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After I get released to be a little more active I decide to join Aaliyah for a day at MAC. She says I can be her assistant and honestly I've been called worse. So I pull on one of her program shirts and pair of jeans and go on her rounds with her. I meet the people who were staying there and the people who were visiting. There were so many workers and helpers that it was a bit overwhelming once you add all the people who are here for help. The place looked great, there was just so many people who have been waiting to get help and they can finally get it. So they anticipated it being busy this early on, just not this busy.

"You've been able to help all these people" I ask as we continue to walk around.

"Yeah! Even if we don't have what they need we help them find whatever it is they're looking for. We've helped people find their families they've been separated from or jobs or a meal or a place to stay. Kids come here and they actually learn things that matter. We have them help out in the soup kitchen so they can learn to cook. We teach them things they don't even know they're learning. Then when they're in the real world they'll know what to do" she explains.

"Amazing" I smile.

I continue to follow her around and I was honestly dumfounded. She knew everyone's name and why they're here. She makes sure they're feeling comfortable and that this place had everything they needed. It was incredible, what she's doing. This isn't even a presidents daughter thing, it's a she's a exceptional human being kind a thing.

"Patrick" someone yells and I turn around. I see Antonio walking towards me and I smile big.

I had a soft spot for this kid. He was the first person I've ever helped without a reason to and I'm so happy I did. He showed me that giving is far better than anything I will ever receive. He's grown so much and I always make sure we keep in touch. I invite him to games and I try to watch him play as much as I can. Football is over but he does basketball too and is quite the athlete. He could play either professional sport but he knows deep down he wants to play football.

"Hey bud! What's up" I smile.

"Nothing much. Aaliyah got me a job here tutoring kids in science and teaching basketball until it's warm enough for football. But I got some great news" he claims.

"I could use some" I sigh.

"I got a full ride scholarship offer to play football at the University of Alabama after I graduate next year" he says and I gasp.

"No way" I yell.

"No fucking way" Aaliyah adds on making me laugh. She sure did love her profanity.

"Hell yeah! And they have a School Counseling program I can do. So when I'm done with football I can be a school counselor and help people like me who are expected to succeed at the same level as the people around them who are far more privileged" he claims.

"Oh I am so so proud of you. Come here" Aaliyah says as she pulls him into a big hug. She was a hugger.

I step back for a moment and realize something. I have been sitting here thinking that I am hurting. But the people here, they're hurting. Without hockey I thought I had nothing, but that's not true. These people here have nothing and I'm a idiot for thinking otherwise. While yes, it sucks to be in the position I'm in, I get to go home to a women who respects the hell out of me and wants nothing more than to love me. I get to come home to a house that you would see in a magazine owned by one of the most popular people in the world. I get paid millions of dollars a year to play a game that I love.

But the people here don't even get the bad days, they get the horrible ones day after day. The ones filled with screaming and crying and break downs and doubts. The ones filled with the kind of pain that never truly goes away, that you'll never really forget. The kind of stuff that makes you question who you are even if you've done nothing wrong. I've never once questioned who I am, I always knew I was going to be a good player. But my case is rare, we're not all graced with opportunities and the capabilities to do something with it. Take a look at Antonio. He had to literally fight to defend himself and the ones he loved, he did nothing wrong and he still had to fight for everything he had even if it wasn't much. He was homeless and didn't know if his mom and his brother were okay, you can't get much lower than that. And now they have a place of their own and only come here for work and to play, once given a opportunity they were able to make it and that's what all of this is about.

"Hey babe, you okay" Aaliyah asks as she rubs my good arm. "You're spacing out hard there."

"Yeah" I smile. "I'm good. Just thinking about how far Antonio has come and how far he's going to go."

"I haven't even done anything yet" he claims.

"But you have. Look how much you've been able to do after a few months. You turned your life around and your families life around. I am a huge fan of yours and I can't wait to come watch some good southern football" I insist.

"Are you a Bama fan" he asks and I laugh.

"No. I'm more of a New York area guy. But I'll be a fan of whatever team you're on. Even if it's a Boston one" I tease.

"Well I haven't decided yet. The offers are still coming in and I have some hard decisions to make. But to play at Alabama would be amazing. I've always dreamed of playing for a big football school and I don't know one any bigger than that" he insists.

"No matter what you decide, we're behind you cheering you on the whole way" Aaliyah promises.

"I know. I tell everyone willing or not so willing to listen that I have the coolest friends in the world. Of course none of them believe me but that's okay. I think I'd rather keep you guys to myself anyway" he claims.

"I like that plan" I smile.

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