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We return back to Chicago just in time to hang out with Aaliyah's family before they leave. Even Barrak himself joins us as we enjoy the last few hours of peace before we all go back to life as we know it. So we decide to chill out at the house and enjoy the great things it had to offer. There was something for everyone to do here and even though Aaliyah's family has been here for a while it's still pretty new to us. Her sisters go to the backyard where we were starting our collection of animals up. We had a golden retriever named Mojo and a pit bull named Captain because he only had one eye and when he was healing he had to wear a eyepatch like a pirate. Then there was the cat Tammy and a little hamster named Turner. Not sure where we "rescued" a hamster from but her sisters seemed excited so I didn't question it. But all of them are rescued and they all get along really well. Aaliyah got them cages to set up in the back so they could play together so that's where her sisters were. Then her and her mom were in the kitchen going over recipes and taking about whatever kitchen appliance was new.

So that left me and her dad as we hung out in the garage. Aaliyah put basketball hoops up which was a better idea before I got hurt. But I can still enjoy it and let someone else shoot, so I passed the ball over to Barrak and he shot since I was still limited on what I could do with my arm. But it was hard for me to stay away from what I always do so this will have to do.

"So, how was your trip" he asks me and I smile big.

"Amazing as usual. You have the most wonderful home" I insist.

"Don't I know it? I just wish I could see it more" he sighs.

"I think you deserve a nice little vacation" I insist as he smiles at me.

"Yeah. I would love to spend some time on the beach. You guys look like you had a lot of fun resting" he admits.

"We did. But there was something I did that I wanted to talk to you about" I admit.

He stops himself from shooting and and looks over at me. He wipes the sweat from his forehead as he tries to figure out what to say.

"What is it son" he asks and I let out a long sigh. Here goes nothing.

"I wanted to ask you before I did this, but I bought a engagement ring for Leah there because I wanted it to be special. With you being from there and her going there so often I know she would appreciate it being from there. It's beautiful and was made in Hawaii by the local people so it's authentic just like she is.

But I wanted to make sure it was okay with you before I asked her" I admit. He just smiles at me as he walks a little closer. He rests his larger hand on my shoulder and I swallow hard.

"I always thought the tradition of asking a father to marry his daughter was ridiculous. A lady should marry whoever she pleases if it makes her happy. Women are strong and smart and they don't need the permission of a father to marry someone they love. Some girls don't even have a father figure so why does it matter what I think? You know? It's kinda silly. What do I know about your relationship to have such a say in your future?

But if you really want to know what I think, I think you would be a great part of this family. I think you're a wonderful man who has good intentions. I've never seen my daughter so happy before and I would be a fool to think it would be because of any reason that isn't you. You've made her better just as she's made you better and I would be happy to walk her down the isle and give her away to you" he claims.

I smile like a idiot because in my head this went way worse. But he was actually really excited about this, not only did he accept it he encourages it and that's pretty cool.

"I honestly thought that you were not going to be this chill about it, especially with her being your first daughter" I admit.

"Of course I'm afraid of my little girl growing up, but I was never able to stop her from doing it before so why try now, you know? She's a grown woman and she's capable of doing amazing things. Things that we can't even fathom right now. And I know that part of her growing older is having a man in her life that isn't me. But I'm okay with that because she'll always be my little princess" he admits.

"I hope you know she loves you so much. Not as the president but as her dad" I say.

"I know she does. She's loved me far before 2008 and she'll love me way after 2016. She's my rock and she will be the one person I know will always be there for me no matter what" he claims.

"I know the feeling. I feel like I've known her my whole life, but I think it's because I wasn't really living until she was in my life. So I guess in a way I have known her the whole time because my life started when I met her. And I just smile thinking about how this all started when we came to visit you at the White House. There's so many things that could have happened that day and I wouldn't have ever met her. But as fate should had it we finally met and it took it from there" I smile.

"So when are you going to propose? Because it sounds like you got it all figured out" he claims.

"I have some ideas but nothing is set in stone. I know I want it to be special and I don't want to force myself to create the moment, I want it to be natural and long lasting. So hopefully I can come up with something big and special, I just have to wait until the moment is right. And I don't think it'll be until summertime, somewhere around there. We have a lot on our plates right now and planning a wedding would only complicate things. But I don't think I can keep this to myself for too long" I admit.

"Well if you need anything ask and I'll help you out" he promises and I smile.

"Thanks, Barry."

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