Day 8

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{A/N} The pj's up above are Amelia's for the end of the chapter!

I woke up the next morning feeling more tired then normal. Which isn't great because i'm never a pleasure to be around when i'm tired. "Amelia you're fucking fit". I laughed and hit Michael as I walked upstairs to get changed. That's put a smile on my face at least, I bumped into Lucie who was talking to Molly-Mae about Danny and how he said she is his type which Tommy isn't happy with. Everywhere I sat with the girls Danny, Yewande and Molly-Mae seemed to be the topic so I decided to sit with my legs in the pool, trying to avoid the drama. While I may be a mouthy girl, getting involved in drama isn't my thing unless I am involved. 

"You alright?", I hear Danny ask behind me. I look up at him and nod as he sits beside me. "How are you?", he asks politely. "I'm great, how are you feelin' about Yewande and Molly-Mae?", I ask curiously. He shakes his head in response. "They're both great girls and I want to get to know them both", he answers. I nod slowly. "Well, who do ya' fancy the most?", I smirked as he laughed. "If i'm being honest.. probably you", he answered which shocked me. I looked at him and laughed, "Aw you're too cute. Thank you", I chuckled. 

I'm not really fazed by Danny if I'm honest... like he seems too high maintenance for me. I know I've only known him like, a day, but he seems... I don't know - something just seems off...

Danny continues chatting to me about little things until I forced a lie that I needed to speak to Michael, it's not that I hated talking to him, it's just that I really wanted to be around Michael for some reason. I walked up to the kitchen where I saw Michael chatting with Anton. "Hope i'm not interrupting", I laughed. They looked up at me and smiled. "Not at all", Anton answered as Michael gave me a kiss. I smiled up at him. "So what do you two think about the whole Danny, Yewande and Molly situation?", I asked. Anton shrugged, "It is what it is, like, i'd love to get to know Molly-Mae more but if she fancies Danny and Tommy then I'll step back a little". I feel quite bad for Anton, he hasn't had much luck in here.

I stay chatting with them until the sun starts setting as we run into the villa to get changed routinely.  As night falls, we all sit scattered around the garden as I lay on the swing with my head in Michael's lap. We were laughing and joking around. "So, I heard Danny has taken a liking 'til ya'", he proposes. I laughed and looked at him before nodding, "He said out of all the girls in here he fancies me the most looks ways". Michael nodded his head and said, "Well I don't blame him... so are you open to getting to know him? Or anybody else who comes in?". I smirked slightly at his questions. "Well, Danny I'm not too sure 'cause he seems a bit too... posh or something for me and if anyone else was to come in... at the minute, I would give them a chance but not much of one", I replied. Michael smiled. "I'm pretty content for the time being though", I continued. I lifted my head up as he pulled me in for a long, deep kiss that I smiled through. We were cut off by Tommy shouting, "I got a text!".  

Islanders, the hideaway is open tonight, please choose a lucky couple to spend the night alone. #DontBeShy #AloneTime

We all cheer as we come to an instant and unanimous decision to send Curtis and Amy as they've been getting very close recently. The boys jumped on Curtis and we guided Amy up to get her ready. "Sexy pj's then babe?", I smirked. She giggled as she turns to me, "Only if you do though, I don't want to look like a try hard", she grins. I roll my eyes but nod my head in agreement nonetheless. We slipped on our pj's as we walked down to the bedroom where Curtis was talking with Michael because we were the last two ready. We strolled in as Curtis took Amy away, I got cuddled up into bed with Michael. We all said goodnight as the lights went down. "What's with the sexy pj's?", I heard Michael whisper. I laughed quietly. "Amy made me", I shrugged innocently. Michael smiled as we shared a kiss and his hand stayed firm on my bum. We drifted off to sleep soundly that night. 

{A/N} I never thought i'd see the day where I wrote a chaper under 1000 words for this book, I swear to god. This chapter has literally nothing exciting and I just can't wait to get caught up to date because these next few chapters might be a bit boring so I apologise in advance x 

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