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After things settle down with moving and me being back in Chicago, Patrick and I hang out at the apartment a lot. And it's not because we didn't want to go out, it's just easier for me to stay in. I wasn't afraid of leaving, I got a body guard now so it's not like there's a good chance I'll get hurt. I just wanted to be inside for a little, get away from the heat and the spotlights. And I didn't mind staying in because Patrick's place was awesome and there's a lot to do here. But I'm a wonderer. I'm not made to stay here all summer.

"Why don't we go on a trip" he asks as we sit at the island in his kitchen enjoying breakfast one morning and I perk up.

"A trip" I ask.

"Yeah. Spend a week or two away from the cities we're so familiar with. Get away for a little and just be... friends" he says slowly.

"I would like that" I admit.

"So where should we go" he wonders and I think about it for a little.

"How about Hawaii" I ask and he raises his eyebrow at me.

"Well that was quick" he admits making me laugh.

"My Dad is from Hawaii, he lived there for the better parts of his first 18 years on this earth until he moved to Chicago when he went to college. But we have a vacation house there he would let us use and we can spend however long we want to there" I explain.

"Seriously" he asks.

"Yeah. It's by a beach and some other tourist things so we can be entertained for a while. We haven't been there for a few years, vacations don't come as easy when the country always seems to be in some sort of trouble. So he will probably be happy someone is getting some use out of it instead of it sitting there empty all the time" I admit.

"Awesome. So we just need to get plane tickets and a car to get us around" he admits.

"I'll handle the car and you handle tickets" I ask.

"Sounds good to me" he agrees.

"Man, that was easy. Why do people say planning vacations are hard" I wonder.

"Because they're not you and I" he smirks.

"Cute" I smile back.

So he goes to get some flights set up and I call home to figure out how to set up a car and get some food and figure out the best places to eat. My mom picks up the house phone and I smile because I kinda really missed her. It's been a big few weeks of growth for me out here and it's been trying. I went through a lot of self doubt and a lot of question marks about my future. But I feel like I'm headed in the right direction, and if I'm not she'll be there to help me like always.

"Hey momma" I start.

"Hey princess. How are you" she wonders.

"I'm doing good. I have a few questions for you" I admit.

"Alright, what do you have for me" she asks.

"I was wondering if Patrick and I could take a vacation at the house in Hawaii" I say.

"You... and Patrick... are taking a vacation together" she asks.

"Well that depends on what you say" I insist.

"I have no problem with it. I'll have the cleaners out there to pick up the place and get it ready tomorrow morning. But first I have a question for you" she claims.

"We're just friends" I sigh. She's so been on my case about this lately.

"What kind of friends go to Hawaii together" she asks.

"Best friends" I state proudly.

"Right... again are you sure you're just friends? This just seems like more of a romantic getaway than anything" she claims.

"You can't just plan when to fall in love, to tell someone that you love them. The best things in life happen when they're supposed to happen. You can't just tell someone you've been with for seven months that you're friends with that you're all of the sudden going to be in a serious relationship. I can't give a label or timeline on what I have with Patrick. When it's time we'll come together like the sun and the sea to make a perfect sunset. And just like that it's going to be natural and beautiful" I insist.

"Well when you put it that way... have fun" she tells me making me laughs.

"Thanks mom... for everything" I sigh.

"You're very welcome. We will have the house ready for you and have a ride set up. Since you're going outside the borders I'll let you leave without Ryan. But the very first maternal instinct I have that something is wrong he's staying next door" she promises.

"Deal" I insist.

So we get the "friendcation" set up and I talk to dad and my sisters. We talked every day but it was usually over text. It was nice to hear everyone's voices and say hi to them. Once I was done I go into Patrick's room and find him on his laptop. So I join him on the bed and see what he was looking at. I see "most romantic places in Hawaii" on another tab and I smile at him.

"Did you get us flights" I ask acting like I don't see the other tab.

"Almost. I wasn't sure where to fly in or how long we're staying" he admits.

"The house is in Honolulu and we can stay for as long as we want. The house is being picked up until tomorrow and will be ready by the weekend" I explain.

"Alright. So how about we leave next weekend and we stay for ten days. That should be good enough" he says.

"That sounds perfect" I smile.

So he gets us our flights booked and we look at stuff to do. Eventually it comes time for lunch so I go to the kitchen to fix us something. I look back at Patrick and can see the screen he was on in the window behind him. I smile when I see him going back to the most romantic sights in Hawaii website.

"What" he asks as he catches my stare.

"What do you want for lunch" I ask trying not to make it obvious that I can see the game he's playing.

"Oh... how about some chicken" he says.

"No steak" I ask.

"Not today. I like chicken when you make it" he claims. He tries to hide his smile because I was right and he was wrong but it peaks through. But I decide not to give him too hard a time since he was letting me stay here for free.

"Okay. I'll make the chicken with picco de gallo and mashed potatoes. Does that sound good" I ask.

"That sounds amazing" he smiles.

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