The Meaning of Life

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I sit on the bench at navy pier that had the perfect view of the water and the city. It was pretty overcast for the sun was nowhere to be seen, but the buildings still looked beautiful as they cut through the sky. I had my hands wrapped around a cup of coffee as it keeps me warm. I was all bundled up because even though it was early March it's still pretty cool. Sometimes the winters here don't seem like they will ever end. And I didn't want to be locked up in my room anymore, I wanted to face the world and now I'm here. Sitting in silence staring off into the distance.

As I look out to the city I realize how lucky I am. This place is so insanely incredible and the people see me as a god. These people want nothing more than to see me do good and for that I am thankful. Thankful for the opportunities a city like this holds, thankful for the people that it makes, some of my favorite people ever actually.

I turn around on the bench I was occupying and see my most favorite person walking towards me. She had on a huge hat and her hair spilling out from under it. She was all bundled up in bright blue coat that went down past her knees. I smile big once she sees me sitting there and she joins me. I look into her big hazel eyes and finally I felt complete again.

"Good morning Leah" I start.

"Good morning Patrick. How was practice" she wonders as I shrug.

"The same old same old. We're doing pretty good so Q is keeping the same lines. I think we're in a good place as we get ready for the playoffs" I say.

"I can't wait for your game tonight" she insists and I smile.

"You ready for shoot the puck" I ask.

Since she's been a regular and she was pretty famous they decided to have her do shoot the puck and I was very excited. I was hoping I could poke my head out and see her go. We had been working on her shot and she's been doing pretty good.

"I am. I remember everything you taught me. Use my wrist not my arms. Shoot the puck off my stick don't hit it" she lists off.

"And most importantly" I tease.

"If I make it I have to Celly hard" she smiles.

"That's my girl" I smile back.

We continue to sit there as we just look around. She tells me all the time how important it was to get out of my apartment and change my scenery when I can. Being couped up in there wasn't a good for my brain. It didn't allow me to grow and it let me get comfortable. But that's not how a young man in the city who loves life should be living. So she convinced me to come out here for coffee after practice instead of her just coming over to my place.

At some point during our conversation I look over and see she was shivering.

"Are you cold" I question as she rubs her arms.

"A little. This jacket is cute but not very affective" she admits.

"Come here" I insist as I wrap my arm around her. I pull her into my side and try to keep her warm. She rests her head on my shoulder as I hold her close. Her arm wraps around my back and I realize how bad of a idea this was. We end up getting closer than two friends ever should be. I look down at her as she looks out over the city. The snow was gone but the ground was still hard form the cold temperatures. It wasn't bitter cold but still wasn't warm enough after that long cold winter we had.

"Is this better" I ask softly and she looks up at me. Her eyes meet mine and I felt like I could just melt.

"Much" she admits. She keeps her eyes on mine as he face inches closer to mine. Eventually I was so close I could see the few freckles she had on her cheek bones right in front of me. I could feel my heart beating out of my chest as she waited for me to say something.

"We should probably go somewhere warmer before we do something we can't undo" I insist. She nods in agreence as we both get up. We throw our trash away and go to my car.

We sit there in silence as neither of us knew what to say. We've shared moments before, but none of them have been this strong. We've had times where we wanted to kiss or hold hands or flirt endlessly, but that was the closest we've ever been to ending this friendship and starting a relationship. And when I looked into her eyes I could tell she wanted me to kiss her too. I could tell she wanted to find out what was on the other side of this wall we built between ourselves. But I don't think either of us could handle what that lifestyle had waiting for us. I'm a mess and she's a public figure. We have no place in this world together, at least that's what I have to keep telling myself.

"You want to know what my favorite quote in the world is" she randomly asks me.

"I would love to" I admit.

"Life isn't something that has meaning. It's something that you give meaning to, you have to create it. And for me that's hard because I have a lot to hold on to. I feel like two different people at times, the person I have to be and the person I want to be. And I feel like I will never be accepted as who I want to be because I'll always just be the presidents daughter.

But then I met you and you ruined everything. I was so sure my life in Washington was made for me and I would spend the rest of my life being in cool places doing meaningless things for other people just because they told me so. And now I have hopes and dreams and I don't want to do it alone anymore" she says as she looks up at me. It was the first time since we had been in that bench since she looked at me. "And now my life has meaning because you gave it meaning" she says.

I try to swallow but it gets stuck in my throat as I try my hardest to get it down. I felt my face heat up as I just stare at her.

"You know you're the only person other than my grandpa who talks to me like this. Who is open and wise about their life. And now that he's gone I've struggled in finding someone who reminded me of my grandpa. Turns out it was you this whole time. You're my meaning too" I say. She smiles up at me causing a little sparkle to appear in my eyes.

"You're the best" she insists.

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