Day 1 (The Coupling)

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{A/N} Amelia's bikini above! Bold means they're speaking in the beach hut!

As I pulled up to the villa, I could feel myself shaking with nerves. This place is literally massive and I am guaranteed to get lost in it multiple times. I could hear two female voices and walked towards them being greeted by two beautiful girls. "I actually can't believe this", I mumbled to myself as I walked towards them. "Hi babe!", the tan skinned girl greeted me in a familiar accent. I smiled back, "you alright babe? I'm Amelia", I replied smiling. She smiled massively, "I'm Amber! Oh my god, i'm so happy to have another Geordie in 'ere". I laughed in response, "I know, you'll probably be the only one to understand 'is", I replied in my thick accent. I turned to the other girl, tall and blonde. "Hiya I'm Amy, would you like a drink?", she asked nicely. I nodded instantly. "I need it, i'm actually more nervous then I thought i'd be".

We all laughed as we chatted some more while sitting around the fire-pit. "So, what's your type then?", Amber asks. I shrugged, "to be honest I don't really have one, like as long as they've got a great sense of humour and can handle me then I think that's enough". The two girls laughed and were cut short when a beautiful, darker skinned girl comes prancing into the villa. "Hey guys!", she greeted with a wide smile. We all greeted each other and she introduced herself as Yewande. "Your accent is adorable babe! I'm Amelia". She laughed and thanked me. We chatted for a bit and found out more about each other and I could already tell they'll make great friends in here. "So, what do yas do then?", I asked. "I'm a scientist", Yewande shyly answered. I looked at her shocked, along with the rest of the girls. 

"Well I wasn't expecting that", Amy exclaimed as we laughed. "Well, i'm an air hostess", she replies. "I would hate that, I am honestly terrified of flying. I was a mess on the way over here", I exclaimed wide eyed. The girls laughed once again, as I continued "i'm a hairdresser so that's a bit shit compared to the scientist over there". Yewande shook her head as Amber agreed with me explaining how she's a beauty therapist. Soon enough, a beautiful bubbly blonde entered the villa. "Hi girls! I'm Lucie. You all look amazing!", she exclaims. I laughed and gave her a hug, "Hiya babe! I'm Amelia". She smiled at me. We all walked and poured some more drinks, making small talk. We all sat around the fire-pit as we heard the sound of heels clicking. As Caroline enters we all cheer loudly.

"Hello ladies! How exciting is this? You're all looking lovely. Are we ready to find love?", she questions. We all nod and cheer as she sits next to us. "So has this been a long time coming?". We all nod as I let out a dramatic yes. Caroline lets out a laugh, "Have you ever been in love before Amelia?". I sighed, "you know what, i'm only 23 years old and I've literally had one boyfriend, he was younger then me, he lived all the way up in Manchester and it only lasted 8 months because he was an arsehole so I am very much looking forward to meeting a man for once". Caroline nodded, "so you're kind of looking for an older man?", I shake my head in response. "Well , that would be great but not specially. If they're around my age but act older and is a gentleman then that would be great too". 

Caroline nodded, "Are we ready to meet the boys then?". We all cheered an enthusiastic yes as we lined up beside the pool. "Girls, it's time to couple up. The boys will come in one by one and i'll ask you to step forward if you fancy them. The boy will then decide who he wants to couple up with", she explains. "So, everybody this is Anton", she introduces him as a shorter, attractive brunette comes walking down the stairs. "I bet you didn't expect a Scottish accent coming outta' this", he smiled. And he would be right because I was quite shocked. "Hello ladies!". As Caroline explains to Anton the simple instructions I feel him looking at us. He's fit, yeah, but he's not my type and i'm almost positive he shaves his legs. "Okay, before you make your decision i'm gonna ask the girls to step forward if they fancy you, to make it a bit easier for you", she explains. "So, girls if you fancy Anton, please, step forward". 

There's an awkward pause before Amy steps forward. "Amy why did you step forward?", Caroline asks as Amy responds shortly, "Because I have eyes", to which we all laughed as Anton chose to couple up with Amy.  "Amelia, why didn't you step forward?", Caroline asks as I laughed. I turned to Anton curiously, "Do you shave your legs?". He nods, "My mum usually shaves my bum for me". All the girls gasped and laughed loudly at his confession as the coupling up continued. To sum it up,  dark skinned, broad Sherif chose to couple up with Amber after any girl failed to step forward for him which was quite awkward... it was definitely that shirt. Then entered pale and long-haired Joe who chose to couple up with Lucie which didn't surprise anyone. "Amelia and Yewande, what are you two waiting on?", Caroline laughed. I shrugged, "I just want to feel like proper butterflies". Caroline nodded her head, "Well hopefully this is the one, girls meet Callum". 

A tall and attractive looking guy comes strutting into the villa. Out of everyone so far, he is mostly my type but there's still something missing. Amber steps forward as I smiled, at least she's taken a fancy to someone. Callum then chose to couple up with Amber, leaving Sherif on the subs bench. "Girls, please welcome your final love islander, this is Michael". As he comes walking casually into the villa, he smiles brightly and I could feel my stomach lift a bit. He's tanned, he has tattoo's and his accent is incredible. "Girls, if you fancy Michael please step forward". I let out a huff of air as I stepped forward instantly, as Michael smiled widely at me. I look out of the corner of my eye and see Yewande stepped forward too. "Can I step forward?", I heard Anton ask jokingly as I laughed loudly. "Michael both Yewande and Amelia have stood forward for you. So, who would you like to couple up with?". Michael glances at us both before speaking, "I'd like to couple up with Amelia". I sighed in relief as I pulled Yewande into a side hug.

Michael walks over to me and smiles at me cutely as he slings his arm around my waist. We greet each other as we stand next to each other. "You two look adorable... well, Sherif that means that because there are no more boys entering the villa, you are instantly coupled up with Yewande. He gets up from the bench and jogs over to her as they greet each other. "So we officially habe our Love Island couples. We have Amber and Callum, Amy and Anton, Lucie and Joe, Yewande and Sherif and Amelia and Michael. Caroline eventually bids her farewells and we all turn to greet each other. I smiled and laughed as I talked with Amber. I felt like we would grow close in the villa. I felt a tap on my shoulder as Michael smiled down at me. 

"Would you like to come for a chat?". 

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