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Seeing her in the glass window, I made my way inside, standing by the the host stand waiting to be served.

"Welcome to Jano's Pizza & Bar, my name is Kate, how can I assist you today?"

Her excited tone turned me off, cause shit was mad aggravating. Tell her that Kairi would be the only one dining with me, she took us away from the bar, closer towards Parker's table.

As I walked behind Kate, I saw Parker's eyes look up at me before going back to her laptop to type notes.

She had a small slice of spinach and cheese pizza which kind of looked appealing.

Once being placed at a booth, menus were placed in front of us as she took out her note pen. Kairi has a paper menu that came with small busy work, like puzzles and coloring so she'd keep busy. Consisted of three crayons, the menu was captivating to her eyes.

"Alrighty, now what can I start the two of you off with to drink?"

Kate's notepad plopped up with a pen, looking ready to take our orders.

"Lemme get some water for myself and a small fruit punch for my daughter Kairi," glancing up at her then slowly towards Parker, the two of us glanced at one another.

Yo deadass we need to stop that staring shit cause I ain't in no contest with shawty. If I wanted to have a staring contest, my ass would've been won.

It's only been one night, nigga need to chill with allat. Shawty been through hell and I need to respect ha boundaries.

Apart of me wanna get all up in her space and make it mines.


As Dave was seated and his waiter was serving him, I slowly glanced over at him and some little girl. She looked familiar, but I couldn't put my hand on it.

"Lemme get some water for myself and a small fruit punch for my daughter Kairi," his deep Harlem accent kicked in slowly causing me to turn towards my computer with the small side of my pen between my teeth smirking to myself.

Slowly glancing up at him, our eyes met making me want to speak. There wasn't much to say and plus he got a whole daughter...his girlfriend must be lucky.

Or else he's cheating on her with Lorraine! Maybe Lorraine could be the baby mother...well I ain't seen her with no baby besides her sister's daughter who's one of my clients.

Holy shit...

That little girl is the daughter to Dave and Millie!

Flash Back

2 Years Ago...

"Hi Millie, it's nice to meet you! On the form you filled out, the description tells me you're going through a relationship situation?"

I began to scan over her form based on the information she had filled out. In my eyes it seemed as if it was just a regular old break up, but who knows. I always want to hear more from my client's side of the story.

"These past couple of months feel like hell. I just had a baby and with the baby father, things aren't being peachy. He is never home on time, always shows up drunk from clubs, he's on drugs for one & his dad, he doesn't even want to acknowledge my baby. On top of that whenever I come home trying to pay the bills, he's putting our family at risk selling dope hustling on the streets. Sometimes I can't bother with him at all. A baby needs her father, why can't he see that?"

Taking it all in, I began to jot downs few notes on my clip board. Creeping my eyes away, I noticed that she brought a baby in with her.

"What's her name?" I smiled softly as she slowly took a sleeping angel out of her car seat. She began to cradle the baby in her arms.

Love Me Naked|Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now