Day 6

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{A/N} Above is Amelia's bikini during breakfast!

After a great night sleep, we woke up and discovered a morning breakfast date had been prepared for us. We all walked out as I strutted down the stairs with Michael, hand-in-hand, towards the table we were dining at. As he pulled my chair out, I smiled gratefully and he sat down facing me. "I love this", I laughed excitedly. Michael agreed before pouring us drinks and cheersing them. "Your speech last night was great, thanks for that", he compliments as I brought the glass to my lip. I smiled and nodded. "It's nerve wrecking, I swear to god", I responded and he laughed. "I guess it'll be my turn at the next recoupling then". I looked up through my eyelashes in surprise. "How do you know it'll be me your coupling up with?", I smirked. He laughed slowly and shrugged. "Well, it's either you or Anton and at this rate I think i'd pick you". I laughed loudly in response.

"So, tell me something interesting then", I stated and he looked confused. "About yourself, tell me something that would shock me". He raised his eyebrows. "Well, i'm actually a science nerd", he replies cockily. I laughed sarcastically, "Good one". "No, i'm being serious. I did a thesis in identifying mutations using cystic fibrosis", he replies as I gasp shocked. "What the fuck does that mean?", I replied chuckling. He laughed loudly and shook his head in response. "You tell me something interesting now then", he questions. I thought slightly before answering. "When I finished secondary school at 18, I went straight to University and studied law. I was actually determined to be a lawyer", I replied. He looked at he shocked. "Why would you want to be a lawyer?", he questioned confused but amused. I shook my head. "I wanted to shout at people", I replied seriously. He laughed loudly in response.

"So, how did you get to be a hairdresser after studying law?". "Well basically, I loved hair and I plait my older brother's hair all the time, It was just always something I enjoyed doing but never thought I could do as a job and when I started about a year and a half ago, I loved it", I replied. Michael looked at me and smiled slightly. "Yeah I guess I was the same, I loved the idea of saving people", he stated as I stared at him starstruck. "That's cute", I replied jokingly. He laughed and shrugged. Before we knew it, our time was up and breakfast was over as people came to clear the area. I chilled around the kitchen laughing at Tommy trying to make a peppermint tea. We hadn't cleared the air and I still didn't like him for what happened but he was right, I can't hold a grudge in here. I'm not pulling him for a chat though, he can pull me. It's his mess to clean up.

Amber took me up to the terrace and spoke to me about Anton. "Could you see anything between you and Anton at all?", I asked. She shook her head. "No. He's like my annoying younger brother", she replied as I agreed. "How's things going with you and Michael?", she asked as she kept a hand over her forehead to block out the sun. I smiled, "I think it's going really well but I think it's still early days and like anybody could walk through that door, like I don't even know if i'm his type". Amber shook her head. "Your definitely his type babe. Say, someone great walked through that door today, would you be open to get to know them?", she questioned. I thought about it for a minute. "Well, if they have an interest in me then they can get to know me but at this point I can't see that happening and I'm content with Mike", I answered. She nodded in response as we got up and walked together down to the pool.

Soon enough night fell and we got dressed to go to the fire-pit and play a game of 'Tower of Truth' which is basically a game of truths with jenga blocks. Yewande went with Sherif first and asked if he'd ever ghosted anyone, to which I stared at Tommy and looked away as Sherif answered yes. 

I don't understand boys who do that like, just break up with us. That is all we ask like. 

Then me and Michael had a go as I pulled out a block turning to him, "What's your biggest turn on?". He thought about it before answering, "a powerful woman. I nodded and sat down.

I'm still confused as to what he meant by a powerful woman... I'm definitely going to ask him about that later.

As the game continued, I couldn't help but laugh as Amber got frustrated with Anton because of her competitiveness. Soon enough, it was mine and Michael's turn again as he pulled out a block and laughed at the question, making me nervous. "Amelia, what's my most attractive feature?", he asked. I sighed in relief at the easy question. "Either your hair or your tattoos, I really like your tattoos", I replied smirking. The rest of the group cheered for Michael as I laughed. Eventually, Anton knocked down the tower after Amber probably scared him. 

The night ended on a high after the truths from the game and Yewande whispering to me that she had kissed Sherif which shocked me beyond belief. She said it was an 'in the moment' thing and they don't fancy each other. As I jumped into bed, I laid down with Michael beside me. We bid goodnight to everybody before the lights went out and I was in Michael's arms again. I traced one of his tattoos with my finger. "I have a question", I silently whispered. He nodded, "What did you mean by a powerful woman?". He pressed a kiss to my lips. "The type of girl that can stay in a villa with her dickhead ex who ghosted her and not cause shit over it because he's, most likely, scared of her. That's powerful". His reply put a smile on my face as I pulled him in for another kiss. It was deep and almost meaningful. We whispered goodnight before falling asleep soundly. 

{A/N} This chapter sees a bit more into their relationship and I loved writing it so much <3 Michael is literally the cutest person I've ever seen.  

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