Glad to Be Home

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After a lot of paperwork and a lot of planning we finally get the okay to move into our home. I've never made a purchase this big before, I've bought a car or two and some expensive stuff before, but nothing like buying a house. And I finally agreed to let Aaliyah meet me halfway so that means we both equally share the rights to this house. It's not something I ever thought would be so meaningful to me, but it is. To have someone so determined to not just let me do everything and always want to be a part of this relationship is the coolest thing ever. Just like my parents it's a very even relationship and Aaliyah and I share responsibilities and no one person is responsible for anything. We make our decisions together and we get them done together too. I have to admit this is my favorite thing we've done so far.

So we pack up what we had in the apartment and get it to the house. It took a few trips but we got everything over and now we get to do the fun part which was unpack and set things up the way we wanted. We can design it however we wanted, with the help of my sisters of course. Couldn't do it unless we ran it by then first. I would never hear the end of it if I did.

But it comes together quickly and it already feels like home. Tonight's the first night we would spend here but I already loved this place. I was never that kid who planned out what house they wanted to live in or anything like that. When I was a kid I didn't think I would want a house, I wanted a bachelor pad with a man cave and a beer cave. But now I have a home that I can make mine. Not a White House or a apartment, for the first time in a long time I have a home.

"Not to brag, but we have the best house around" I claim making Aaliyah smirk at me.

"I think we did a pretty good job. I told you your sister knew what they're doing" she teases.

"Yeah yeah. Just don't tell her she did a good job. I'll never hear the end of it" I mumble.

"So what now? I mean we're moved in and we live here now. What happens next" she wonders.

"I have a idea" I smile. I grab her hand and pull her to the basement. She doesn't say anything but she looks at me weird because there wasn't anything in the basement. Not that she knew of at least.

"Where are we going" she asks.

"While you have been super busy getting the house set up and getting MAC done for opening day I have been getting a project of my own done for you. But it's in the basement" I claim.

"What's is there" she asks.

"Well... it is the basement" I admit.

"Patrick, what did you do" she smiles.

"Come see" I beg as I pull her down the stairs.

I flip the light switch on and she lets out a loud gasp. Considering she doesn't let me pay for anything for her I had quite a lot of money saved up from the move. So I spent a lot of it on turning the basement into her home office. The only downfall of this seemingly perfect home was that there was no place for her to work from here if she needed to stay but someone needed her at work too.

So I made her a office that tends to her needs. There was a massage chair for when she gets stressed and even a workout area to blow off steam. I know she'll use the hell out of the treadmill, she loves to run. I put in a tv so she can catch the games when we're not home and she can't come out. There was a new laptop that was a Mac book because I think I'm funny. The place was the same color scheme of her organization and it was filled with a stuff I knew she loved.

On the biggest wall was a photo frame with a picture of her and I at the Winter Classic our on the ice. She walks over to it and stops right in front.

"I was going to change it once we get a picture of you cutting the ribbon on the building in a few days. But for now I think this is pretty good" I admit.

"I dont want to change it" she claims. "Without you I wouldn't have any of this. Until you were a part of my life I never knew what I could do. I would sit in the White House and sit in my room and read books about a hero who changed the world. About someone who made a actual change in people lives. And that happily ever after people chase, I didn't think that was a part of my plan. Then I came here and I got to see what you do behind the scenes. I saw the type of person you were and I decided that I wanted it all and I wanted it with you.

I mean, look that this place. Look what you did for me and out of the kindness of your heart. You support me and because of that we're about to open a buisness that is going to change the world. And I couldn't have done it without you" she claims as she grabs my hands. She pulls herself so her chest was against mine. I smile as she places her hand on my cheek and pulls me into a sweet kiss.

"So you like it" I ask making her giggle.

"I love it. It's the nicest thing anyone has done for me and I can't stop smiling. I don't know if I ever will. Thank you" she insists.

"No Leah, thank you for inspiring me to do better. To be better. For the longest time I thought I had to put myself on top to be on top. But the view at the top is a lot better when I'm looking over at you. Doing stuff like this for you is first nature, I don't even have to think twice about it. You're so good to me and I just want to be good to you" I claim.

I give her another kiss before we turn to the picture. I feel my heart melt as we just admire this place for a little.

"Welcome home big man" she says and I smile big.

"Glad to be home."

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