Day 34

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"How was your first night in the Villa?", I question Chris as we sit on the bar stools. He nods and smiles, "Decent, it was decent". "Who have you got an eye on then?", I ask him curiously as I take a sip from my personalised bottle. He laughs and puts a finger to his nose, suggesting he wasn't going to tell me. I whined slightly as he laughed again, "You'll find out soon". I roll my eyes and shove him slightly, apparently stronger than I thought as I caught him completely off guard as he slipped off the stool and fell to the floor onto his back. I gasped but as soon as I saw he was laughing, I laughed alongside him; to the point where my sides hurt. Well there's a clip for unseen bits. Our laughter is cut off by Francesca yelling, "I've got a text". 

Francesca and Chris, This afternoon you will each be going on two dates, please now choose your first dates and ask them out. #DecisionsDecisions #SpoiltForChoice 

I turned to Chris and smirked, "Looks like I'm finding out sooner than you thought". He rolled his eyes, still laying on the floor as I gave him a hand up. He thanked me as he called out to everyone, "Uhh... I'm gonna go with Belle. Please". I laughed at Anton's expression alongside the boys as they all walked away to get ready after Fran had chosen Ovie. After they had gotten ready, we hugged them goodbye and laughed as Chris turns to Anton. "Sorry Anton... I love you really mate", he apologises. We all chuckle at his politeness as Anton waves him off, "I know you do". As I'm lying on the daybed with Michael's arm around me Anton makes a snake motion as Chris walks out as we both slap his arm. 

Time passes as Mike and I lounge by the pool as he turned to me suddenly, "Tell me something random". I look at him confused before he elaborates a bit more, "Like, tell me something about yourself that's just completely random". I think for a minute before turning to him, "I hate dominos pizza". He looks at me with wide eyes and dramatically gets up and lifts his beanbag chair to the other side of the garden. "I can't have that babe.... I'm afraid we're just not going to work out", he jokingly shouts to me as everyone looks at us. I roll my eyes before walking towards him and pecking him quickly. "They're overrated babe", I laugh before walking away. He laughs behind me and shouts a quick 'love you' as I turn around blowing him a kiss before heading to the kitchen where Marvin was. Great. We haven't talked since his weird confession because of how awkward and uncomfortable I felt after it. 

Thankfully before anything could be said between us, Curtis gets a text saying he's Fran's choice for her second date and I could tell Maura would've been fuming... until her phone was chiming; signalling she was Chris' second choice for a date. The girls all head up to the dressing room to help Maura change and wave her and Curtis off when they were changed and ready. Minutes later, Belle and Ovie come strolling back in from their dates as Belle sits with us girls telling us about how all she could think of on the date was Anton as we all were in awe of her and Anton's relationship.

I love Anton like my brother and I'm glad that someone as amazing as Belle has come his way honestly, I'm buzzing for them. 

Soon enough they returned from their dates and Curtis seemed very smiley while Maura seemed chilled out. I gave them all hugs as I left Maura for last. "Well?", I whispered into her hear. She shook her head, "I fancy Curtis even more after that... I swear to god that man". I laughed in her ear as she pulled back and rolled her eyes before groaning and continuing to hug the others. Later in the day, I'm sat with Maura, Amber and Molly as Maura rants about Curtis and Francesca again. "I think I gave myself whiplash then...", she muttered as she rubbed her neck, after mimicking Fran's actions on the date which had me laughing as Amber joined in. Our conversation was cut off by Belle coming over. "Amelia babe...", she trails off suspiciously.

"What's up?", I ask her slowly. She smiles innocently at me, "Would you mind cutting my hair?". I groaned and threw my head back dramatically, yet jokingly. "Yeah hun, course", I laugh in response. "Let me go and grab my scissors, what're ya' lookin' just a trim?", I call out to her as I walk up to the dressing room. She nods as I venture off. When I reappear with my things, Belle is sitting in the chair that Mike and Tommy had sat in the day I was cutting their hair and the girls had moved their beanbags to the same area to chat with us, well so I thought. When I had finished with Belle's hair she thanked me as I took the towel off from around her neck. Before I could clear up Maura had placed herself in the chair as I rolled my eyes at her hints. I groaned internally. "Last one, I swear to god you all better learn how to cut your own fucking hair...", I call out to everyone in the Villa as they laugh loudly.

After a morning of feeling like I'm back home and at work, we're all lounging by the pool as Molly's phone chimes.

Islanders, Tonight you will get each other's hearts racing in a boys vs girls challenge. #DirtyDancing #BringOnTheFlutters

We all head off to get ready as we're all a bundle of nerves and excitement for the challenge we're being faced with. In the dressing room was a pile of costumes for us girls as we all picked our choices. I watched on the terrace as the girls headed down one by one and they had decided that i'd be going last which I was fine with if I'm being honest, saving the best for last you know. My costume didn't consist of much... literally; It was basically a 100% mesh cat costume paired with the ears and a tail as I strutted as sexily as I could down the stairs. "Saving the best for last, aye boys?", I smirked as I strolled towards Jordan firstly. I ran a hand up his chest as I bit my lip and turned around, shaking what my mother gave me, just a little. "Oh damn", I heard Mike mutter. The rest of the lads had gotten the same type of treatment, Marvin even less, and I intentionally left Mike to last. I slowly placed myself either side of his legs as i licked my lip and winked at him, grinding slightly before attacking him in a heated kiss. The rest of the guys and girls all cheered and hollered as I strolled away, swinging my ass slightly; heading back towards the girls.

Then it was the boys turn and it was absolutely hilarious seeing those boys. I think the highlights of my night was having Ovie grind on me, Marvin trying so hard bless him and then Chris' dancing. At Mike's turn, I was the hottest I had ever been. He put his sword behind my head before grabbing my hands as he ran them down his chest and around the back to his bum, then before I knew it I was lifted off the ground and was pulled into a sweaty kiss. As he walked away, I genuinely had to fan myself to calm down the redness.

I mean, jesus.

Eventually we were all gathered around the fire-pit together as Amber read out the boys results. "Tommy, your heart rate was raised the most by Molly"
"Chris... by Amelia"
"Jordan... by Belle"
"Michael... by Amelia"
"Curtis... by Maura"
"Anton... by Francesca"
"Marvin... by Amelia"
"Ovie... by Amelia"
The boys were sat laughing at the fact that Chris, Mike, Ovie and Marvin's heartbeats were all raised the most by me but I could tell Amber was annoyed that Jordan's was raised the most by Belle. Then, it was the girls turn to get their results.
"Francesca, your heart rate was raised the most by Jordan"
"Belle... by Anton"
"Maura... by Curtis"
"Amber... by Jordan"
"Molly... by Jordan"
"Amelia... by Michael".

It was revealed that the girls had won that challenge as we all celebrated a really fun way to end another night in the Love Island Villa.

{A/N} I cringed writing this one to be fair, I hate writing the words 'bum' 'arse' or 'ass' so yeah I had to close my eyes while typing it. Hope your loving this story x
P.S It is a true fact up there, I hate dominos pizza :/
P.P.S I still love Greg, thank you and goodnight x

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