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One Week Later

Everything happened so strangely since my mother and aunt showed up at my door. It's been so hectic and crazy and I can't even wrap my head around it.

Once I stepped outside to have a private conversation with her, it's like she thought I was being disrespectful to not let her in. First off, this ain't even my house to begin with. Second, who told you were I was? Lastly, what do YOU even want from me?

Questions were rumbling through my brain, and all I wanted to do was blurt them out. I left home when I was a teenager to live with Regina and her mom so that I could get away from this scary drama.

When asking my mom about why she showed up, I couldn't believe her answer.

"I'm your mother, shouldn't you be happy to see me?"

She then went on and on about why I haven't reach out to her or even tell her what I've been doing all these years. She did have some nerve showing up, but I did tell her what my career choice was. Just as I was about to go inside, she said for me to tell Regina hi.

Ever since that, I rejected Regina and told her to leave the house. Not realizing how upset I was, it was right in front of everyone when I confronted her. Yelling and feeling angry, I didn't even want to show my face to anyone so I went upstairs for the rest of the night.

Dave did come upstairs half an hour later since he told people to leave and pack away food. Trying to ask me about my mother, I would always shake when trying to collect my thoughts together.

When he finally put all the pieces together from my trembling voice, he would always hold me close in the bed and before going to work. I know that telling him would make me feel sad, but never this depressed. The fact that Regina invited her made me feel worse inside.

A random Georgia number kept calling me and I knew it was my mother, but I'm NEVER going to answer, not now at least. Regina calls as well, but I'm damn near pissed at her at this point.

The new year was supposed to bless me and give me strength, but so far things aren't looking too well.

Here I was sipping on my fourth cup of coffee due to being so done with life. I just put my hair in a pineapple puff, wore a long sleeve white shirt with a long navy blue cardigan, jeans, my glasses, and Toms. And I didn't even wear ANY form of jewelry.

Normally, I would dress things up a bit, but my ass wasn't feeling it at all.

"Parker, you have a call on line one," slowly peeping through my door, Stan stuck his head in shrugging a small smile before I raised up my pen slowly before he closed back the door.

Picking up the telephone and raising it up to my head, I press the button, "Ms. Hardware speaking, how may I assist you?" sounding a hint sluggish, I just wanted to hang up and not hear anyone at this point in time.

"Yes Hi, my name is Stephany Morris calling about my son Jake. He's a ten year old who is suffering from social anxiety. I was wanting to schedule an appointment.."

Her words began to stretch out more, but I wrote her name down on a sticky not along with her son's.

"Ma'am, I am available on the sixteenth of next week if you want to meet 10:45 a.m or 1:17 p.m," cocking the phone on my ear, I opened up my planner, scanning over the schedule to see what times were open.

I would've thought this week would be good, but I'm meeting with my normal clients and a few families to help them.

"Ah..10:45 a.m will be perfectly fine! Thank you so much ma'am!"

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