I Promise

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Every thanksgiving it is tradition that the president and his family pardon a turkey and all that fun stuff. I don't get why people make such a big deal of this, you save one turkey and thousands of other ones die, doesn't seem like there's a real difference being made. But America is full of these things we do to make ourselves feel better about our dirty history. I mean the celebration of thanksgiving itself is a load of bull. But I won't be the one to tell everyone that.

So I pull on a nice fall dress and do my hair and makeup. I hang out with my family for a little before we meet the public. With such a nice gesture we're doing there sure is a lot of cameras and people here asking some stupid questions not related to this at all, trying to get my family to mess up and catch it on camera. God forbid we actually be decent people who just want to give America a chance to fix itself. Actually make a change that is worth while.

"So... I heard you got a boyfriend" my oldest sister Malia asks as we walk out to the courtyard and I let off a huff.

"Seriously Sasha" I question as I turn to my other sister who was on the other side of me.

"It slipped" Sasha defends.

"So it's true" Malia asks and I sigh.

"He's not my boyfriend. We're just good friends" I defend.

"Why" she wonders as I roll my eyes. I love my sisters, more than anything, but damnit they get under my skin.

"Because some things just... aren't meant to be" I say softly. I look down and just shake my head of these thoughts.

My sisters wouldn't understand why this has to be the way it is. I don't even fully understand it. All I know is that the presidents daughter and the NHL's bad boy don't belong together. Not here, not now, not there or later. It just won't happen.

"Well I think he's cute" Malia claims and I laugh.

"He's very cute, but I'm afraid cute doesn't make him my boyfriend" I explain.

"What does" my youngest sister wonders and I smile.

"It's so much more than attraction. It's wondering what they're doing all the time, and wondering if they're thinking of you too. It's being happy on your own but being happier when they're around. It's knowing everything about them but still learning what their favorite dessert is and what words make their eyes sparkle. It's them never getting tired of you being who you are or who you are when they're around. It's not 50-50, it's 100-100 and it's sometimes hard and exhausting, but always worth it" I explain.

"Wow, you would have never guessed that you haven't been in a real relationship in three years" Sasha says and I turn my head to her sharply.

"Is today thanksgiving or make my life hell day" I question.

"Hey, watch it missy. We're in public" my mom shuns as we get outside.

"Hell is just a word" I remind her.

"And a place. And it has no place in this family on thanksgiving" she warns.

"Right. I gotta be the picture perfect American daughter" I sigh.

"You don't have to be perfect baby. No today, not because of the family you're in, not for anyone else. We will always love you no matter what. And we don't want you to be perfect. Not for us or the media. We want you to be happy, that's what matters" she explains.

"And what if all this doesn't make me happy" I ask.

"This doesn't make us happy either. But we deal with days like this to have our days together being a family while helping this country we love" she reminds me.

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