Day 19

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{A/N} Double update ;)) Amelia's bikini in the image!

The next morning the room I woke up in seemed foreign. Just yesterday I was saying how it was beginning to feel like home... this morning it seemed different. Maybe it was the tension between Yewande, Danny and Arabella or maybe it was the disappointment of finding Michael had stayed out on the day-beds. As I wiped my eyes, hoping to wake myself up more I blinked and saw my three best girls sitting on my bed, with worried faces. Amber, Molly-Mae and Maura sat comfortably on my bed with distinct looks on their faces. The 'I'm not going to push you to tell me what happened but tell me what happened', type of look. I sighed and hugged Maura, who was sitting closest to me as she hugged me back tightly. I really wanted the hug I get routinely from Michael so I found it in Maura, immediately feeling comfort. She stroked my hair as I pulled back. I gave Amber and Molly brief hugs before mumbling quietly, "I've fucked it basically". I got up and stalked away before they could question what happened. 

I need to talk to Michael, like badly but I know he's not gonna' wanna' listen to me right now... so, i'm gonna leave him be and to be fair, I don't really want to talk to him either because of how he jumped to conclusions last night. I'm also too stubborn to apologise because I don't exactly think I did anything to deserve his attitude last night.

I washed my face as Anton appeared in the doorway of the bathroom, me being the last one out of bed I was the only one not dressed. He looked at me pitifully before hugging me slowly. I hugged him back and huffed. "What'd he tell you then?", I asked annoyed. He shook his head, "Just that you don't believe in him... that your trusting Arabella over him... and you're having doubts, now... so is he", he finished. The last part stung. I'm not having doubts but he is. I sighed, "How did a simple question turn to us doubting each other?". He held my face and placed a kiss to my forehead in a brotherly way. I smiled genuinely at the exchange. "You'll work it out, whether it's Michael your supposed to be with or not, you'll work it out eventually", he steadily informed me. I nodded mumbling a 'hopefully' in response before he left me to get changed. 

I walked down to the garden and saw Michael standing with the boys in the kitchen as I speed-walked past and sat on the beanbags with Yewande and Amy. "Where'd you go last night?", her thick irish accent asked. "I was exhausted and me and Michael had a bit of a fight so I was upset but it's fine... what'd I miss last night?", I responded, leaving out any detail about mine and Michael's current position. Amy chatted about her date with Curtis and how they've mended their tiny fight which made me even more depressed then I was before. Yewande filled me in on all of the drama with her, Danny and Arabella and how Danny is indecisive and is telling different things to them both. Apparently, Tom and Maura shared a kiss too which put a smile on my face. It's scary how much you miss in this villa when you go to sleep early for one night.

When I realised Michael had retaliated from the kitchen, I jogged up to fill my water bottle alongside Lucie. "Did you go to bed early last night?", she asked curiously. I nodded and sighed, deciding to let Lucie in a little. "Yeah, Michael and I had a fight so I just went to bed", I replied. She nodded and realised, "So, that's why he was on the daybeds?". I nodded. "Yeah I heard him whispering to Tommy before he went out", she claimed as I nodded for her to continue. "He said to him he was spending the night on the daybeds to give you both space because you both need it... what happened?", she replied. I sighed, I don't want space. I wish I hadn't opened my mouth at all now. I shrugged her off hoping she would take the hint that I didn't want to talk about it, which she did thankfully and hugged me before walking out of the kitchen. 

Suddenly, Arabella screams she got a text and I dreaded the challenge that was to come. I haven't spoken one word to Michael today and having to do some sort of coupley challenge would be the death of me. 

Girls, It's time to hop it, as you all compete in today's challenge, Gym Bunnies. #AtItLikeRabbits #RunRabbitRun

All the girls cheered and ran to get ready as Amber approached me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as she reassured me the challenge would be fine... she was wrong.

