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As I scanned through the paper and realized what was printed, my hands were trembling as the glass feel to the floor. My thoughts were all bundled up thinking that I'd have to take on the challenges of yet another child.

"He's not yours Dave," exhaling deeply, my nerves began to ease a little bit before setting the envelope down before bending low to clean up the mess that was below my feet on the floor.

Although it seems sad to say, but for one moment I would have to step back and reevaluate my relationship with Dave which would be something I would never want to experience at all. He's a great guy, but I couldn't see myself trying to juggle more responsibilities than needed.

Some would say that him being in a wheel chair would be the last straw, but I have faith in certain situations, but raising another child that isn't mine is too much. Nonetheless, I haven't even produced kids of my own nor had sex with the man.

I just think that right now, the main focus should be on getting Dave better and living our best lives with Kairi. When it comes to her, I've watched her grow on and off when Millie was my client. Now that she discontinued with me for therapeutic counseling, I don't see Millie as much. At least not since the argument.

I do things for Kairi and I may not be the best person in the world, but I try to be a mother figure and spend time with her. When Dave was in the hospital, I was there for her and helped her along the way not matter what obstacles she faced. I'm still here and doing a fair job.

What I love the most is that I can plant a smile on her face and take her away from the negative thoughts going on in her tiny head. Yes, children go through traumatic events, but I like to take her away from those things and let her think about something else.

"P, I'm sorry you had to be in this form of situation and we could've ruined something so special. Please know that I do care for you and that THIS love will never fade away. Look at you, so perfect and beautiful. Half of the things you do, other women would never think of doing."

Scrapping the bits of glass into a dust pan had me feeling sad at the fact that he compared me to other women. That was one of my pet peeves that I couldn't stand at all. If anything, don't you ever compare me to anybody you know.

"Dave, for one, do not compare me to other people please. Second, gasing me up doesn't need to be done, so it's okay. I do thank you for giving me forgiveness," once all the glass was put in the pan, I quickly went ahead to place the glass in a trash can.

With the liquid still laying on the floor, Dave handed me the roll of paper towels so that it could be wiped up. Ripping away small sheets, my hand moved towards the floor with the paper towel wiping away the small mess that was on the ground. 

Moving away from him, I went ahead to share out food for Kentrell that was left over before warming it up in the microwave. Once it was done with, I headed upstairs giving it to him after telling Dave that I was going to bed. 

We soon said good night as he decided to stay downstairs and watch TV. I just hope that all goes well tomorrow for Christmas.

Christmas Day

  As the sunlight beamed across my face, I could feel the sheets ruffle in the bed and those gigantic warm arms wrapped around my waist, letting a small smile appear across my face. Oh how I loved when he made me feel like my brain was on cloud nine.

"Good morning you," with his head in the crook of my neck, I inhaled deeply as his deep scent filled my nose. Briefly, the tall door busted open with an adorable Kairi running in our room and jumping on the bed.

Girl, you better calm your little fancy pants down before the bed breaks down. She's over here jumping well high and mighty.

"There's my little stinka, how's daddy's little bundle of joy?" Using his arms to pull her up in his lap, I examined her adorable two pigtails in her head that were already messy.

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