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"Hyung I'm home and I brought Hyunjin with me!" Jeongin shouts throughout the house, he and Hyunjin taking off their shoes before stepping fully inside the apartment.

There was no reply back as they walked around the apartment together to look for Minho. Jeongin was confused at first but decided to not question it to much, happy that his Hyung had gotten out of the apartment finally.

"Let's go to my room then" Jeongin tells Hyunjin, leading the older down the hallway to stop at his door. He opens the door to let them in as they dropped their backpacks to the floor. Hyunjin instantly let his back hit Jeongin bed with a sigh of relief.

"So, how'd you like your first day at a new school?" Hyunjin asks Jeongin, turning his head to look at the younger who was changing out of his uniform into sweats and a plain T-shirt.

Hyunjin couldn't help but let himself stare as the younger undressed himself. Watching him strip his jacket off of his shoulders and then his arms to let it rest on his desk chair. He started to watch more closely as he pulled on his tie to loosen it, removing it along with his blue polo. It left the younger shirtless for a moment, Hyunjin only able to see his backside. Jeongin puts on his plain t-shirt before unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants to let them fall to floor. Hyunjin could see slightly through Jeongin black boxer fabric to see the shape of his ass, smirking slyly. He quickly turned away to look back up at the white ceiling as soon as Jeongin put on his sweatpants.

"I think the only good part about this school being an art school is the bare minimum of homework I have to do now." Jeongin tells Hyunjin as he turned around, his clothes in his hands as he walked over to the corner of the room to place them in the hamper.

"Jeongin, can I ask you something?" Hyunjin asks him, sitting up on his bed.

"Shoot" Jeongin replies as he took a seat on his bed with his back against the wall.

"Have you ever dated anyone or done 'IT' with anyone?" Hyunjin asks him.

"No, there's just been no one interested in me. I don't know, I think people only see me as a cute shy school boy that's undateable." Jeongin tells Hyunjin with a sad smile.

"Hey, what about Chan Hyung? You liked him didn't you? And he also confessed his love for you" Hyunjin tells Jeongin, scooting closer to the boy.

"What me and Chan felt for each other was just admiration. I haven't talked to him or seen him since my suicide attempt. It's like he moved on, so did I. I'm to young anyway." Jeongin explains to Hyunjin as his sad smile turned solemn.

"Well I know someone that's very close to you who likes you" Hyunjin tells him, watching the younger eyes widen with curiosity. "It's Seungmin" Hyunjin tells Jeongin, but the younger didn't smile at the news, he looked heartbroken at this point.

"How long ago did Seungmin tell you that Jinnie?" Jeongin asks him, not even looking at the older but the ceiling.

"Probably a year ago, why?" Hyunjin asks him.

"Exactly" Jeongin sighs, turning his head to look at Hyunjin again. "A year ago, he doesn't like me Hyunjin. Especially when he's busy dating Kim Woojin from the grizzly cafe. A secret relationship for who knows how long he's kept from us" Jeongin tells Hyunjin.

"Are you serious?" Hyunjin asks him, surprised & shocked. Jeongin nods his head in response with a pressed smile and teary eyes.

"I caught them together the day of the funeral. It was early in the morning and walked into the cafe kitchen quietly to talk with Woojin but I ended up watching him comforting Seungmin before I see them kissing one another. It felt obvious to me that their relationship was something long from how they looked at each other" Jeongin tells Hyunjin, single tears drip down his cheeks.

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