Day 18

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{A/N} Our beautiful Amelia in her bikini for this episode!

I'm beginning to think that waking up back home is going to feel strange after this holiday. This villa, the people, Michael... I feel very appreciative this morning. In the dressing room, Molly talked to me quietly about her antics last night with Tommy Fury which, if i'm honest, didn't shock me in the slightest. She yarns on as she compliments 'certain things' and seems to be glowing this morning which makes me confident that it's not too soon for them if they're both so excited about it. "I'm glad your so happy babe", I smiled at her. She pulled me into a cute, tight hug as we laughed. 

 By the pool, the boys worked out as I sat with Yewande, Amber and Amy chatting about Yewande and Danny's chat last night. She obviously feels a little bit more secure after opening up to him a bit and I'm glad because Danny deserves the attention Yewande is now willing to give and Yewande deserves the love Danny could give her. "Do you not get frustrated?", I heard Amber ask me on a swift topic change, meaning in bed... at night... with Michael. We all stare at Michael as he rinses off in the outdoor shower. I shrug my shoulder as I turn to face them. "Not really", I laugh before mouthing 'YES' dramatically causing the girls to laugh. Michael stares at us curiously before I smile and wave at him as he turns away and I fan myself jokingly.

Ya' know what, it is what it is!... Whatever happens, happens?

To cure our boredom, Myself, Amber, Maura and Molly-Mae all joined together and created a dance routine. Molly and I were proper going for it, making Maura and Amber laugh. "Curtis!", I yelled for him as he sat with Amy watching our entertainment. I waved him over as he helped us create a routine. It took a good hour for all of us to be able to do it in sync but when we did, I don't think I have ever seen such happiness on our faces in here so far. When we finish, we all take a jump into the pool to rinse off the sweat as Michael joins us and hovers around the pool with us, his arms around my waist and mine around his neck. As we're laughing, we look over just in time to see Yewande place herself awkwardly on Danny's lap. I gasped as I put my hand to my mouth, giggling as I cheered her on internally. 

After a while, we're lounging on the beanbags as we hear Maura yell, "I've got a text!". We all open our ears and listen as she reads it out.

Girls, Pucker up and get ready to lock lips with each of the boys in today's kissing competition. #Snogathon #TenOutOfTen 

We all cheered but I grew nervous as I realised I would have to snog all the boys in here... on one hand, that's quite exciting then on the other hand, it's quite gross because I don't want to snog anybody in here but Michael. Of course, as the boys lined up, Maura went first and she went to town on each and every single boy. I wasn't even jealous, I just found it very amusing. Gradually, the girls went down the line until they reached me as I sighed and laughed as I approached the boys. Okay, I'm a competitive shit so I had to snog everyone but Michael got a lot more than everyone else and I smiled and internally patted myself on the back when I got a 10/10 from him.

I rate myself ten out of ten for everything... but no apparently not, apparently i'm a shit kisser sooo... well Michael didn't seem to think so, so I guess that's all that matters. You know what, it was probably my height.

In the end, Amy was last, Amber came 6th, Maura, Molly-Mae and Yewande were joint 4th, Arabella came 3rd, in 2nd place was Lucie meaning in 1st place was myself. I was awarded a round of applause which was cut off my awkwardness at the boys realisation that Curtis gave Arabella a 10 on 'good connection' after giving Amy a 7. I could tell she didn't find the situation as amusing as everyone else as she stalked away after it to the bathroom, followed by Curtis. She reappeared, ranting in the kitchen to Molly before walking off again. 

It was a challenge, I think Amy just needs to relax a bit. 

Later that night after we were all changed, I sat with Arabella near the fire-pit, chatting about the challenge before the conversation turned to Michael. "How are you two?", she questioned. I nodded my head as I smiled slightly, "Yeah, I think we're going great and I think we're on the same page, that like 'that's us until we get dumped and we'll see what happens' page, you know?", I replied. She nodded briefly, smiling. "Do you think you're kind of going too quick or...", she trailed off as I raised an eyebrow. I shook my head slowly, "Well... no, not really. Why? Do you?", I retaliated as she shrugged her shoulders. "I think your cute together, and I could see yous' lasting but I feel like you both haven't been properly tested yet... like, there's nobody so far that's came in trying to get to know Michael while your this close with him, so you never know I guess", she answered. I looked at her before nodding and agreeing slowly.

I get where Arabella is coming from like, I really do... but If me and Michael are happy I don't get why that's any of her concern. And, I don't understand how she can come in and after one day think she can change my whole mindset about me and Michael.

"I got a text!", Curtis broke our conversation thankfully. 
Amy and Curtis, You're going on a date. Please get ready to leave the villa. #TurnThat7IntoA10

We all laughed at the irony before laughing as cheering for them as I hugged her lightly. We waved them off as they left for their date as I walked over to Michael and went to chat with him on the terrace. I sighed as my palms got sweaty. I'd be lying if what Arabella said didn't get to me. Because it did, so very regrettably. "You alright?", he questioned lightly placing his hand on my thigh. I nodded and smiled slightly. "Yeah, just wanted to have a chat with you about something...", I trailed off. He nodded for me to continue, and I did. "Right so... do you think we're like, I don't know how to word it but... too perfect?", I stuttered. I hated the nerves I feel around him in general never mind the extra nerves surrounding this conversation. He raised his eyebrows, "I don't know what you mean... where's this come from?". I shrugged my shoulders. "I mean, do you think our journey in here has been to easy? Like we haven't been tested?", I sigh. "Amelia, honestly, where is this coming from? Because, not even 12 hours ago I was pretty sure we were on the same page", I can hear the undertone of annoyance in his voice.

"We are on the same page! It's just, I was having a chat with Arabella earlier and-" "So, Arabella is putting doubts into your head? After one day, like you believe everything she's saying?", he suddenly retracts his hand from my thigh and raises his voice slightly. I huffed, "You're not listening to me Michael-" "I've heard enough, Amelia", he sighed as he cut me off, storming off the terrace as I could hear Amy and Curtis come back from their date in the distance. I was in a state of shock at how south that argument went... I was only asking a simple question. I rubbed my forehead forcefully in annoyance as tears of anger began to spill. I looked over the terrace wall to see Michael sat with Tommy as Arabella and Yewande had a heated chat. He looked pissed. I sighed in frustration as I entered the dressing room and got changed into my pyjamas and went straight to bed with my eye mask on to block out the light of the room and my fellow islanders seeing my tears. I laid, exhausted and anxious before closing my eyes and drifting off into a dreamless and uncomfortable sleep.

{A/N} Oh goddd, things are hitting the rocks for Michael and Amelia and it's getting quite close to Casa Amor... I wonder how things will go for our couple ;) x
P.S I'm sorry for the slow updates the last couple of days but hopefully this chapter makes up for it. Please do vote, follow and leave me some nice comments. I appreciate it <3

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