Just A Women

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I came to Chicago to figure out who I am. Who I want to be and how to get there. My whole life my family has serviced this community and I feel like I can do more. That I should do more. And I want to do more, I want to be more than what I am right now. I'm not just Barrack Obama's daughter, I'm not Michelle Obama's first born or even the first daughter. I have dreams too, big ones, and I wanted them to be heard.

And when I talked to people about my dreams I want it to be my voice, not my dads. Because if I asked him he would start up a charity in two days for me and I wouldn't have to worry about a thing. But I have a masters in communication and social work and bachelors in psychology and sociology for a reason. I have a purpose and it's not a bad thing if it isn't as defined as Patrick's or my dad. I know what I want to do, I just gotta figure out how to do it.

So I sat down at 10 last night and started to write down my ideas. Now it's 5 am and I think I finally have something. I think I know what I can do.

I wanted to build a community center where there are resources for people who need it. This city is wonderful, but there's a real problem with crime and people on the streets and education. I want to give people the chance to make something for themselves instead of just assuming it's the end.

"Kels, why are you up so early" my roommate Amanda asks. She works at a hospital so she has some crazy hours. She's usually up by now but I'm not usually up before she.

"Well I never went to sleep" I admit.

"What? Why" she questions.

"I've had a breakthrough" I explain.

"You've cured cancer" she asks being completely serious. In her defense it was early.

"I wish" I sigh. "But I figured out what I want to do. I figured out what I'm supposed to do" I explain.

"Ohhh spill it" she begs.

"I want to build a community center filled of resources that people might need. Someplace where anyone can go at any time for any reason. If someone needs help they can seek refuge, if they're homeless we'll house them. If parents don't want their kids on the streets while they're at work we can give them a place to go for the day. Teach them sports or art or how to read. There's no limits to the help we can give to others. And this city is just begging for help. I want to help" I insist.

"Sweetie, that's an amazing concept. But how do you expect to do all of that" she wonders. "You're just one girl."

I stare at her as my tired eyes fight to stay open. But they were open wider now that the shock set it. Shock that people still have this little mindset that limits our ability to make a difference in this world.

"Rosa Parks was just a woman. Amelia Earhart was just a woman. Marie Curie was just a women. And these women changed the civil rights movement from a battle to the war, they broke boundaries for where women can go, they discovered elements that we now use to power our world. We're all just a women until some decided to stand up and become more than just one woman.

And this is my time" I say.

I grab my notebook and pencil and excuse myself from this conversation. I change and grab a few more things before jumping in my car. I drive on out to a off road until the city disappears. I find a nice field to stop in and I walk out there. This was technically trespassing but outside of Chicago is nothing but cornfields. And it was a nice place to watch the sun rise and clear my mind.

I close my eyes and feel the outer city breeze flow through my hair. I let out a long sigh once I realize how hard this was going to be. I refused to get help from my dad, I want him to be a part of this but I want this to be mine. But starting up something like this will be hard. I gotta find a place to put this thing and people to work it then figure out how to pay for it. There was a lot to do and almost nothing was done. But I believed that for the betterment of this community it was going to happen. It had to happen.

When I opened my eyes I realized the sun was up. I sit there for a little while longer trying to stay awake. I hear my phone go off in my purse and I let out a long groan. I really wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I haven't had any sleep and after my conversation this morning I'm not sure I won't cuss someone out if they say something stupid. But when I see its Patrick I stand down.

"Good morning sunshine" he answers and I smile.

"You know you don't have to call me every morning you're on the road" I tell him.

"Well we can't go out for breakfast so I kinda do" he insists.

"What are you up to" I wonder.

"I'm out of the room because Jonny is starting to piss me off" he claims.

"You guys literally left after your game last night, how are you already mad at him" I laugh.

"Because Jonny is a priss" he scoffs.

"You love him" I accuse.

"Because I have to" he defends.

"Stop trying to put up a front. You guys were meant for each other" I assure him.

"Doesn't mean I have to love him. Don't you and Amanda disagree on anything" he asks.

"Funny you should say that because I left the apartment this morning because she made me upset" I explain.

"What did she do" he asks like he was about to jump through the phone and find out himself.

"Calm down there tiger. She just made a comment I didn't like so I left. As simple as that" I say.

"What did she say" he wonders. I let out a long sigh as I think about what I wanted to say. Last time I told someone my idea I was basically told it wasn't going to happen because I was only a women. And that came from another girl. I can only imagine what he could say.

But I wanted to trust Patrick. I want to believe that he's going to be here for me and support me. So I had to try.

"Basically I told her this idea I have. It's a wonderful and beautiful idea but it's kinda crazy and kinda impossible. She shut me down saying "I'm just a woman" and that I'm not going to be enough to make it happen" I say softly.

"What's your idea" he asks.

"I want to save Chicago, at least the people in it. There's a lot of people who need help and I want to help them. Give homeless people a place to stay, give abuse victims a place to have their voice heard so they don't have to hide anymore, give underprivileged kids a chance to make something with their lives. I want to let them make the changes they need in order to be a better person, everyone deserves that chance" I say.

"I love that idea Little Skater. I think that plan would change the lives of the people it would effect and everyone around them. The city would be a place people would brag about. I love it.

And I think you can do it. If you're just a women then your father's just a man. Then I'm just a skater. You're everything this city needs and one day, hopefully soon, they'll realize it. But right now you don't need to worry about them. You need to get started on this" he says.

"You don't think I'm crazy" I ask.

"I do. But what sane person changes the world" he asks and I smile.

"You're right."

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