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Kevin had been taken into a shared hospital room in order to rest while the doctors did test on him. Jisung lied to the doctors since he couldn't exactly tell them what really happened and why Kevin was bleeding out of his nose and ears. Jisung left after he got the okay from a doctor.

Jisung now stood in front of Minho door, his hand on the handle, ready to slide the door open. But the fear made him hesitate, scared that Minho really didn't remember anything about their relationship. Jisung takes a deep breath in and exhales before sliding the door open, stepping inside to close the door behind him.

"Kevin?" He hears Minho voice, and immediately comes to a stop as tears filled his eyes. He steps back and let's his back hit the door, covering his mouth with his hand to muffle his sobs.

"Kevin-ah? Is that you?" He hears Minho asks again.

"I-its J-Jisung" Jisung stutters out, wiping away the tears that escaped and composed himself. He steps forward to finally reveal himself to Minho.

He looked so much better than the last time he saw him. The cuts on his face had healed to leave his skin clear and the gash the was on his forehead was nothing more than a small scar. His right leg that was torn so badly before now had only a large bandaid on it. His left leg that was broken before in a cast, no longer had the cast on but a leg brace.

"Jisung-ah? You're finally here. I didn't think you'd ever visit me after we cut ties" Minho tells him.

"Jeongin, he was the one that told me about your accident when I ran into him at Woojin cafe. I-I really wanted to see you" Jisung tells Minho, standing in front of his bed.

"Why is that?" Minho asks him. Jisung noticed how the older eyes seem to light up with curiosity and how his heart rate on the monitor was rising.

"H-Hyung..." Jisung says, walking over to Minho bedside.

"Why did we cut ties?" Jisung asks, wanting to know how far and what memories Kevin changed of Minho's.

"You, you hated me after what happened when we saved Jeongin. You said I was to dangerous to be around, that it would be wrong of me to take Jeongin into my life as his guardian. I hated you for the things you said and you hated me for putting your life in danger. So you cut ties with me, saying 'I never want to see you & never contact me for anything again'" Minho was looking down at his lap, his fingers twiddling against each other as his tone was heartbreaking and expression sad.

Jisung couldn't believe that this is how Kevin changed Minho memory of him. He basically made Minho think he hated him, that he despised him for what he was put through. Jisung knew that wasn't true, he liked Minho, No! he loved Minho. He wanted nothing more to just hug the older and kiss him right then and there, but he couldn't.

"Hyung, I'm sorry I said all those things o you but, after having...t-time apart I realized I never should have said those things in the first place to you. I was just s-scared to...to be a-around y-you" Jisung tells Minho through his breathing, feeling his tears building up again.

"Why were you scared to be around me? Did you think I would put you into danger again?" Minho asks him finally looking up at Jisung for the younger to see how glassy his eyes looked.

"No!" Jisung answers to quickly.

"Then why?" Minho asks him.

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