Day 26 - Amelia's POV

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{A/N} Amelia's bikini above!

I've come to the conclusion that the other Villa is my favourite. I feel at home there, and waking up there every morning brought a sense of comfort unlike in here. Waking up in the mornings brings you uneasiness because you know your one step closer to the recoupling. I had a much better sleep last night than the night before, mostly because the boys gave up their beds for me, Amy and Molly which we appreciated immensely. As the girls and I sit chatting, Amber brings up Ovie's obsession with hats. "Which is lovely but... this is his favourite hat", she laughs as she lifts up an old school looking fedora type hat from beside the bed. We all laugh hysterically at the thought of Ovie wearing that hat.

Molly, Maura and I are sat by the pool as the villa was quiet with the only noises being people talking. "I miss seeing the boys working out in the gym every morning", I suddenly announce as Maura laughs and Molly agrees. I watch as Maura plays with her split ends while staring down Dennon and Marvin. "Who are you aiming for?", I ask and she snaps her head back to me knowing what I'm talking about. "I don't know... Dennon is so nice and he's so sexy but he's too much like me, like I can't get a word in with him it's so frustrating", she huffs as I laugh in response. Suddenly, Molly pipes up and I wish she never had. "What about you then Meila? You've seemed to taken a liking to Dan", she exclaims as I sigh. "He's lovely, like he makes me laugh so so much and he can keep a conversation going for days... I love that. But then, when I'm with Michael there's just this constant feeling that I don't have around Dan", I reply. "What's that feeling?", she questions. I shook my head and thought for a minute. "I don't know... but It's scary".

Today was a lazy, sitting and chatting around the pool type of day. Those days always pass my the quickest, especially in Casa Amor. I sat with the girls in the smaller, plainer dressing room and Maura chats about her being indecisive with Marvin or Dennon. The recoupling seems to be on everybody's minds even though we don't know when it will be. After we were all dressed we all strolled out to the garden where we saw a table tennis set up with a load of cups, signalling we were playing a game of beer pong which had me and the rest of the islanders, very excited. Everyone coupled up as we all took it in turns to play against each other. At mine and Dan's turn, obviously he was who I coupled up with, Dan missed as I got it in and I swore to myself that I will never ever let him live it down... am I expecting him to be around long enough?

"Snog the islander you fancy the most", he read as he put the cup back down on the table. I pointed at me and made a 'come hither' motion with his finger as he approached me and pulled me into probably the most decent kiss we had ever shared. We have kissed quite a lot in here... but it's all fun and games, right? At Maura's turn I could feel her awkwardness a she snogged Marvin with Dennon watching. I snickered quietly into Dan's shoulder as he laughed along with me, shaking his head. The game continued as we all had a laugh about some of the questions. After the game, I sat with Amber as we chatted about the boys back in the Villa. "I wonder if Anton's been pied again", I question out loud as she laughs loudly and replies, "I'll be surprised if he has, I mean six new girls? Come on Anton". I shrug in agreement as she then chats about Jordan and how she feels guilty for him. We looked over to see Lucie kissing George on one of the sun loungers as I turned to Amber, "So, is she picking Ivan Drago or the B-tech Jack Fincham?". Amber laughs as she shakes her head, "You're too much for me some times".

As we all head upstairs to get dressed for bed I realised that it was mine, Amy and Molly's turn to sleep outside as I groaned internally before I thought hesitantly. I strolled out of the bathroom with my toothbrush still in my mouth as I searched for Dan. "Oi, Dan!", I called out once I saw him on his bed chatting to the other boys. He turned his head to look at me. "Do you mind if I sleep with you tonight?", I ask genuinely with a slight cocky undertone. I don't mean to honestly, I just had this tiny, little, massive inkling that he would say yes so his answer didn't surprise me but I can tell my question shocked him. "Uh- yeah, I mean, of course... yeah, you can sleep with me", he stuttered. Where's your confidence now pretty boy? I smirked and pulled the toothbrush out of my mouth. "Great!", I replied with a mouth full of toothpaste as it shot everywhere, making the boys laugh as I walked away. "Are you not sleeping with us?", Molly asked me shocked. I shook my head. "It's so uncomfortable, Dan's letting me sleep with him", I replied. She raises an eyebrow but proceeds to walk outside anyway with Amy on her heel.

I laid down beside Dan and got comfortable but not cuddling up against him. The lights went out as we all said goodnight and I felt Dan's hand touch my arm, gaining my attention. "I'm glad you slept here", he whispered. I hummed in agreement. "The daybed is uncomfortable", I reply as he agrees. "I'm really enjoying my time with you", he continued as I smiled slightly. I felt my cheeks tint as I was thankful the room was pitch black. "I know... me too", I replied honestly as I felt my stomach heave. "Goodnight, Amelia", he whispers as he rubs his hand up and down my back and arms. I smiled at the exchange. "Night, Dan", I replied as I turned back to him and kissed him gently on the cheek, holting his movements, as I turned back over and drifted into a slumber. The entire time my thoughts
focusing on the confusing, mixed emotions I have for the two boys in two separate villas.

{A/N} I know this chapter is a little shorter, but it's just a filter chapter with the recoupling looming in the next couple chapters :) x

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