Day 26 - Michael's POV

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Waking up the next morning beside a girl that wasn't Amelia was weird, and I felt guilty until I remembered Joanna's revelation yesterday. I just don't understand how one little rift could stop Amelia from wanting to be with me, and how everything we had could've been thrown away after one fight. I thought she liked me more than that, and now the relationship we had feels one-sided and it confuses me, the fact that I have this amazing girl in front of me, who clearly likes me, but I can't stop thinking about the girl who potentially doesn't have a connection with me anymore. Seeing Joanna's face was comforting though, she pulled me out of my thoughts but I feel sick with guilt when I think of our kiss yesterday. Me and Amelia haven't had the chance to talk yet so I feel sick that I've done that to her... then again, she's probably done it to me.

In the small, personalised gym in the corner of the garden I stood with Danny and Anton as we chatted about our sleeps last night with the girls. "Did you get a little carried away?", Danny teased Anton as I laughed when he answered, "A little bit... pulled away just in time". Danny then says he's had a little bit of kissing action with Jourdan. "What about the Curtis situation then?", he asks us. "Oh shit, yeah", I replied quickly as I remembered his shocking confessions to us. He explains how he tell Jourdan his head was turned by her but he's obviously so torn about Amy. The whole situation is entirely shocking, if I'm honest. The rest of the morning was calm and quiet, you could tell there was a lot of thinking going on between the boys - and I'm definitely in with that motion. 

"How are you feeling mate?", Anton speaks suddenly from behind me making me jump. "I'm so confused bro", I reply. He nods as he asks me to elaborate which I do, "Joanna told me right, that Amelia has told the girls that, basically, we don't have a connection anymore. But I don't understand why she would say that, you know Melia she's straight-forward... she wouldn't just not tell me". He nods as he raises his eyebrows and replies cautiously, "Do you think she could be lying?". I look up at him and think for a minute. "I hope not, because she seems like a great girl and lying just to separate me and Amelia is a shitty thing to do", I reply. He nods, "So... same question as yesterday then, If you had to recouple with Amelia or Joanna right here right now, who would you pick?". I hesitate, which I didn't do yesterday. I sigh, "I don't know". Anton nods, "You said Amelia yesterday..." "I know mate, I'll work it out".

The rest of the morning consisted in me chatting to Curtis about his feelings and emotions currently with Amy and Jourdan and I genuinely felt for him because I know he's in the same boat as me - his situation just seems a good bit worse. At the sunset, we all ventured back into the villa to get changed. Tonight, there was a table set up for us to all have a game of Beer pong which was a great way to relieve our thoughts and the tension of the recoupling we knew was looming. The game gave us a good laugh and revealed a lot about some of the islanders. After the game, I once again sat with Curtis who was just as confused as ever with what to do with Amy. Myself and Tommy basically told him to grow a pair and talk to Jourdan and see how things are from her perspective. He eventually took our advice as he pulled Jourdan on the beanbags. 

Tommy and I were sat trying to listen but Joanna came over and asked me for a chat which stopped us from listening. Probably a good thing to be fair. We sit down on the daybeds as she chats but I barely pay attention to what she has to say, my mind wanders to the recoupling instead but I tune back into the conversation as she grabs my hand and puts her head on it showing me how tiny her head is, which makes me laugh. "Hopefully though, the more I get used to you we can have a little spoon one night", she nudges me gently as she remembers how I said I love a little spoon before bed. Our conversation glides as we laugh and talk about random things until she brought up our kiss yesterday. "So, was it alright that I kissed you yesterday?", she questions. I shrug my shoulders. "I didn't hate it if that's what you mean", I replied. And I wasn't lying, she's a great kisser. "Would you want to do it again?", she retaliates with a smile. I nodded my head slightly which she took as an agreement. As she lent in though I realised I came across strongly and quickly stopped her. 

"Wait, Joanna... I like you, I think, but I need to sort things with Amelia before I kiss you again. It's not fair on her", I state as she agrees but you could see the small burn of anger in her eyes. "Yeah, that's understandable... but don't you think she's snogging some other boy?", she answers. I raise an eyebrow, "Do you?". She shrugs her shoulders. "I'm not trying to talk her down but, do what you want to do like, don't let your guilt dictate your actions", she replies. I nod and stand up, wanting to be away from the conversation. "Yeah... I know, thanks for the chat though", I reply quickly before walking away. After drinking with the boys for a while, it was eventually time to go to bed as I stripped down and kept to my side, feeling reserved after mine and Joanna's conversation earlier I can't help but feel she's planting doubts in my head and dramatising mine and Amelia's situation... either way, I'm still torn between them both and I'm dreading the recoupling whenever that may be.

{A/N} The recoupling is coming :) Keep your comments coming, I love reading your opinions! :) x

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