Day 25 - Michael's POV

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My sleep on the daybed wasn't as uncomfortable as it could have been, I woke up with one girl on my mind slipping a knowing smile on my face. My mind drifted suddenly to where Amelia had slept last night and if she had done what I had... I can only hope. "Mornin'", I heard a voice call out behind me as I turned to see Joanna hovering around the kitchen in a white bikini as I felt my heart jump once from looking at her. "You alright?", I ask politely as I coughed trying to banish my groggy morning voice. She nods slightly and smiled. We sat by the pool with Anton and chatted quietly before she got up and left me and Anton by ourselves. "What're you sayin' then? About Amelia and Joanna", he trailed off. I huffed. "I genuinely, don't know mate. Like, I never thought my head could be turned with Amelia but i'm enjoying Joanna's company... But I don't know her as well as I know Amelia", I ranted. "If there was a recoupling now, who would you pick?", he asked. My heart jumped as the answer came to me instantly.

"Amelia. There's some things I need to tell her", I replied cautiously as he raised his eyebrows and I gave him a look telling him not to ask. He nodded and patted my shoulder. "I'll ask you the same question tomorrow morning mate", he concluded as he got up and walked away. I sighed as my mind began to wander again, thinking of the two girls. My thoughts are interrupted by a text message coming through to Anton as he reads it aloud for us to hear.

Islanders, This afternoon The Villa will take on Casa Amor in a series of cheeky challenges. The first villa to complete each challenge wins a point. The villa that receives the most will win a party tonight. #OneNilDown #UpYourGame

We all cheered at our second opportunity to win a challenge against Amelia and the rest of the girls at Casa Amor. I took a seat on a beanbag chair as the challenge began. Anton had a fast enough reaction to the first question as he kissed Joanna's cheek being 'The girl he fancied the most'. I felt a sheer, almost invisible feeling of jealousy and longing. The game continued as challenges were flung back and forth. "One girl and one boy must top and toe in a bed, in the bedroom. Go!", as soon as the challenge was announced I took it upon myself to sprint towards the bedroom ans grabbed Joanna's hand tightly, on instinct, as we raced to lay down. "I almost fell", she laughed. "I just had to pull you!", I responded as we headed back to the rest and sat down, revealing we had won that one.

"Three islanders must jump in the pool and perform an underwater three-way kiss". At this myself, Tommy and Nabila all jumped into the villa as we laughed through the wet, disastrous kiss. "Michael, my tongue was in your mouth mate", Tommy laughed as I agreed. Just as we had sat down, it seemed to be my choice again as the next challenge was for the oldest boy, being myself, to snog a girl of my choice. I jumped up instantly as my eyes locked on Joanna as my lips attacked hers. "That's it", I heard Anton joke in the background as I pulled back and laughed loudly with everyone else. My arm remained hovering around her waist, I'm not sure why. After we won that challenge, I realised Amelia would figure out I'm the oldest and I had won. At that, I snapped back to reality as I pictured Amelia's face.

Hopefully, Amelia knows that it was a game. She should know.

After the game had finished and we were deemed the winners, we all cheered and celebrated at the thought of our party tonight. We all headed upstairs as the sun set and got dressed for our well-earned party. As everyone got dressed, I put a hand into my dresser and felt my glasses that I know Amelia loves. I laugh at the memory of the girl with my glasses on, so huge compared to her tiny head that they slide down past her chin and dangle off her face.

Michael and Amelia lay on a daybed as their friends went about their day as normal, ignoring their public displays off affection. Amelia giggled as Michael laced his large hands with her small ones. "I quite fancy you in those glasses", she giggles shyly. Michael smirks knowingly as she took them off his face and delicately slipped them onto hers. She laughed and looked at him as he watched the oversized glasses slip off of her face, not resting on her face for a second, and fall hitting the bed. "You've got a tiny face", Michael joked as she playfully hit his shoulder. "No, It's just because yours is massive and your ears don't balance it out because they're tiny", Amelia counters as he laugh. He gasped jokingly at her insult as he put his glasses back on before placing a kiss to her forehead. Amelia gave Michael a longing look as he kissed her lips gently. "You're cute", she whispered. He smiled slightly as the glasses slipped off of my face as we both laughed. 'You're cute', he thought.

Cute. I slip them on as I check my appearance a final time before heading out and letting the party begin. We danced, drank and laughed together completely enjoying our party and making the most out of it. Suddenly, Joanna comes over and pulls me for a chat. "How do you feel at the moment then?", she asks nicely. I hesitate and make a noise of confusion as she continues to talk about how she feels that we get along and that I'm attractive, and I can agree that we do get along thoroughly well. "Yeah, we obviously do get along and... I think there's a connection there as much as I don't want to admit it either because of Amelia-" "How's things with you and Amelia?", she interrupts as I could hear her tone sharply change. "We're great, I think, like we're on the same page and I really really like the girl. She's just like, an amazing person", I reply genuinely. She nods as she shoots me a strange look with a glint in her eye which made my heart race. God, my head is spiralling.

"Yeah, but with your fights and things I thought you were both done", she exclaims which shocked me. "Where'd you get that idea?", I counter. She shrugs, "Amelia said it like, she said to the girls that she doesn't feel your connection is strong anymore but she didn't get the chance to tell you before she was sent off to Casa Amor". My heart drops as I start questioning my decisions in here. Was it wrong for me to sleep on the daybeds last night? Was she with a boy? When did we lose our connection? I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. "You really liked her?", she questioned sadly. I shook my head. "I really like her... really", I trailed off. She grabbed my face delicately as she apologised. I was grateful for her comfort. I thanked her for telling me as she pulled me into a hug and pulled away but only slightly, to look into my eyes. I gulped slightly. What am I doing? Amelia doesn't like me so surely my decision should be obvious now? I have this beautiful woman in front of me telling me she's attracted to me... I can't believe Amelia didn't tell me.

My thoughts were cleared instantly at the feeling of her lips on mine. I was shocked at first but I suddenly grew comfortable and kissed her back. Amelia. As she entered my thoughts, I pulled back and stood up. I shook my head as I realised that she's one hundred percent getting to know another boy and at that my anger grew. Joanna walked back to the others with me as it was agreed that she would sleep in my bed with me tonight because I don't want to sleep on the daybeds anymore. I mean, what's the use?

{A/N} I'M BACK!! I'm sorry for how long it's taken me to update but I'm here now and here's a dramatic chapter. I would just like to say that, I personally like Joanna as a person on the show and I know I've just made her lie to Michael about Amelia but remember that this is my story and my take on Love Island 2019! Thank you all for being patient with me and thank you, as always, for reading. :) x

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