Working Hard For His Money

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Every once in a while there's a charity night at the United Center. Basically they sell Blackhawks things and auction off meet and greets and tickets and all the money goes to a bunch of different charities around the area. And even though MAC isn't open quite yet we were still fundraising and getting the name out there. This way people know who we are and what we're trying to do here so if they need help they knew where to find it.

So I put up a table on the concourse of the United Center and Ryan and Antonio helps me set up. We had the layout plans and some pictures of how far we've gotten to hand out. The second floor is almost done and we already have Antonio living there after he stayed with us for a few days. But he was back with me tonight to help spread the word of what we're trying to accomplish here and he was kind of my poster child for this initiative right now. He was a perfect example of what can happen given a little bit of love and care. Plus he loved helping out and was the sweetest guy ever. I feel awful because he wants to see his family, but he knows as well as anyone that can't happen. Not yet at least. So our focus was getting him help and others like him.

"This is so cool" he says as he looks down at his Patrick Kane jersey that he had on. He runs his fingers over the logo to take it all in.

"You a hockey fan" I wonder and he laughs.

"A little. But football is more of my thing" he insists.

"I can tell. You guys are going to make it all the way to state and you're a big reason why" I remind him.

"I'm a part of a good team" he claims.

"Have you been talking to Patrick" I ask and he laughs.

"Every day" he assures me.

"Sure sounds like it" I tease.

"If I sound like him then I know I'm doing something right" he insists.

"Damn right" I smile. Maybe I do cuss too much.

Eventually the public comes in and there was a lot of people around my table. Partially because I am the presidents daughter, but also because this has a lot to do with the community. People were leaving donations and taking flyers and giving me names of people who can help or use the help. It was turning out to be a really good night for us and it made my heart happy.

Once the game starts things around here settle down so I grab Antonio and we go down to the ice level where we were going to do a interview. We were to talk about the organization and what we're trying to do, but I'm sure we'll get off topic and up talking about hockey somehow. So I step out to the little area where they had the cameras set up and I wait for Patrick to finish his first period intermission report. The team was looking good early in this season and so was he. He had big plans for his team this year and he was going to carry them on his back if he had to.

Once he was finished he walks down the hallway with his head down. He was in game mode so I figured I should leave him be. But then someone says "this way Miss Obama" and his head shoots up like a bullet out of a gun. He looks around until he sees me and smiles big. He takes a little detour to the locker room and comes over to where I was. He pulls me into a kiss without a word and I giggle.

"Oh gross, you're all sweaty" I laugh.

"Working hard for my money" he claims.

"You just got a big ass contract, you have nothing to worry about" I assure him.

"All I'm worried about is keeping my baby girl happy" he claims as he moves in closer. It would have been so sexy if he didn't smell like a left sock.

"You make me very happy" I promise.

He gives me one more kiss before going off. I replace him in front of the Blackhawks backdrop and they mic me up. I bring Antonio with me and we get started.

"Tonight we have a very special guest with us. Aaliyah Obama is here with Antonio Small and they're here to talk about the charity they're a part of. So Aaliyah, can you tell everyone what you're doing and why" the girl asks and I nod. Simple enough.

"The organization is called Make A Change and it is a non profit organization that is here to help the people of Chicago. It's already gave jobs to people who need it and Antonio here lives there. The goal is to make a safe place in a city where people can very easily get lost in. There's going to be tutors for kids who struggle in school and can't get help at home. There's going to be therapists there for people who have problems in their lives and they can't find the solutions. There's going to be stuff for kids to do just to keep them off the street and under the eyes of people who love to work with kids. Basically just a huge help center where people can find a place to stay or have a warm meal or a job. Anything they need to make a change and get better" I explain.

"That is truly incredible. Something like this should be in every major city, we're very happy Chicago is the first. What prompted you to start this" she asks and I smile.

"As you know I've been in the White House for a while, and it's a lovely place but it's not for me. I came here for two reasons, to be in search of a better me and to be with Patrick. Both of those things happened and I couldn't be happier with how everything is turning out" I insist.

"Is Patrick a part of Make A Change" she asks and I nod.

"He very much is. He comes with me to check up on the place and he knows everyone who works there by name. He even got the Blackhawks to build a rink there so he and some of the other guys who stay in Chicago can teach hockey over the summer. He's been great with this whole thing and he's so supportive. It's been incredible" I smile.

"That's great to hear that two of Chicago's finest is giving back, and in such a huge way. What can you tell us about Antonio over here and how he's involved in this project" she wonders.

"Antonio is the most impressive kid I've ever met. His heart is made of pure gold, such a brave and determined young man. He's a great football player but a even better person. Sometimes the world is ugly and there's some things out of your control. That's when we as people need to step up and be the beauty in someone else's life. I couldn't be more proud of Toni, he could have easily chose another path and he wouldn't have ended up at MAC, he could be in jail or six feet under. But he's on his way to being the best football player in the state and he wants to play college ball. The only limits we have is the ones we give ourself and he doesn't want any" I explain.

"Just incredible. On behalf of the Blackhawks we're donating $250,000 to Make A Change to help the people of Chicago be the change they want to see in the world" she explains and I gasp. I see a huge check appear and I couldn't help but smile.

"Wow, this is amazing. Thank you" I say as I pull her into a hug. I know this wasn't her doing but I was just so happy. N

"No, thank you for what you're doing. Keep up the good work" she insists.

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