Day 5

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{A/N} Amelia for the recoupling above!

The next morning, I woke up and made small talk with Molly about Tommy. "So, what do you think of Tommy", I questioned. "He's really fit. I really like him", she replied. I smiled tiredly as I threw on anything I could find before heading down to the pool, seeing Molly cracking on with Tommy, then moments later with Anton and then with Callum. As I chilled by the pool, I looked up to find Molly-Mae on the day bed with Michael. I felt myself grow angry as I could hear her say how she loves an older guy. I wonder why she failed to mention to me this morning that she found him attractive?. 

I know it's love island right, and I know it's her choice and she's in here for herself right BUT where is the need to chat with four boys at the same time? Including Michael. And no, i'm not jealous, i'm just annoyed... slightly.

My apparent death glares were cut off by an elbow nudge from Amber and my phone going off signalling a text message. I laughed a little at the shock of it. "I think i've just got a text". I pulled my phone out and opened the message.

Islanders, Tonight there will be a recoupling, the girls will choose and the boy not picked to be in a couple will be dumped from the island. #GetPickedorGetPacking #BoyBye

I read out the text message as I felt myself grow nervous alongside the other islanders. There's no way of telling how this recoupling could go. Before anybody could think too deeply, Yewande let's out an overly excited "I've got a text" as she reads it out.

Boys, it's time to show the girls what your made of as you take on today's challenge - The Good, The Bad and The Sexy #Setitup #NotMyFirstRodeo

We were all excited, seeing this as a perfect opportunity to lighten the tension for the recoupling later tonight. And, of course I was up first. As I was tied down to the traintracks, I was laughing hysterically yet flushing over Michael's sexy bull-riding actions. "Help me", I fake cried although it failed with my laughter. As he rescued me and pulled me up to me feet, I was still laughing and blushing as he lifted me up so my legs were around his waist as he pulled me in for a passionate kiss as everyone else cheered. We walked off to the side and laughed until our stomach's hurt as the other boy's took part in the challenge. In the end, we unanimously decided that Michael was the sexiest cowboy of the day.

It was a unanimous decision, we all agreed and the kiss was great. I am not complaining, one bit.

After a great day, we headed back to the villa to get washed up and ready for the recoupling. I'm not nervous because of my choice because I know who i'm picking and hopefully he wants that too. Yewande spoke to me earlier about her and Sherif coupling up as friends and as for the rest of the girls, as in Amber, Lucie and Molly.... I have no idea. As we all sit around the fire-pit the recoupling begins. First to couple up is Amy, after a lovely speech, coupling up with Curtis - of course. Then Yewande couples up with Sherif on a friend basis. Then Amber decides to couple up with Anton on a friend basis, sorely so he can find someone. I stood up slowly as it was my turn. I sighed, "Okay so, I want to couple up with this boy because i'm not an easy person to deal with and he makes it seem so easy because we bounce off each other so easily. I am very attracted to him and he literally makes me laugh 24/7 and i'm looking forward to getting to know him more and I think I can see a future with him here and outside the Villa. So, the person I want to couple up with is.... Michael", I smiled slightly as I finished my speech and he smiled brightly at me, walking over and giving me a kiss before sitting beside me with an arm around my waist. 

Lucie then, finally, decides to couple up with Joe and Molly-Mae with Tommy. Therefore, Callum is leaving the island. We all stood up as we walked over to Callum saying goodbye to him. I wrapped him in a hug. "I'm sorry things didn't go the way you planned", I mumbled. He shook his head. "It's not your fault. I wish you and Michael the best", he replies. I pull away and thank him before hugging Lucie and Molly-Mae. Their decisions weren't easy. We walked towards the door as Michael has his arm slung around my shoulder. I could see Amber's guilty face and I placed my hand on her arm and wrapped her in under my shoulder. We waved goodbye to Callum and headed out towards the kitchen for another drink.

"It could've been anyone", Anton announces. We all nod in agreement and Tommy pulls Lucie for a chat on the day bed. I turn to Molly. "If you had first pick, would you still have picked Tommy?", I asked genuinely. She nods her head almost instantly. "Like he's completely my type and I do think we have a connection. It was either him or Anton, like I fancied Callum and, if i'm honest, I think Michael is good looking but I think I made the right choice", she replies and I nod my head as we head upstairs to get ready for bed. Me and Amber were ready first as we strolled down into the bedroom where Michael and Anton were waiting. "If he tries to spoon you, i'm in the next bed, just jump right in", I laughed. She nodded and smiled gratefully.

As the lights dimmed, I lay cuddled up into Michael as we all shouted goodnight to each other. "Shoutout to you ladies because you're all the reason why we're still here", Michael announced. We all laughed as he slipped his arm around my waist. We shared a few kisses before turning over and falling asleep for another night in the Love Island Villa

{A/N} I finished this chapter at 4:21am June 26th. I wrote every chapter so far in the one day and i'm hoping to catch up with the episodes very soon.

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