Love It All

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We arrive in Anehiem for game seven of the western conference finals. Our second year in a row that we come to the conference finals in a game seven. But this time we're in Cali and I was feeling a lot more refreshed with my two month break before the post season. I was ready to have another chance at greatness, all I had to do was trust in myself and my team and we should be fine.

"Dada" Bella says as she crawls across the hotel room floor. She's tried to walk a few times which is crazy because she's not even seven months yet. But she's a baby on the go so she has to keep up with us.

"Come here you little stinker" I say as she crawls as fast as she can into my arms. I pick her up and hold her close as she giggles. "Where's your mamma" I ask.

"I'm here! I'm here" Aaliyah says coming out of the bathroom.

"You okay" I ask.

"Yeah. I just thought "hey, it's time to change Bell's diaper" but when I got in there it turns out that she shit everywhere so it was a bit of a intense situation. The aftermath was a bit alarming" she explains as I start to laugh.

"That sounds awful" I admit.

"Oh it get worse. It smelled so bad that it caused me to throw up. Now she's crying and I'm crying and I don't get how women do this all the time" she admits.

"Oh my god" I gasp.

"Yeah, it was ugly. But now we're both cleaned up and changed and ready to watch daddy win tonight" she says as she pinches Bella's cheek.

"Lets not get ahead of yourself" I warn.

"I would put a lot on you guys winning tonight" she claims.

"Like, how much" I ask and she smirks.

"I would put everything on it" she says.

"And this is why you're the most amazing person in this world" I insist.

"I love watching you play. Before we even met I was a fan of yours" she reminds me.

"And you were a fan of the Blackhawks before that" I remind her.

"Damn right" she smiles.

We pack up a baby bag and anything else we might need in case she resides to explode a diaper again and head on over to Honda Center for the game. I give my girls a kiss goodbye and head down to the locker room. I had a good feeling about today and I couldn't wait to get out there. I was about to give it my all and there is no looking back.

"You look like you're in a good mood" Sharpy notices.

"I am" I smile.

"What's got you all happy" he questions.

"Just in a good place. I got Bella and Leah here and my family and I have a good feeling about the game tonight. I'm not ready for this to be over and neither is anyone else in here, and I have every reason to believe that this doesn't end tonight" I insist.

"Alright Kaner, look at you with a little locker room motivation. You're growing up" Duncan teases.

"Yeah yeah. If everyone keeps saying you're the post season MVP all I know is that you just better keep playing like it" I warn.

"Yes sir" he teases.

We get dressed and ready for a very pivitol game in all of our careers. This game can lead up to a lot of guys legacy in this game, this is a important moment in many guys' career and I was hoping it ends well for us.

We start of the game good, I mean, really good. We score four straight goals before they even get one past Corey. They end up getting two goal back to back but then we come again before they get any type of momentum.

We end up winning the game 5-2 and we are going to face the Bolts in the Stanley cup finals. Although it sucks we won't have home ice advantage we proved here tonight that we didn't need it. And if history repeats itself again maybe we can finally win at home if it goes 6 games.

I go to my locker ready for the interviews for once in my life. I answer questions and I have no problem doing so. It's a lot easier when you're winning.

"So what are you going to do now that you know who you're facing" a reporter asks and I kinda laugh.

"Well I can't make them any less of a good team and I'm playing as hard as I can right now so I'm not sure I can change a lot. We just gotta play our game and we gotta play hard" I explain.

"So are you going to do anything different since it's the Stanley cup final" he questions.

"Nope. I'm gonna keep being the best boyfriend, the best dad and the best player I can be. I'm lucky enough to be able to do what I do with who I do it with. Not everyone gets to have the chances I have and I would be a idiot to take what I have for granted. I get to go to my beautiful home with my beautiful girlfriend and beautiful daughter and do this all over again" I insist.

"I sit up in the boxes so I get to experience first hand what your girlfriend is like during your games. She really wants you guys to win" he tells me and I laugh.

"Yeah, I know she does. Sometimes I swear I hear her down on the ice" I laugh.

"But it's cool that she's so into what you do. Must make it easier on you" he claims.

"There's nothing easy about this life we choose. I mean she has to have secret service with her wherever she goes and I can't leave my house in Chicago without being mobbed. But we love it, we love the city and the fans. We love it all" I promise.

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