You Are The Inspiration

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Hockey season was right around the corner and the city was already seeing red. I love going out and seeing so many people in Blackhawks stuff, this city really adored their beloved hockey team, all their sports teams really. But this city belonged to the Blackhawks until another team wins a championship. Considering the Blackhawks have won the last two championships this city has seen and is still primed to win more, I don't see the fame going to any other city.

And while Patrick was out getting ready for the hockey season I was doing my thing too. After putting a down payment for the building it was time for renovations. So I found a bunch of people who were in need of a job and put them to work. This way I can kill two birds with one stone. Right now it's just taking what is left over out, repairing, sweeping, working on electrical and plumbing types of things. Something where it doesn't look like much is happening in there but makes a world of difference. In order to build you have to have a strong foundation and that's where we are starting. And since we were almost done with all of that I wanted to go see how it's looking. So I drive on over to MAC and walk inside. The first place is the commons area where we're putting front desk so people can find out where they need to go. That was about all there was right now but it's better than nothing.

After that I go check out what's going to be on the first floor. It was all empty right now but this is going to be the activity floor. Easy access for people who aren't here for a long time, just a good time. During winter when it's too cold or summer when it's too hot they'll have a indoor facility to come to and play so they don't end up in the wrong part of town or with the wrong people. There's going to be a basketball court and volleyball nets and a tennis court and all that other stuff that people do in their free time. Plus some workout rooms for people who need to work out frustrations or if they've been hurt and can't afford physical therapy. They can come here and get better then back to work so they can provide for their families. Anything to help these wonderful people who were genuinely trying even though life always seemed to have different plans.

Then I go to the second floor where there was a little bit more going on. Since this is the housing, health and help floor it was basically a bunch of rooms open to people who needed the help. This is where people will stay when they don't have anywhere else to go. This is where they'll come if they're not feeling well and can get something over the counter or sent to a hospital if that's what they need. Then there was the help part of the floor which is the psychiatrist, psychologist, and therapist part. Anything for those people who feel like they don't have a voice, they will have someone who will finally listen. Someone to confide in and feel safe for the first time in a really long time.

And finally I make it to the third floor. This one was going to take the most work. Trying to put a year around ice rink on the third floor was no easy task. I had to pull a lot of strings but after a lot of convincing I got the okay to do it. And the Blackhawks are paying for it so it was under their name and dedicated to them and their desire to help the community. There was going to be a Indian head in the middle of the ice  like at the United Center and the whole third floor is dedicated to them. Patrick did a great job with making sure this part of the operation was underway and got done. We still had a long way to go but we're headed in the right direction.

After I was done with my tour I head back downstairs. I check up with the contractors to see where we are. They were happy with their their new helpers and might keep most of them which was awesome. This place was already giving people new opportunities to be better which made my heart happy. Once I was sure everything is good I head on home. I walk up to the door and I hear music playing loudly. I smile when I hear Patrick's voice singing along to the music and I just shake my head, this man of mine...

"Having fun" I ask as I walk in. He turns around and smiles once he sees me there. He sets down the broom he was singing into and runs over to me. Once he stops in front of me he grabs my hands and starts dancing around. I laugh as he nearly steps on my toes then separates us a little so it won't happen again.

"You know our love was meant to be
The kind of love to last forever
And I want you here with me
From tonight until the end of time

You should know
Everywhere I go
Always on my mind
In my heart
In my soul

You're the meaning in my life
You're the inspiration
You bring feeling to my life
You're the inspiration
Want to have you near me
I want to have you hear me saying
"No one needs you more than I need you"."

"What's got you in such a good mood" I ask as we dance around.

"You" he claims and I laugh.

"What did I do" I wonder.

"Exist" he answers making me shake my head. He spins me around on his finger before pulling me against his chest. I couldn't keep the smile off my face as we continue to dance around.

"And I know (And I know)
Yes I know that it's plain to see
So in love when we're together

Now I know (Now I know)
That I need you here with me
From tonight until the end of time

You should know (Yes, you need to know )
Everywhere I go
You're always on my mind
You're in my heart
In my soul

You're the meaning in my life
You're the inspiration
You bring feeling to my life
You're the inspiration
Want to have you near me
I want to have you hear me saying
"No one needs you more than I need you"
(No one needs you more than I)

Want to have you near me
I want to have you hear me saying
"No one needs you more than I need you"
(No one needs you more)

You're the meaning in my life
You're the inspiration
You bring feeling to my life
You're the inspiration."

"Are you drunk" I ask and he just laughs at me.

"I haven't touched a drink in months" he states proudly.

"So you're just... happy" I ask as he smiles down at me.

"I am. And it's because I have you" he assures me.

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