The challenge was one of the most awkward experiences of my life. The outfit was uncomfortable and of course I was up first and having Michael as my PT wasn't the most comfortable thing either. Downing the protein shake made me sick, the bunny hops killed my legs, I hate carrots and I couldn't even look Michael in the eye never mind give him a bunny kiss. I pitied Yewande's position in that challenge more than myself though. In the end, Maura was crowned the winner as her speed shocked us all. We all ventured off to the villa after as Michael  continued to ignore me, and I him. 

In the dressing room that night I was still abnormally quiet, the girls noticed this but were too cautious and wary to mention anything. I appreciate that about my girls, they know me front and back but they're never seen me like this before - quiet, awkward and snappy. Props to how they're handling it though, I just wish Michael would talk to me. As I hovered around downstairs everyone seemed to be doing their own thing in their little groups. I saw Michael with the boys, he was laughing and joking around and as he caught a glimpse of me looking out of place his smile dropped and he seemed almost guilty. I sighed and walked over to where Maura was sitting with Anton, talking about him shaving everywhere. Maura smiled brightly as I sat with them, seemingly surprised like the rest of the people who were there. She returned to Anton, "What so it's just, Arsehole Wednesdays?", she questions sarcastically as I laugh loudly. She smiled at my amusement and her phone suddenly goes off. 

Maura, As the winner of today's challenge you may now invite a boy of your choice to spend the night with you in the hideaway. #HappyBunny #DoNotDisturb

Obviously she picked Tom and we all cheered and joked around before I dragged Maura upstairs to talk and change as the rest of the girls followed. "I've kissed him three times!", she screams while laughing. We all chat and laugh at the girls excitement and Maura's embarrassment. Up in the dressing room, me and Maura faintly hear the overly-excited chat of the boys and grew curious. We went downstairs and walked with linked arms to where the boys were chatting on the daybeds. The things we hear, shock both Maura and I as she calls Tom over and I walk away to give them space. "It'll be interesting to see if she's all mouth or not", he said cockily. I gasped and looked back at Maura. "Tom, don't be a fucking arsehole", I fume as I walk towards the kitchen. He looked at me and raised his arms in confusion. Maura called his name again, more tempered than before. I watch as the boys act immaturely at the transaction between them both. I've been a bundle of mixed emotions since last night - upset, annoyed, distant but right now I'm just angry. 

I'm angry at how things have escalated this far, i'm angry at how much of an arse Michael and the rest of the boys are being. Michael was the start of my anger and I have a very short fuse, so I apologise boys but you've all just blown my circuit box. I looked at them, literally feeling smoke come out of my ears. "Will you all have some fucking respect like? Jesus Christ, just 'cause Maura is open about sex doesn't mean she's gonna let any cocky little shit stick it on her. Your all sat here giggling like a bunch of fucking hormonal teenage boys and it's pathetic if i'm being honest", I scream at them as they all look at me wide eyed. "So yous' can all call me and the girls when your balls have dropped", I finished as I stormed away just in time for Maura to finish lashing out at Tom. "Amelia, wait!", I heard Michael stammer. I scoff in disbelief, now he wants to talk? 

"Amelia, whats wrong?", he asks forcefully. I shake my head, "You don't get to do that Michael, come up and comfort me as if you haven't ignored me all day or as if you hadn't jumped to conclusions last night. You don't even know what I wanted to say last night because your head was so far up your own arse! I trust you and you know that. So fuck off, I don't want to talk to you", I bark as I stormed away. His hand lightly grabbed my wrist. "Amelia...", he softly said. I turned back around, his face was much softer now. I shake my head and release his grip. "I'm sorry Michael... I just need to be out of here right now". I stalk away and feel tears welling up again. I haven't cried this much about something since my cat died three years ago. 

I don't know what's wrong with me. I've known him three weeks, I've gotten so close to him and so attached to him but I don't understand why I've taken this fall out so hard. I must like him more than I think... 

{A/N} This chapter is so long ugh I suppose it makes up for me not posting for a bit :)
I lovee writing the dramatic scenes, they make me do like an evil laugh but on the inside. Hope you're all enjoying so far! Let's see how long I can make their fight last without ripping the arse of it... maybe to Casa Amor? ;) x

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