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"Minho! Babe! Are you home?" Jisung asks, repeatedly knocking on his door. He had come straight to Minho apartment when he saw that he cancel today dance and vocal lessons.  

"Minho! Baby! Are you home?" Jisung asks, banging his hand against the door.

"Jisung Hyung? What are you doing here?" Jisung turns his head to see Jeongin with who he was guessing was Hyunjin boyfriend.

"I'm looking for Minho" Jisung tells him.

"He's not answering? I figured he was here since we saw he cancelled practices"Jeongin says as he takes his key out of his pocket to unlock the apartment door.

"Hyung?" Jeongin calls out as he kicks off his shoes and goes straight to Minho room, the older not there. Jisung searches the living room, kitchen, and bathroom to see no sign of him.

"Where the hell is he?" Jisung asks as he starts to feel his panic rise.





Minho raises his head up to see the dim lit road in front of him. He looks at his hands to see dirt and scratches covering them as he crawls with his hands to get himself off the road. He couldn't feel his legs but he knew they were broken from the way his bone stuck out of his skin. He kept crawling while he felt numb towards the sidewalk. His breathing was heavy and his throat burned as he tried to breathe through his nose.

"Rewind! Rewind!" He mentally screamed, but he had to speak the words for it to work. He couldn't speak though without probably killing himself if he tried to say a word.

Minho finally makes it to the sidewalk as he uses the little strength he had to force himself up. His chest hitting the sidewalk as he crawled just a foot more to get his whole body on to the sidewalk. That's when he felt it, the Level 10 pain. Minho screamed from the surge of pain that ran through his leg, but he covers his mouth with his hands to stop himself. His heart is beating against his chest and his lungs desperate for air as his chest and throat burned.






Minho could hear his name being screamed out loud in the mid distance from where he was. "JISUNG!" He screamed, groaning as he wrapped his hand around his throat.

"Jisung" He whispers, taking his final breath as he heard footsteps running towards him with police and ambulance sirens approaching him in the opposite direction from the footsteps. Minho finally let his eyes close.




Jisung and Jeongin walk along the sidewalk with their flashlights on searching for Minho. Jisung had tried calling the older 10 times now with no reply and he hasn't even read any of his messages.

"What makes you think he would run all the over here again?" Jisung asks Jeongin.

"Because 1. He's either drunk or 2. He's having a mental breakdown which he needs space." Jeongin explains as they took a turn on to the main road.

"I don't understand why someone would decide to run 2 hours to get to the beach when he could just call a taxi, like we did" Jisung questions his boyfriend logic.

"That's because running helps him think and process, but the thing that concerns me the most is the fact that he's come  at night" Jeongin tells him, "And before you ask me why, it's because the cars that drive down this road go 70 miles instead of 50 when driving down here. So it being dark just makes running or walking here more dangerous" Jeongin explains.

"Jeongin, do you also see the bloody puddle in the middle of the road along with the two streaks of blood?" Jisung asks Jeongin, shiny his light in the area.






"JISUNG!" They hear clearly mixed with agony down the road.

They both called out to him as they started running down the road to follow the bloody streaks. It looked like someone had dragged themselves off the road to the sidewalk. They stop when they heard the sound of police and ambulance sirens coming down the road.

"He's here!" Jeongin yells, finding Minho on the sidewalk looking like a bloody broken mess.

"Hyung, wake up. Wake up!" Jeongin tells him, as he checked his neck for a pulse. It was there but it was faint. Jisung couldn't look knowing it was probably horrible, he focused on attracting the ambulance to them by waving his hands in the middle of the road to be seen by them.

"There here" Jisung tells Jeongin as he runs off the road to the sidewalk to finally see Minho condition.

Minho right leg had the skin torn off of it where you could see his bone and his left leg was broken by his bone was sticking out with his skin. His clothes are covered in dirt and rubber from the road. His hands had tiny scratches on them and a small cuts on his face, along with a big gash on his hairline. Jisung backed away as he felt sick to stomach, he walls onto the grass patch by the sidewalk to throw up, with tears falling down his cheeks.

Jisung watched as the paramedics checked Minho before putting him on to the stretcher with a neck brace around his neck. They rolled Minho into the ambulance quickly while they helped Jeongin inside. Jisung runs to the ambulance as Jeongin helps him inside. He began moving as fast as it could to the hospital. Jisung had his head turned away to look out the windows as he sobbed quietly to himself.


Remember the predebut show, I honestly think Minho fell for Jisung first

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Remember the predebut show, I honestly think Minho fell for Jisung first. I feel like he was the first one to make Jisung his baby since the beginning of being a group.
Just my opinion.

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