't bring a girl to two of these events because by the time we got to the second event she would be long gone. I'm just not good at relationships I guess" he sighs.

"Doesn't sound like you were trying too hard" I accuse and he smiles.

"Not at all" he admits.

"So why did you want so bad for me to be here tonight. Because I know that it's not because you get lonely" I say.

"I kinda want to do everything with you" he says softly. I see a little blush on his cheeks as he tries to avoid eye contact.

"It's okay Patrick, me too" I smile.

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