Day 42

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"Tommy Fury", I scolded him as he exited the bathroom after what seemed like forever. "I'd give it forty minutes", he replied as he walks past me and I groaned. "So fucking annoying", I called down the hallway at him as I chucked a hair brush at the back of his head. He groaned at the impact and laughed as he rubbed his head and walked away quickly. "Someone's not a morning person", he shouted. "It took you over a month of sleeping in the same room as me to realise I'm not a fucking morning person?", I shouted back and didn't get a response making me assume he hadn't heard me. I rolled my eyes as I proceeded to get ready for the morning. 

I strolled down to the garden where everybody was seeing as I was late waking up and I sat with Amber and Greg on the beanbags while the other boys were working out in the personal gym. "Why aren't you with the lifters in the corner?", I joked to Greg from beneath my massive sunglasses hiding my ridiculous dark circles. I'm not too sure why I'm so exhausted this morning but it's definitely showing physically. "I'd rather not embarrass them by running circles around them... other than Ovie, that man would put me to shame", he laughed in return as Amber and I nodded in agreement while laughing loudly. Our conversation is cut off by my phone chiming as I announce it, "I've got a text..." "Message". 

Islanders, it's time to find out how well you really know your other half in today's couples challenge. #ListenUp #WhenYouKnowYouKnow

"Shit", I laugh as Michael approaches me and we sit as we discuss the possible questions. "Right, what's my two brothers names?", I asked him, testing his memory. "Aaron and Jackson", he replied with a smirk. "Mam's name is Natalie, Dad's name is Graham, my full name is Amelia Louise Ward...", I rant as we swap information back and forth. "What's your favourite sex position?", he asked cockily. I raised an eyebrow but answered his question anyway, "Reverse cowgirl". I laughed as he agreed. After half an hour we all sat around the fire-pit with our chalkboards in hand as Anton and Belle took it upon themselves to ask the questions.

The boys had to answer questions about the girls first as the first question came up, "What's the names of your girl's parents?". I smiled as I knew Mike should get this and sure enough he did as he turned his board to reveal he had written, "Natalie and Graham". "What would your girl say is her worst feature?", Belle calls out as I write my answer immediately. Mike turned his board around saying, "I couldn't think of anything so I just wrote her feet because I know she hates feet". I laughed as I told revealed he was right, "I hate feet, like not only mine everybody's feet... they're just ugly". The rest of the round went swimmingly until he said I would couple up with Chris if I hadn't coupled up with him when I wrote Anton but I could see where he was coming from because it was a literal 50/50 seeing as they're both my two closest brothers in here. 

When it was my turn to answer questions about Michael I did quite well if I do say so myself, getting all but one question right like he had done on his turn. I managed to forget how many women he had slept with and apparently neither did he but I guessed between 80-100 and he just wrote 'Only god knows' so I didn't get that point. I just love when my boyfriend is so considerate that he has slept with too many women to count. Molly and Tommy were deemed the winners which was unsurprising seeing as they had got every question right. After the challenge we headed back into the Villa as I went upstairs to get changed for the evening. "You and Greg did really well... you've known each other like three days", I gasped at Amber as she laughs. "We've both just got great memory", she winked in return as I rolled my eyes and giggled slightly. 

Everybody hovered around the kitchen as we all joked and laughed just like every other night in the Villa. I honestly think it'll be so weird to not wake up every morning in the same room as these people and be back home in Newcastle making my own dinners and tea in the morning... unless Michael wants to volunteer to do that for me since it's Anton and Chris who do it for me. I've built an amazing friendship with everybody in here especially Maura, Amber and Molly who I know will be some of my best friends for life. Anton and Chris are also two boys I know I'll forever have this amazing brotherly bond with. 

As Amber chatted with Belle, Maura and I pulled Greg as we interrogated him about kissing Amber. He tells us how he wants to keep it slow with her and not rush into anything. "Trust me, she'd really appreciate it I think", I whispered to him as Maura agreed. He stood up to walk away as Maura turns to me, "He's so lovely for her". I nodded in agreement as I smile intently at the thought of Amber being happy with Greg. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Chris chatting with Harley at the stools and I slightly prayed that he would go in for a kiss. It seemed to happen really quickly as he grabbed her face and kissed her passionately. I stood up and cheered as everyone else noticed as well and joined my celebrations. "Yes Chris!", I laughed as he winked at me. "I got a kiss", he laughed as I did the same at him excitement. 

The rest of the night passed quickly as we all headed back inside the Villa to get ready for bed which honestly I was ecstatic for. I threw on one of Mike's shirts for bed as I scrubbed off my makeup and dove into bed to wait for him to join me. Molly appeared as she went to get into her bed but instead manoeuvred over to my bed where she dove on top of me engulfing me in a tight hug. I groaned at her sudden weight but laughed as I hugged her back. Eventually, Michael and Tommy appeared as they looked at us curiously before Molly got up and headed over to her own bed in a fit of laughter. Michael collapsed into bed next to me with a grin on his face as we chatted about the challenge earlier. It's safe to say that falling asleep and waking up in his arms felt a whole lot like home. 

{A/N} We're actually coming to a close on this story soon and I'm also starting back school which will be the entire cause of my up and coming depression :') Please do leave me your feedback in the comments about this story and how your finding it! I see them all and I see the ones who comment and vote constantly and I can't thank you people enough for that. Thank you all very much for reading x 

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