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"He can't be in love with me! HE JUST CAN'T!" Jeongin continues to repeat to himself in his. His eyes are blood shot red, his nails bitten off, and his legs pressed against his chest.

He hears the door to his bedroom slowly open to meet eyes with Hyunjin. He was surprised to see the older at stayed despite locking himself in his room.

"I just came to get my stuff and I'll leave" Hyunjin tells him.

"No!" Jeongin finally speaks up, getting up from his bed as he walked over to Hyunjin. He grabs Hyunjin by his shoulder and forces his back against the wall.

"You said you...you Love Me. Why?" Jeongin asks him, "How can you love someone that still has night terrors, thinks about killing themselves, has to take medication, and has to continue to see a therapist twice a week after school. How, can someone as amazing  as you, love me?" Jeongin asks him, tears brimming his eyes as anger and confusion turned the tips of his ears red.

"Jeongin, I love you for you. Not for what you've been through. I don't care about the medication you take or the therapy sessions you go to, because that's whats helping you heal and cope. I just want to finally love you as my boyfriend, I want to be able to take your bad thoughts away, and I just want t-" Jeongin cups Hyunjin cheeks, pushing him against the wall as he got on his tip toes to meet with his eye level. He presses his lips against his, the kiss was hungry for answers but soon turned soft and sweet once he found that answer.

"Jeong-Jeongin" Hyunjin breaths as he slowly pushes the younger off, his hands on his shoulders.

"Sorry, I'm sorry" Jeongin stammers, backing away from him to run his fingers through his hair.

"No, Jeongin don't be sorry. That kiss was amazing, but I had to make sure you were okay with continuing it." Hyunjin asks him, walking over to him to grab his hands into his. He pulled him into a warm embrace.

"I want to be your boyfriend Jinnie, but I'm afraid I'll fall apart again despite all the good things that are happening." Jeongin tells him against his chest.

"I know that's a big possibility, but I never want you to think your mental illness will push me away. I'll always be here to love and support you" Hyunjin assures him, kissing the top of his head.

"Wanna make-out on my bed before Minho gets home?" Jeongin asks, lifting his head to look up at the older.

"Are you sure?" Hyunjin asks him, a bit nervous.

"Yes~" Jeongin says, putting his hand behind Hyunjin neck to bring him closer to him, pressing his lips against his into a passionate kiss. Hyunjin felt that things are moving to fast but why should he complain when he's been waiting so long to just kiss the younger.




Minho eyes flutter open to see his boyfriend sleeping face resting on his chest. He smiles at the sight, putting his hand up to start stroking the younger hair. Minho finds his phone on the bedside to click it on and see the time on his phone.

"Shit" Minho curses quietly, setting his phone back down on the bedside table. He starts to laugh quietly when he remembers what's inside the drawer. His laugh caused his body to vibrate, being like an alarm clock to Jisung as he opened one eye.

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