Day 29

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"What's your favourite snack?", George questioned me, Lucie and Maura as we hovered in the kitchen the next day. He is a very strange lad. "Salt and vinegar crisps", Lucie says as I nod in agreement. "I like prawn cocktail", he trails off in a monotone voice. I gag as Lucie agrees and he continues to talk about other various snacks. What a strange conversation to have in the morning time. Later on that day the girls are all drowsing on about how they would love to be in love again. "What's it like, Melia?", Maura asked me jokingly as I giggled. My eyes caught Michael in the corner of the garden with the boys as he laughed at something Tommy had said. As soon as my eyes caught him, a smile grew on my lips and my stomach was fluttering. I couldn't imagine my love island journey without that boy honestly and I'm glad I found the idiot when I did. I remember the moment I realised I loved him like it was yesterday and how scared I was.

"Amelia!", the girls all called at the same time as I was pulled out of my daydream. They laughed at my confused face. "You zoned out", Amber laughed. "Yeah... just got distracted is all", I replied as they all nodded and rolled their eyes at my love-sickness. The morning seemed to fly by as today was a lot less dramatic than other days. The majority of the day was spent with the girls and Michael in the pool or by the pool. After we had all gotten changed for the evening, I was sat with Maura and Lucie on the beanbags as they both share their doubts about their boys. "I was having a chat with Curtis earlier...", Maura trails off and I can already tell where the conversation was going as my jaw dropped at her confession. "That's so cute... i'm really surprised, but it's adorable", I laugh as she grows embarrassed which is a look I've never seen on Maura. 

"What I think you should do is, talk to Marvin and tell him that you can't see it working and then talk to Ames and Curtis to see what the situation is. Then nobody can complain that you didn't try and he can teach you how to dance", I suggest as she agrees and I then turn to Lucie. "And you, you have to tell Drago that he ain't your Rocky and knock him off your endless list of guys", I joke to Lucie as she laughs knowing i'm joking. Kind of. As we continued to chat, I felt a hand tap on my shoulder as I turned to find Mike pulling me for a chat as he grabbed my hand to pull me up but Maura and Lucie decide to leave instead and leave us to it. "You all good?", he questioned as I propped my legs up on his lap and hum in response, nodding. "I just wanted to have a chat with you about things with Joanna and what went down while you were gone", he starts cautiously as I nod for him to continue.

"Basically right, first night I did sleep on the daybeds then the second night I wanted my bed back and I didn't feel right making her sleep elsewhere so I did sleep in the same bed as her but there was no cuddling or nothing", he rants as I grab his hand telling him to slow down. I didn't care about the bed sharing, I just have a feeling he's telling me this to slowly build up to something bigger. "Right and then, the whole time my head was set on you and that's a fact. Like, yes I did have doubts but that was only because she was like planting different ideas into my head and telling me things that you had apparently been saying-" "Stop there. What do you mean things I'd been saying? What'd she tell you?", I cut him off shortly. He sighed, "That you'd told the girls that we didn't have a connection anymore and that you couldn't see us working on the outside". I looked at him in shock as I retracted my hand. "Did you believe her?", I question offended.

He shrugged his shoulders while sighing, "I didn't want to believe that she would make up a lie about you just to get me". "So, this girl comes in right; she's beautiful and all that... and she tells you that the girl you're in love with doesn't like you after spending a whole month by your side... and you believed her?", I concluded slowly. He didn't answer. "And when I asked you if you had told me everything that happened, you said yes which means you lied because you didn't tell me that", I continued as my attitude began to change. He still remained silent. "And you kissed this girl, so obviously... you believed her", I mumbled the last part as his head snapped up, suddenly defensive. "No! I just- you weren't here and I missed you so much and she kissed me when she saw I was upset so she manipulated me and I just-" "Mike, please shut up", I cut him off as I rubbed my head. He shut up immediately. I wasn't angry at him, I was just disappointed.

"Look, Michael i'm not going to fight with you again. Not after the damage it did last time, I just don't think I could be fucked with it. I'm not angry at you, I'm disappointed that you didn't tell me. I'm angry at her, like I-want-to-kick-the-shit-out-of-her angry. But please just promise me that that's everything and that you're done hiding things from me", I pleaded as he kissed my forehead lightly and hugged me, pulling me onto his lap. "I promise, Melia", he hummed into my hair as I pulled back. "Now, is there anything with you and Dan that I need to know about", he asked. I sighed and thought back over the three days in Casa Amor. "If I'm being honest, no. Dan will be a friend for life for me, I can tell. He's just such a lovely guy and he was so nice to me and respectful of us. He was the one I did all the challenges with, he was the one I was getting to know and then... just as we were leaving Casa Amor to come home I kissed him and that was the only time I did outside of the challenges. That was when I realised that I did love you and that Dan is nothing more than a dear friend", I reply honestly as he nods and looks grateful. He smiles at me and gives me a kiss sweetly as I smiled into it. I don't regret my choice at all and I'm glad he doesn't either. Because I really do love him. 

{A/N} I had to keep the beginning of this chapter shorter because I knew I wanted to have Michael and Amelia's conversation in this one which would take up a good bit of the chapter but I hope your enjoying reading! :) x

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