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One Month Later...

"How we looking doc, how's our baby?" Eager as hell, Dave kept asking the doctor fifty million questions each minute. I knew I couldn't take his black ass nowhere when it came to my appointments. Yes, I know he's excited to be a father, but let the doctor do his job babe, then you can ask questions.

"Well their heartbeats are perfectly fine and I believe that today will be the day you friend out abound the genders." I began to smile in pure joy, the only thing that I forgot to tell Dave is that we're having twins and not just one single baby. It seemed like every day he kept buying a shit load of diapers or baby essentials. I told him to wait until our appointment, but he just wouldn't listen. at least the diapers don't appeal to a specific gender.

"Twins? Wait a minute now doc, you mean to tell me that there's two babies up inside her? Damn my stroke game good as hell," I slapped his arm as he mumbled the last sentence, but he only laughed.

"Yes in fact there are twins, and here goes their heads," as the doctor moved the eclipse around my stomach. The gel died down from being so cold on certain spots on my stomach, but I shook off the feeling as Dave had a hold on my hand.

"As far as the genders, can you only tell me sir? I don't want this loud mouth to know," chuckling, I looked over Dave who glared at me.

"Of course, if you would like to step outside now sir, that would be good," referring to Dave, he sucked his teeth and got up out of the chair before sluggishly walking to the door and literally taking every little second to open up the door. The doctor and I looked at him and laughed.

"I'm gonna you know..be out here ya know. Want a snack? Doc you need a snack? No? Aight peace," as he pulled the door behind him, I shook my head and laughed. His ghetto ass is too extra.

"I'm sorry about him, he's just a big baby himself," sighing at Dave's silliness, I eased my mind waiting to hear what sort of results would come from the genders. It's already exciting enough that I'm gonna be a mom, but having to push out two babies? After this, I don't think I'll have any more kids for a long time.

As the doctor rubbed the eclipse around my stomach I looked at the screen as he was getting ready to speak. From my view, I could see a lil penis, but it also could be my expired contacts fucking up my vision.

"Here we have a boy, down here is the penis area and if we move down here to the other child, there is no penis present, hence a baby girl, you get the picture." Just hearing his response made me beyond happy and I was ready to tell Dave, but I must wait until the baby shower. I can't tell Alex or Regina, so I'll just keep it to myself.

For the theme, I might just do question mark balloons and decorations everywhere and have two boxes one white and the other one black. When it's time to reveal the gender, I'll have pink and blue balloons come out. So simple, and I couldn't ask for an easier way to do it. I know Dave will be excited and I might tell Slime and Candice to help make the baby shower a surprise.

"Thank you for the great news, I'll be sure to keep it a secret to him," once the doctor rubbed the jelly off of my stomach, I sat up and pulled my shirt down before swinging my legs up and off of the chair. After landing on my feet and standing up, I shook his hand before I went after Dave. His ass was sleeping with a bag of Doritos in his hand.

Tapping his shoulder to wake him up, he stretched and got up before we got ready to leave.


"Babe you want anything to eat before we get back to the house? Starbucks is right there unless you wanna go to Panera Bread," with his hand on one of my thighs and the other on the wheel, I glanced over at Panera Bread and told him I wanted to go there.

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