Day 14

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{A/n} Just thought you should all enjoy a beautiful ass photo of Michael <3

That was the most uncomfortable night sleep in the villa so far, it was most likely because I'm so used to sleeping in the same bed now for two weeks that I hated seeing the back of it. The only thing that made the sleep bearable was cuddling Michael for most of it, not all of it because this villa and Mallorca in general is a fucking sweat-box. As we waddled into the bedroom, I fell dramatically onto Anton and Elma's bed, acknowledging the softness of the duvet cover and humming in delight as they laughed at my dramatic reactions. "Thank you for letting us have your bed for the night", I heard Tom compliment, although my hearing was muffled by the duvet. I threw a quick thumbs up and lifted my head to show a cheesy grin before falling head-first back under the covers. 

I'm not a drama queen, it was just slightly less comfortable than my bed and I hope to god that they enjoyed my bed because my back is fucking killing me... i'm only 5"3 and I felt cramped I can't imagine how Michael feels.

My 'Feeling-Sorry-For-Myself' morning was interrupted by Amy asking the girls to chat in the dressing room as I got up and suspiciously followed."I'm not going to go into detail-" "Why not? We need detail!", I interrupted dramatically slamming my hand on the table. "You're very dramatic today babe", I heard Elma laugh. I looked at her and rolled my eyes playfully before hearing Yewande mutter, "She's always dramatic". To which the girls laughed as Amy continued explaining how she doesn't want to have sex in the villa with anybody as our beloved Maura held a mortified reaction. "Oh shush Maura, we're not all as horny as you are... plus my grandad is watching this and I would never be able to look him in the eye again", I laughed as the other girls agreed and Maura gasped. "Amelia, you must be joking and you're lying if you say you don't get horny in bed with Michael", she replied. I stuck my tongue out at her playfully, ignoring the comment before heading down to the garden.

I sat on the counter top with Michael in the kitchen listening to his and Anton's banter and laughed every now and then until Anton left to go see Elma. I saw Tom having a chat with Elma knowing that wouldn't go down well with Maura as I snickered at our conversation in the dressing room earlier. "What are you laughing at?", I heard Michael question as I came out of my daydream while he walked towards me. I hummed and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Thinking about a conversation Maura had with me earlier...", I answered innocently. He raised his eyebrow as I continue. "Maura's speciality", I laughed as he realised what I was talking about. "Sex... What was she askin' then?", he questioned me. I shrugged my shoulders, "Nothing really, just about being horny while in bed with ya...", I answered as if it was nothing. He stood shocked as I laughed loudly. "So, would you have sex in the villa then?", he asked cockily. I grinned as I pecked his lips. "Never say never, babe", I winked and hopped off  the counter before sauntering away sexily... well I hope it was, either that or I looked like I was about to shit myself.

In the dressing room that night, Elma was getting grilled about Anton and Tom. Maura had a face like a slapped arse which I found hilarious as Elma said that based on personality, Tom and Anton are "equally the same". I bit my lip to hold back my laugh as Maura gave me a death glare. I rolled my eyes as Amber continued to do whatever she wanted with my face which I told her she could do occasionally because she loves doing it and, quite frankly, i'm shit at all things makeup and beauty that isn't hair... obviously. Down in the garden, I chilled with Amber and Yewande as we laughed and joked about the outside world and our families. Our conversation was cut short after we all decided it'd be fun to have a game of 'Suck and Blow', which would either end very well or very terrible...

I sat between Curtis and Michael as the game begins and Anton drops the card on the first go which, frankly, didn't shock me. He was dared to have a three-way kiss so he picked Elma and Maura, you could tell he was all for it and loved every second of it. The game continued causing tears of laughter and stomach pain and it was hilarious until I dropped it and was dared to Demonstrate my favourite sex position with another islander. To which, I groaned yet laughed at the irony of the dare after this morning with Maura. "Well, I don't have a favourite so somebody give 'is one", I laughed as I dragged Michael with me up to the front of the fire-pit. "Basic old doggy-style for me", I heard Jordan call out as I laughed and got into position with Michael behind me, I was flustered by the end of it because of how seriously he took it and Maura laughed at my reaction. 

My mum, my dad, my baby bro, my grandad.... they're all watching this.

After the game, we hovered around the kitchen while Molly and Tommy disappeared to have a chat. Michael filled me in on Tommy's plan to go in for a kiss with her and I laughed as we waited with anticipation. Soon enough, we saw them both lean in and have their long-awaited kiss as we all cheered and clapped when they pulled away, to which they laughed as they dandered back over to us after. "He's such a good kisser", Molly dreamily said while us girls were sitting on the daybeds as I hummed in response. "Aw, I'm so glad", I replied as I smiled back at her. Later, that night the conversation in the dressing room consisted of Molly-Mae's kiss with Tommy and, between me and Maura, she explained to me the situation with Elma and Tom. 

As I hopped into my own, comfortable bed with a sigh of relief not to be on the sofa again, I smiled at Michael as I lay facing him scratching his arms with my nails. The lights dimmed as I closed my eyes but continued my actions, feeling peaceful. "I think the night time is my favourite", I heard Michael whisper as I hummed in response. "Getting to just lay beside ya'... plus after last night i'm glad to be in our bed", he continued as I laughed quietly. "I know... the bed feels different though, like i'm tellin' ya they've fucking ruined our bed", I croaked out jokingly as Michael laughed a little too loudly. "Fuckin' Jordan farted or somethin' and made a dent", I continued as I huffed slightly. He rolled his eyes as we rolled over and fell asleep together smiling. 

{A/N} Please vote if you're enjoying so far and leave me some comments, it might motivate me to catch up quicker :) x (Also buzzingg to see the return of casa amor tomorrow night ;) )

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