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~Friday Night~


"Hey Minho, what do you say to grabbing drinks with me? Changmin will be there also." Kevin asks Minho, putting his arm around the boy shoulders. They left Minho studio together after cleaning up, turning off all the lights, and locking up.

"Sorry Kevin, I've got a date tonight, so recheck" Minho tells him, removing Kevin arm from his shoulders as he started to walk in the opposite direction from him.

Kevin sighs, rolling his eyes as he kicked a rock on the sidewalk. He puts his hands in his Jean jacket pockets. He sulks his way over to the bar Changmin was waiting for him at.




"Hey Hyung, where are you going looking so nicely dressed?" Jeongin asks. The younger in the living room watching a movie with Hyunjin.

"Is that makeup?" Hyunjin asks Minho, pointing at the lip tint he almost didn't notice.

"What? No! Don't be absurd. And I'm going out to a bar with Kevin and Changmin. Hoping to meet some g-girls" Minho lies, putting on his coat.

"Alright then, have fun!" Jeongin tells him, while Hyunjin gives him a suspicious stare down. Minho walks out of the apartment before letting himself break under Hyunjin stare.




Minho knocks on the door a couple of times to wait patiently outside. He checks his hair by looking at the screen of his phone and making sure his pink lip tint wasn't to much. He puts his phone back in his pocket as soon as he hears the door unlock and open.

"Hyung, glad you're on time" Jisung tells him as he steps out, closing his door and locking it.

"Please, call me Minho on this date Jisung" Minho tells him with a school-boy smile, the one that gives you that giddy feeling when you look at your crush.

"Okay, Minho" Jisung says, breaking into a smile. They began walking next to each other to the elevator. Their hands kept brushing and tapping against each other. Minho grabbed Jisung hand, palm to palm while using his other hand to press the down button.

Jisung cheeks gave off a pink hue by the gesture. He took it another step further by putting his fingers in between the older fingers. They both smiled shyly as they stepped into the elevator together. They both wondered if the other could hear how fast their heart was beating.




"Does it itch?" Hyunjin asks Jeongin, pointing at the bug bite on his neck. Jeongin turns his head to look at Hyunjin but becomes completely stun to see how close the older face was to his, noses practically touching each other.

"Uh..." Jeongin swallows away the lump in his throat. "No" He answers, his breath heavy with his heart beating against his chest.

Hyunjin has come over to the apartment everyday after dance practice and Jeongin vocal lessons. Hyunjin was officially staying over for the whole weekend. Hyunjin didn't want to leave the younger alone, he didn't want his past or bad thoughts about himself to come into his head. He wanted to be there for the younger in order to distract him from those thoughts or to just make him forget about them completely.

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