Favorite Player

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After the presser was done and we give the president his new Blackhawks jersey the guys spread out and talk to people who were in the room. As most of the guys go to the high end people like the president or his wife or media persons to talk about this event today, but I had my mind on one girl and one girl only.

"Looking for me" a soft voice says and I jump a little. I turn around and see Aaliyah standing there looking like a piece of art that we passed by on our way in earlier. I smile big as I turn to her.

"I actually was" I admit and she starts to laugh.

"I was kind of joking, I wasn't expecting you to say that" she insists.

"I was hoping to talk to you a little more. I was wondering how you knew so much about me" I say.

"Don't flatter yourself, I know a lot about your whole team. Like how Jonathan is the youngest member of the triple gold club and how Corey has the rookie goalie record for most wins in the first season as a Blackhawk in the NHL. You're in a franchise full of history, I'm just a fan" she explains.

"Who's you're favorite player" I ask as she starts to smirk. I swear I see a little blush on her cheeks as she turns away.

"Wouldn't you like to know" she teases.

"Only if it's me" I say.

"It may be" she claims.

"I hope it is" I admit.

I open my mouth to say something else until I feel a pair of hands on my shoulder. I look up and see Sharpy standing there and I try my best not to cuss him out in this room of such elegant people.

"Hey buddy, who's your friend" he asks as I send him a glare.

"Sharpy this is Aaliyah Obama, Aaliyah, as you know this is Patrick Sharp" I reluctantly introduce.

"Woah, what a pleasure to meet you. Patrick you didn't tell me the girl you were crushing on was the presidents daughter" he shuns and I quickly jab him in the ribs. He lets out a groan as he leans on me for support.

"Probably because I was trying to talk to her... not to you" I say trying to send the message.

"Oohhh. I get it. I'll let you two mingle, or whatever" he says as he slips away. I turn back to Aaliyah who was right in front of me now.

"You want to go some place that's quiet and... not filled with your friends" she offers and I smile.

"Only always" I admit.

She takes me into a hallway that leads to another hallway before all the camera flashes and talking die down. We find a little bench by a painting of her dad to sit under. Since the bench was so small our legs were touching but neither of us seem to care much. It felt natural, her skin on mine. It took a lot i me not to grab her hand and hold it for as long as I can. But I know that's not what neither of us need right now, so instead I try to make this as normal as possible. Not that either of us know much about that.

"So, what do you want to talk about" she wonders and I just shrug.

"Why don't you tell me about yourself" I say as she lets out a sigh. She messes with her thumbs in her lap as she tries to find the words.

"There's not much to say, really. I'm just the presidents daughter" she claims.

"I hardly believe that. That makes me just a NHL player" I insist.

"You're not just some NHL player. You're one of the greatest American born hockey players ever and you're only 24. Youve got two cups and a playoff MVP and you average a point per game and you're not even peaking yet. Not even close. You have the best vision and hands in the game and no one has figured out how to play you, I don't think they ever will. You've been playing for what, six years, and you're still one of the most exciting players in the league" she says.

"I really feel like I'm your favorite player" I tease and she starts to giggle. I can see her relax a little as she looks up at me.

"You are" she assures me.

"Why don't you tell me how you got into hockey" I insist and she nods.

"It was my mom. Being the oldest of three girls I was with my mom a lot helping her out when I was growing up. It's not like she was a stay at home mom, she and dad have always been working whether it be in law or my dad being in some type of government position and my mom helping him out. They've always been involved in the community or the country, but my moms been around more than my dad ever had been. I followed her around a lot and she was kinda my best friend until my sisters got older. She's from Chicago and she's a big Blackhawks fan. My dad loves sports in general, but he's more of a Bulls or White Sox fan than anything. But she was a huge Blackhawks fan so we went to games when we lived out there and we loved to just hang out in the Old Chicago Stadium or the UC. It was our thing. I kinda miss being there when life was so much more simple" she insists.

"How old are you now" I wonder trying to get to know her better.

"I turned 25 earlier this year" she says. Just a year older than me.

"Have you gone to college" I ask.

"Yup. I did four years at Princeton" she explains as my eyes go big.

"What!?! That's awesome, that's so cool" I insist.

"It was. But I graduated and I'm still not sure what I want to do with my life. I'm not my mom and dad, I don't have this big voice or game changing ideas. People don't follow me and I can't command a room. I'm just... me" she shrugs.

"A super beautiful girl with a innate hockey iq and a degree from Princeton" I say as she smiles up at me.

"You think I'm beautiful" she questions.

"Well you're not your dad" I joke was we look up at his painting and she starts to giggle. "But I don't think there's a girl in this world more beautiful than you" I admit. And I meant it too. I wasn't just saying it. I really meant it.

"Well thank you Patrick. That's very sweet of you" she admits.

"I was wondering if I could maybe get your number. That way when I'm out on the road I can get to know you better until I can convince you that you're actually a really cool girl" I say.

"I'll have to ask my dad first" she claims and my eyes go big. But as soon as she sees my reaction she cracks a smile and I knew she was messing with me. "I'm just kidding" she assures me.

"I was a little worried for a second" I admit.

"I might have a big bad dad, but he was other things besides me to worry about. You know, running a country and all" she admits.

"Then you won't mind if I call you later this week" I say as she hands me her phone.

"I'll be waiting."

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