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Team USA ends up losing in the quarter finals meaning that they have no chance at a medal this year. And trust me, it sucks, mostly because a lot of the guys I know are still playing. TJ Oshi was having a great Olympics and got a lot of attention for the team, some attention that was a little too much if you ask me, but not even TJ Sochi could help us make it into a medal game. But I wasn't ready to take off my team USA sweater and go home just yet. I wanted so bad to bring a gold medal back in one of if not the most watched Winter Olympics apparatus. But instead I leave empty handed. Luckily for me it's not empty hearted.

This was the first hockey related activity I had to do without my grandpa. For 25 years he was right here beside me cheering me on. He was my biggest fan and he loved me so much. I could tell he did. So coming here without him was a scary thought for me, for who was I without him? Who am I supposed to talk to about my over bearing family and trying to find my place in this world? He was the voice in my head telling me to think twice and to control myself. Without him I wasn't sure how I would play. And if wasn't doing too hot but he would have still been proud of me.

But now that I'm finally here I'm still having a great time even though he's not here. I keep my grandpa in my heart but rarely on my mind. I make sure to meet as many fans as I can and support my other team USA friends. Even my other hockey friends no matter who they played for. I was having a great time and I couldn't be too down.

After hockey was done I had to come back to Chicago but Aaliyah stayed with her family to enjoy the rest of the Olympics. I had to come home and get ready for the rest of the season which was coming up fast. But that doesn't mean I didn't miss her.

"Hey, did you see what Aaliyah posted on Instagram" Jessica asks me as we hang out at my place.

"Did she post a picture with TJ Oshi" I mumble and she looks at me weird. I see a smirk grow on her face as I pout in the corner.

"What happened with TJ Oshi" she wonders.

"Nothing, really. He was just really into her and was trying to get her number and hang out with her. I didn't mind, it's not like we're together. But I didn't like it either" I explain.

"I was with her literally every second you weren't and she never even mentioned his name, not even once. I think you're just jealous" she accuses.

"I'm not jealous" I defend.

"Then why are you acting like a high school dude who has a crush on a popular girl and he gets mad when she talks to other guys" she questions. I stare at her as she just smiles at me so proud that she's finally found a upper hand on her older brother.

"It's not that I'm jealous. I know that if she wanted to be with a egotistical bad boy hockey player then she would be with me. It's just... seeing her with another guy made me sick. Seeing her smile and laugh with him made me want to cry. I wanted to stop existing when I started picturing them together. It was awful" I admit.

"Wow... you love this girl so much" she claims making me scoff.

"I don't love her. I mean as a friend, yeah, there isn't another person in this world I would want by my side through it all. But I don't love her like that" I claim.

"Whatever you have to tell yourself to protect yourself" she mumbles. "But you still need to see what she just posted on instagram. Then maybe you would stop lying to yourself."

She walks off and I go searching for my phone. Once I find it I quickly pull up Instagram and search for Aaliyah. I see a new post from "The First First Daughter" and I just had to laugh at the name. I find a picture of her and I at the Olympics and I smile. It was the one of her on my back as I carried her from one of the games back to the Olympic village. She had on her jersey I got her and I had on my warmups as I smiled up at her. She hadn't posted about us before, not that there's a reason to. I've enjoyed those first few months when no one knew we were friends and it was just her and I, just as simple as that. But it was inevitable people found out, and after the Olympics it was very obvious we were pretty close. But I am interest to see what she had to say.

"I've never been one to make a post like this bragging about something I get the honor to call mine, but I've recently been able to create a beautiful and strong relationship and I feel the need to make it known. A lot of people now know that Patrick and I have gotten close over the past three months, but not a lot of people know why or how. There's no real reason why, when we met that first day I never imagined us turning out the way we have. But something tells me that everything that was supposed to happen did happen. And now I'm so proud to say that I have the bestest friend I can ask for. I know I can trust you with anything and you feel the same. I know that there's no times where you wouldn't drop everything just to make me smile. You believe in me just as I believe in you and I'm so happy that god put us together. I can't wait to see what awaits us and I can't wait to be home with you."

I smile big to myself as I screen shot this to remember it forever, and to send to all my friends to brag. I answer her back before exiting out of Instagram. I look at the background on my phone that was the same exact picture she posted. It was my favorite one of us and I guess great minds think alike. One of the few good things about being famous is that we'll get nosey pictures like this one that I can look at and smile about.

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