Three Wishes

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After being in Hawaii for a while we finally get to make it out to the beach. While I don't want to take our time here for granted, we're supposed to be relaxing and there's no better way to do that than to chill out in the ocean.

So we change into our swimsuits and walk out to the beach. We watch the sunrise in the water and enjoy a nice healthy breakfast in the sand as it warms up. We sit atop the blanket and under the umbrella ready to waste some time doing nothing.

"I'm so happy you're my girlfriend" Patriack says randomly and I laugh. I look up at him as he smiles down at me. He always saying silly stuff like that and watch me be confused because he thinks it's so funny.

"Why do you say that" I wonder as I pop a grape in my mouth.

"Because you're like the coolest person ever. I mean, I've never met a person who didn't love you. Everything you do... it's just incredible. You could make a grilled cheese sandwich and be the sexiest person in the room. Then you can look outside and see a cat and it would run right up to you and you would keep it because you're heart's just that pure.

You have the best heart in every human ever. I'm convinced that you would be a better president than your father. Just... don't tell him that. I really want him to like me. But I really think you're this amazing human being that everyone wishes they could be more like. I know I for sure do. I would love to have your mindset, that life is as good as we make it and all we need to do to change our lives is change our minds. And I'm learning, no one has a impact on my life like you do. I'm so thankful not just that you're girlfriend but my best friend, my inspiration, my everything.

You took time to work on yourself and work on our friendship before you worked on a relationship. I know it was tough but it was the right thing to do, not just the easy one. And to do what you did, that's  true strength. To be able to look in the mirror and tell yourself you want to be better so you can be better with someone else, that's amazing. And that's just one thing on the list of amazing things you've done" he claims.

"I wish I was half as incredible as you make me seem" I say causing him to let out a long sigh. His face falls as he stares deeper into my eyes.

"I wish, for just a little while, you could see yourself through my eyes. Through anyone's eyes but your own so you can see how truly amazing you really are. I wish you could feel the way you make me feel. Then, maybe then you would see just how much you really mean to me" he says.

"I know I do. I can tell that you mean everything you're saying. But I just want to keep getting better and being better. And the best way to do that is to keep finding ways in myself to be better. There's no genie and no wishes, just hard work and determination that will get you far in life" I explain.

"If I ever found a genie and it granted me three wishes my first one would be to live forever with you" he claims.

"Really? Mine would be to cure and prevent all cancers" I say and he laughs.

"Okay Miss America. Since you want to be a smart ass and ignore the fact that I was trying to be cute, what would your other two wishes be" he asks. I sit there and think about it before I finally answer him.

"I would want to give everyone a chance. A chance to be loved, to love, to be better than they ever imagined, to prove themselves. I don't want everyone to get what they want because there's no point in that. We would ask and ask and take it all until we have everything we want and we still feel empty because it was handed to us. So instead I want to give people a chance to be who they want to be. Give them a chance to have the power to change and should they be worthy, they will change.

And my third wish would be to set free the genie" I admit and he starts to laugh at me. But the jokes on him because he got my Disney reference. "What else would you wish for" I wonder.

"I would wish for everyone to be healthy and not have starving people or dirty undrinkable water. No more famine and no more war. Just a lot of peace and acceptance of people. Then I would wish for a car" he says just to make me laugh. And of course it works.

"That's pretty good" I admit.

"Thanks. But I think what you're doing now is better than any wishes we could make. The only magic around here is you and like I said earlier, I'm so happy to call you mine" he claims.

"The feeling is mutual" I promise him.

"So what are our plans for the rest of the day" he wonders and I look out to the ocean. I watch the waves beat the sand and let out a long breath.

"I think we should stay here and relax. I can play some music and we can doze off for a while. Think of a life where you and I get to come here whenever we want and not because you got hurt and we needed to get away from everything" I say.

"As much as it sucks that this happened, I'm so happy I get to be here with you. There's no place on this earth I would rather be than here with you" he insists.

"Well I'm happy I can put that pretty little smile on your face" I insist.

"You're the reason it's there. You're the reason I laugh and try to make you laugh. You're the reason I get up in the morning. You're everything to me and I'll try until my last breath to show you that" he claims.

"Don't waste your breath on me" I beg.

"Not a single moment with you would be a waste. Every second that I am with you I would relive it all over and over again" he says.

"And you claim you're the lucky one when it's obviously me" I tease.

"I'm only like this because I'm with you" he says.

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