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"Ice cream!" with my younger self running towards the ice cream stand, here I am in Long Beach enjoying my time with my dad as my mother was back home. Although when we left, she didn't say bye like she normally does, she just looked at daddy with an evil look.

"Pick whichever flavor you want baby girl!" Following up behind me, he lifted me up a bit to see all the flavors. My eyes widened as if the world was at my finger tips. As of lately, when daddy does take me places, mommy doesn't come anymore for whatever reason. I don't try to question it because I don't wanna get spanked.

"Can I have a cotton candy swirl?" Looking up at the tall guy in uniform before back at daddy.

"Yes baby girl, hold on," as he put me down he dug in his pocket for his wallet to grab those sheets of paper with the dead people on it.

My cousin once said when the dead people go on the paper, they come back to haunt us, but I don't wanna ask daddy cause I don't wanna sound crazy. I'm not trynna get a butt whooping, so I won't risk it.

"One cotton candy swirl for a special one," reaching over the counter, the tall guy handed me my ice cream and I quickly grabbed it licking off the first layer. Momma says I shouldn't have too much sugar cause it'll make me go crazy like her dead momma...that's my grandma that we don't talk about for some reason.

"Thank you daddy," smiling proudly as we walked away from the stand, he slowly picked me up placing my legs on his shoulder.

"Anything for my princess," continuing to walk, his phone began to jiggle in his pocket. As he took it out and flipped the screen up, the phone was dragged towards his ear and he began to talk.

"Hello? She's here with me of course...we already talked about this...Linda I ain't gon bring her back now....Really, this is how you're gonna do me? You know what, let me enjoy this time with her then huh?"

Daddy seemed pretty angry with whoever was on the other line, I sure hope they don't get knocked out. Taking the phone away from his ear, he looked down at it before ending the call and pushing the antenna down before letting it go back down in his pants pocket.

"We're gonna go back home now baby girl, okay?" He began to move closer towards the parking lot.

"Okay," deep down inside, I felt very sad we just got here not too long ago and already leaving. He promised that we could stay a little bit longer and now we're leaving.

As he opened up the back door for me, I slid inside the seat and buckled up by put my seating belt on. Once the door closed and he walked away, a slow tear came across my face in disappointment.

He went to the driving side and started up the car before driving off moments later. I was just so sad that we didn't get to stay and I'll never forget the promise that he broke. A promise that HE made to me. The car was silent and the ride home felt worse, but once we got in the driveway, I ran out of the car, into the house, and upstairs to my room.


"I'm not gonna do this to MY daughter Linda! She needs me more than you!" Loud chatter from in the living room woke me up from out of the bed.

I've never heard daddy yell at mommy and I was scared for what might happen. Getting up from my bed slowly, my fingers wrapped around the door nob turning it slowly to see what was going on. Quietly walking down a few steps, I stopped in my tracks so that they couldn't see me.

"With your busy work schedule, you can barely see us from time to time, and I have had enough of you hurting me. I know you're sleeping around with that girl. Is it true?"

Daddy was hesitant for a moment before he spoke, "It's your love of these random drugs is what made me do it, now that the divorce is final and you won the custody battle, why does anything even matter? You chose this life over me and all I ask for is my daughter in return."

"You ain't taking her and that's final! Now get out of my house!"

A divorce? Custody? What does all of that mean? It was only til I looked at daddy and our eyes met for what seemed to be the last time before he opened up the front door and never came back inside.

End Of Flashback

It was only two years later that I realized that my mother was a true monster and my father was only trying to protect me. Accroding to my mother, she only told me about the story of him walking out on us for another woman. She never talked about her drug issues taking over their marriage or the fact that the only thing dad wanted to do was to love her, but she had other plans.

"Mom, I can't believe you would do this, all my life you've tortured me and made my life hell. Now that dad is alive, you just want me to sing happy songs and bring you two back together? No! We will NEVER be a happy family and when I find out where dad is and talk with him, don't you dare call my phone. Have a good day."

Walking away from her, I went towards the register to check out for my belongings before heading towards the car and packing the bags in the backseat.

Once driving back to the hotel, I grabbed my two bags and headed inside towards the elevator. As I walked towards my door, the bags dropped and the key was dug out of my purse as my fingers unlocked the door.

It's time to make food cause honestly, I'm starving.


"Okay according to Google, I can bake a pizza for fifteen minutes after preheating the oven for about four hundred and fifty degrees," walking from out of my bedroom towards the kitchen, my attire only consisted of burgundy velvet boy shorts and a white tank top. My hair was still wrapped up and wanted to let the hair set, but by tomorrow, we gon be looking fly.

The pizza was decorative with all sorts of vegetables on top along with lots of cheese and tomato sauce. As the beep when off for the oven, my hands instantly went into the oven mitts before taking the pizza that was on a baking sheet and slid that thang right into the oven.

Being precise with directions, I had to put a timer on the oven just so that the pizza could cook evenly. Just as I cleared all the items off of the island and started to tidy up the kitchen, there was a knock on my door.

Who in their right mind would want to come visit me all of a sudden? Walking towards the door, my hand turned the lock and opened up the door. As the door swung open, nothing was there. Once I peeked my head out and looked both ways, no one was in sight so I closed the door back and made sure to lock that shit tight.

I swear if it's these little kids playing games with people I'm going off on their parents. On the bright side, I get to meet with my social group tomorrow and we take our first flight together, so I need to start packing.

As one door closes, another one opens and I can't wait for the journey ahead of me.

Hey guys we're back with another chapter and my apologies for being late with the chapters but, I started to get sick and the snow just made me sleepy. Now that I'm feeling a bit better, I could finally get this chapter to you guys! Parker's dad is still alive and her mother LIED to her all this time? Shame on her but it ain't my business.

I'm glad for Parker doing her and not worrying about Dave, who knows if she finds somebody new later down the road? Ion know y'all, things might get heated up in this book. Sike nah, but I love you guys and I'll see you all in the next chapter💞

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