Day 36

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{A/N} Amelia's outfit for the dinner!

The atmosphere in the Villa was a little low this morning because of the dumping last night so Ovie and I decided to make some breakfast for everybody. "Right, a simple eggs and toasts and stuff... they're all lazy shits not wanting to move", I croak out to Ovie as he agrees. I settle with putting toast in the toaster and making coffees as Ovie cooks the eggs to perfection. "One egg, Two egg, Three egg, four", He sang as he mixed the eggs around the pan. Ovie's continuous singing through out the cooking of the meal had my in hysterics that I went through an entire loaf of bread because of how many that burnt. We danced around the kitchen as we laughed and joked, and a while later the meal was done. "If they don't appreciate this, man I swear", Ovie calls out as everybody starts coming out. They thanked us both as everyone enjoyed the meal we had served. I was the last one left there eating alongside Fran and Molly as she talks to us about her and Curtis' situation. 

After another boiling morning of lounging around, Jordan gets a text from down beside the pool and reads it aloud to us. 

Islanders, tonight the boys will be cooking dinner for the girls. But first Jordan, Tommy and Anton it's time to go shopping to buy the ingredients. Please get ready to leave immediately. #PrepYourself #SupermarketSweet

We all laughed at the thought of the boys cooking us dinner tonight, "I'm looking forward to this boys don't fuck it up", I call from the daybeds as I lounged with Maura. She laughed as we waved them off and Mike came over and sat with us. "How are you feeling about Curtis?", he asked Maura as he lay with an arm around my shoulder as my head rested on his shoulder. Maura lay lounging across my legs. They talked back and forth about it as I spotted him in the back with Francesca, talking and laughing. "They seem to enjoy each other's company well", I rolled my eyes. Maura looked to where I was staring. "He's going to pick her, he's talked to her twice today and hasn't said not'ing to me", she hissed out to me as I slapped her arm lightly. "You chat to him then... you've got more balls than any of the boys here combined-" "Hey?" "Sorry babe but you know I'm right", I laugh to Mike as he cuts me off and Maura giggles with me. 

We noticed Chris steal Amber away from Belle as Michael got up to go speak to Curtis, as we requested, to try to grill him carefully about Maura and Francesca. As we chat quietly, Curtis appears behind us as he complains that we've done nothing all day. "Can I have a massage?", Maura asks him with a slight smirk. I rolled my eyes and walked away, "Jesus Curtis, bet ya' got her to unhook her bra", I laughed. "Amelia this isn't going to be enjoyable if I can hear your voice all the time", she joked back as I gasped jokingly and walked up to the kitchen. As I arrive there, the boys arrive back from their shopping trip and explain the courses. "God you've gone dead posh, I would've been content with fish and chips to be honest", I laughed to them. They all shrugged their shoulders, "We were just trying to be professional", Tommy laughed. 

As I sat on the swing with Tommy, Jordan, Molly and Michael afterwards; Tommy and Jordan seemed to be holding something back about the shopping assistant. "What'd you do?", I directed the question at Tommy. He looked at me and laughed putting a hand to his chest, "ME? No, I've done nothing... nothing happened it was just funny", he replied. I could tell he was lying but I dropped it knowing Molly would have him grilled later. After a while we headed upstairs to get changed as the boys got started on dinner. "If this is disgusting, I'm blaming those three", talking about the ones who had bought the ingredients. 

Michael eventually came over to sit with me as he placed the starters in front of us. "Who did the most cooking then?", I joke as we tucked in. He rolled his eyes, "If I'm being honest, probably Ovie, that man can literally everything". I laughed and agreed, "This is insane; I'm really shocked". He laughed as he changes the conversation topic, "So, I know I've asked this before but now that I'm your boyfriend I feel like I have to ask it again but do you really think your family will like me?". I smile slightly at the thought of my family. "I genuinely think my brothers would love you, especially Aaron like he's my younger brother and loves his football and stuff but he would love somebody to do that type of stuff with since Jackson is all grown up and lives in London now", I replied. I genuinely miss my family so much. "What about your mum and dad then?", he questions. 

"I mean, my mam would love you because she's constantly nagging me about getting a boyfriend and she was actually the one who signed me up for the show", I laugh at the memory. "My dad though, he's my best friend like we're so similar in humour and things and I know I said on our first date that he's not very protective but I just didn't want to scare you off", I trailed off. "He's very protective but I don't think he'll be a prick or anything... Me and Jackson were really close growing up too... He's 26 and I'm 23 so we were always really close in age and then Aaron is the baby since he's only 15", I informed him with a glint in my eye. He looked at me lovingly, "I can tell you miss them". I nodded and tried not to cry. "Yeah... I live 5 minutes down the road from them I can't deal with being away from them for so long". He smiled as he grabbed my hand. We finished up our starters as Michael goes to get the main and Molly informs us girls about Anton giving his phone number to the shopkeeper. 

I found it entirely amusing and didn't see it potentially winding Belle up very much which I was grateful for because I can't deal with the drama. "That's so funny", I whisper laugh to Molly and Amber as there was something gone wrong in the kitchen. Eventually, Michael rejoins me as he sits down. "So... you're in Newcastle and I'm in Liverpool; how will that work?", he laughed. "You're just going to have to move to Newcastle then", I smirked as he rolled his eyes and raised his eyebrows. "Really?", he replies as I nod. "Unless you can get me a hairdressing job up in Liverpool for a celebrity... no you're coming to Newcastle", I replied cockily. "Do you do hairdressing for celebrities in Newcastle?", he asked shocked. I shrugged slightly, "No", I replied sadly as he laughed loudly. 

Eventually the main had been demolished and the boys all joined together in the kitchen to make the dessert and I'm guessing Anton had been informed that we knew about him giving his number to the shop keeper. The dessert was by far the nicest dish so far. Michael tapped my arm telling me to look at Anton and Belle as I noticed them starting to argue. I could tell Belle would've been cool with it but I'm not surprised it's annoyed her a tiny bit because if it had been different circumstances outside of the Villa it would've been a dick move. The meal was over as us girls all headed away to chill on the daybeds as Belle chats about Anton's situation but she didn't think what he had done was too terrible. 

The rest of the night flowed quickly as Maura told me that Curtis was taking the daybed. After my whole nightly routine I lay in Tommy and Molly's bed as I flattened them into a three way hug. They groaned under my weight as I laughed. "I love you guys", I grinned as I squeezed them tightly. They laughed as I gave them massive kisses to the cheek. "Sorry Molls, it's all friendly don't worry, been there done... well, him", I laugh as I realised I had just kissed her boyfriend's cheek. She smacks my arm slightly as I'm pushed onto the floor with laughter. "I never want to think of my best friend having sex with my boyfriend ever again thanks", she groans but laughs slightly. As Michael comes into the room and we get cuddled up into bed, we all said our goodnight's and fell asleep soundly.

{A/N} Do you guys want me to continue this book even though the series is over orrrr? If you do then I'm hoping to have it finished within a week or so :) xx

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