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"Why are you staring at your phone like it's Justin Bieber on face time or something" my sister Sasha asks as she sits on my bed. She's defiantly one of those "take your little sister with you" kind of siblings. But I loved her dearly and this lifestyle can get lonely if you keep too many people away. I'm lucky I got two great sisters who I love more than life itself and are stuck here with me too.

"I'm waiting for a call" I state as I move so she couldn't see the name on my phone.

"From who" she asks and I stop.

"A friend" I reply monotoned.

"Ohhhh you paused. Is it a boy" she questions.

"He just so happens to be, yes" I admit. I was a awful liar, and no one read me better than this girl.

"Do you have a boyfriend" she squeals and I cover her mouth. The last thing I need is Malia hearing this and spreading some rumor about my love life. Again.

"He's not my boyfriend. I met him the other day and he said he would call me. That's it" I explain.

"It's almost midnight" she reminds me.

"He's a busy man" I defend.

"Who is he? Do I know him" she wonders.

"You know of him" I insist.

"So he's famous" she pieces together.

"In his own right, yes" I admit.

"Is it one of those hockey players you always have a crush on? Because it has been since they were here that you've been acting weird" she accuses.

"Don't you have friends of your own to bother" I question as she shrugs.

"Yeah but I don't feel like leaving the house today" she claims.

"If you must know it's Patrick Kane" I say and she gasps.

"Isn't he like, the bad boy" she questions.

"Who are we to judge" I question.

"The presidents daughters" she says and I nod. She had a fair point.

"Well I wanted to get to know him, the real him, before I start passing around labels like candy on Halloween" I insist.

"Or you just think he's cute" she accuses and I feel a blush form on my cheeks.

"He is cute, but he's not my type. He's a bad boy, small minded and big hearted. It will never work" I assure her.

"Surrrre" she shuns as she walks away. I turn back to my phone and see it still black. I let out a sigh because he probably wasn't going to call. He probably already forgot about me and was with whichever girl he met at whatever place he was at.

I turn to leave my room but just as I do my phone starts to buzz. I run over to it and see Patrick's caller ID on the phone. So I pick it up and place it on my ear.

"Hello" I ask.

"Permission to speak to the presidents oldest daughter" he asks like a drill Sargent and I giggle.

"Permission granted" I tease.

"Sorry I didn't call sooner. I don't even know what day it is" he claims.

"It's all good. It's not like I was sitting by my phone waiting for you to call" I say.

"Yes you were" he accuses.

"Okay... maybe I was. But it's still not that big of a deal. It's not like I do much" I admit.

"What do you do for fun" he wonders and I lay back on my bed. I stare at the ceiling as I ponder his question.

"I love to read. I can read about anything, history, fiction, fantasy. Anything to keep my mind busy and active. I like to volunteer around here, there's always someone that needs help and I'm always in a position to do so. So whenever my parents are at a children's hospital or soup kitchen I'm right there next to them. Of course I love sports, with hockey being my favorite but I still love the others too. Other than that there isn't much to me" I shrug.

"What makes your eyes sparkle like that day we met" he wonders and I freeze. I feel my cheeks burn as I try not to freak out.

"I don't know. Just the knowledge of being around greatness. I mean, I'm around it a lot. There's no one I think of higher than my parents and I've met some incredible people in my time here in the White House. But looking around the room and seeing the people I had been following since the beginning of times and to know that there would never be a team like that one again. Well it made my eyes sparkle I guess" I explain.

"That's pretty awesome that you think so highly of us. It means a lot coming from you" he claims.

"Well I'm not my dad" I say.

"And that's okay. Because you're dads pretty cool but I think you're even cooler" he insists.

"You're lying, but thank you" I accuse.

"I'm not! I swear I'm telling you the truth" he begs.

"And why are you telling me this? What exactly are you trying I accomplish here" I question. The line falls silent as he tries to figure out his words. I know his games and he knows I won't play them so he wasn't sure what to do or say. But he still called so that has to mean something...

"I don't know. I know we can't really be together, I don't see how that would work. I mean, I really like you and I think you're an incredible human being. I want to get to know the real you and learn what makes you such an amazing girl. But at the same time I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to get too attached but never to be able to be together, you know" he asks.

"I do. There's friends I had to drop because of who I am, there's relationships I've been in that I didn't particularly belong in because who I am. My life is complicated even when it's not, and I'm sure yours is too. And it sucks because in another life things would be different, and who knows, maybe we would be together by now. But for now I think it's best if we're just friends" I admit.

"Best friends" he questions and I smile. I've never had a best friend who wasn't a sister before.

"Best friends" I promise.

We end up talking on the phone for five hours just about life in general. We had a lot more in common than I thought and it was kinda cool to find someone who thought a lot like I do. He wasn't as bad as I thought and I think I had him pegged wrong. He was actually a sweet guy and he was quickly becoming a really good friend of mine. But eventually it gets late and he had to hang up before his roommate killed him. So I let him go and toss my phone to the side. I continue to lay in bed and smile to myself. I couldn't wait to see where this would lead me.

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