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Getting prepared for a meeting, I could hear a knock on my door.

"Come in," looking up slightly, I focused back on gathering my work files.

This was nothing more than a meeting to discuss new recruit members like Josh and other people. Marshall is taking in these rookies just to fill in spots for this big ass building. Literally, we have at least fifteen spots open. If she's not going to talk about them then lord knows what's gonna come out of her mouth.

The door opened up wide to a smiling Josh. He wandered around my office in amazement as if he was a little kid in a candy shop. Moving towards EVERYONE'S favorite chair, he sat down.

"Wow, your office here looks nice Parker, I bet you get a lot of clients," I watched as his hands rubbed smoothly along the red leather.

"Thanks, I like to think that I have a decent amount of clients," I smiled looking over at him.

"I'd REALLY love to work here. With the salary I'll be making, my wife and I would have enough stored up for our new born on the way."

My smile slightly turned at the though of being married and having a child. My childhood has been rough and my parents were sick as hell to me. My dad was shot and it was a hit and run. Although they found out who did it, I believe to think it's what drove my mother insane for all these years. Ever since I left for college, I've never turned back. The last I've heard from my Aunt Silvia is that she couldn't afford mortgage for the house so now she's staying with my aunt.

I haven't been back to see them, and I won't. That is a past I shall not dig back up again.

"Wow, do you know what you're having?" I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear as he soon got up and the two of us walked out.

"I'm praying for a son, but a girl is fine as well. What about you, any kids or in a relationship?"

My eyes narrowed down thinking about Dave. There's so much to say about him, and I'd hate to say that, "It's complicated at the moment, ya know. But, I don't have any children...maybe one day in the future."

"Wow, I know you'd be a great mother, and for what it's worth, I hope the relationship works itself out Parker," our eyes met before a soft smile came across both of our lips.

Making our way towards the elevator, he pushed the second floor button where we normally kept our meetings.

I hope all goes well.



Pulling up to Mug's crib, made me get goosebumps; just the thought of the neighborhood makes me sick. Once opening up my driver's door, I made sure to be on speed-dial cause anything could pop off and I needed to be cautious. With my glock tucked underneath my shirt, my safety needed to come first. Walking up towards the driveway, I rand the doorbell.

Moments went by slowly as I could feel my chest rising and my heart racing. I began to feel my heart beat through my ears, making me go insane before the door knob turned and I could see it beginning to open up. Flashing before my eyes, there he was looking at me dead in the eye.

"Long time no see Dave, come on in," he stepped aside of his door before allowing me to come inside his home.

Guiding me towards the kitchen, I could see top less women running around with their nipples out. Some were out by the pool while others either made out with one another or dead asleep over swarms of liquor. Mug went over towards a bottle of whiskey and pour the two of us a glass. I simply sat around the bar eyeing him.

Love Me Naked|Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now