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"Why did it get so quiet?" Minho asks himself as he looks around to see the cars no longer moving and people around him not talking. He looks at Changbin and sees his face in a solid expression, not blinking.

"What's going on?" Minho asks himself as he felt his panic rising up as he looked around for any sign of movement, sound, or speech.

Minho feels someone bump into his shoulder roughly as he turns around to see the person. Minho takes in the male features, dark brown hair, brown eyes, chubby cheeks, and a crooked front tooth. The male eyes look shocked as he looked at Minho.

"What's happening?" Minho asks him with panic filling his voice as he began shaking.

"This is all just an illusion," The unknown male tells him before turning around and dashing past the cars to the other side of the street.

"Wait!" Minho calls out for him, but just like that everything comes back into motion. The cars come to a screeching stop in front of him as the pedestrians began walking across. He loses sights of the male.

Minho waits for the crowd to walk past him to the other side, standing in the middle of the crosswalk. The signal is turned off as greenlights flash for the drivers. The drivers began beeping loudly at Minho, he tried to move but his feet were stuck to the ground. The horns got louder and louder until finally!



Minho jolts up on his bed with his chest heaving and forehead sweating. He looks out the window to see the sky covered in a sheet of gray clouds and the beginning of a small drizzle. He walks back over his bed to grab his phone and check the time.

6:30 AM

He had woken up two hours earlier than usual to start getting ready for work. Minho decides to get back underneath his covers and close his eyes in hope of falling asleep again.


"Oh Felix!"

"Fuck! Right there! Don't stop!"

Minho eyes shoot open from the new noise that had caused him to wake up again. He sits up on his bed and checks the time to see he had gotten 46 more minutes of sleep. He sighs loudly at the moaning coming from the room next door.

"It's 7:16 in the morning! WHY!" He shouts as he slams his fist against the wall to startle them or at least make them stop.

"So close!" Minho hears Changbin moan. The older falls face first back on to his bed to cover his ears with his pillow to muffle the noise of erotic moans.


Is when the noise finally stopped. Minho takes the pillow off his head after falling in and out of sleep. He gets up from his bed and walks over to his closet to take out a plain black t-shirt, Nike's Hoodie, sweatpants, and fresh underwear. He began to do his morning stretches as he leaned forward to do the downward dog.

"Hey, Min~ho...wow~" Felix gasps at the scene of Minho bent forward with his nice tight ass up in the air.

"Felix!" Minho shouts when he turns around to be startled by the younger that was fondly staring at his ass. He grabs his sweatpants in an attempt to cover himself.

"You're lucky your not gay cause I definitely would hav-ow!" Felix winces.

"Felix!" Changbin comes up from behind him to grab him by his ear for staring at his roommate ass.

"I apologize, for my disgusting excuse of a boyfriend." Changbin tells Minho as he closed his bedroom door and could hear Felix cries for Changbin to let him go.




"Thanks for coming in early to let me teach you the choreography for class so you can help out." Minho thanks the star pupil of his dance class.

"Do you really think there will be people from companies looking for potential trainees today?" Hyunjin asks Minho, wiping the sweat off his forehead with a white towel.

"Definitely. You have great potential to be a trainee that debuts Hyunjin." Minho reassures the boy with a confident smile.

"Thanks, Hyung" Hyunjin smiles.

"Take a water break and stretch yourself out again before the others start getting here." Minho tells him.

"Hey Hyung, can you do me a favor?" Hyunjin quickly grabs Minho wrist before he left.

"What is it?" Minho asks him.

"It's about Jeongin" He tells him and Minho decides to take a seat.





Jisung walks out of the convenience store with a bag full of snacks after another horrible nightmare woke him up. He walks down the sidewalk to make it back to his apartment complex. He looks down into his bag to smile at his late night snacks but the shudders when a gulf of wind passes by him. It makes his whole body feel cold and hands grip the plastic bag.

Jisung looks up from his bag to see a girl wandering down the street in a drunken manner. He sees a flash of lights from the car coming her way at full speed. The girl continued to stumble her way down the street before being a deer caught in the headlights. Jisung didn't stop to think as he dropped his bag and began running, but he knew he wouldn't make on time.

"PAUSE!" Jisung yells and a loud car screech is heard before the whole area goes silent and frozen in time. Jisung opens his eyes back up to check the time on his watch, 6:30 AM.

He runs out on to the street to see the bumper of the car touching the girl. He breathes a sigh of relief as he grabs the girl stiff body and moves her to the other side on the sidewalk. He manages to put her in a sitting position by the store he came out of. Jisung grabs his bag off the floor and began walking away from the girl.

"PLAY!" He yells and the world instantly comes back into motion with the noise of the car rubber speeding away.

"Asshole" Jisung mutters to himself as he makes it to the other side of the sidewalk past a white apartment complex as he makes it to his tan apartment complex.


"Our relationship is sexualized as nothing but meaningless, but to us we both know how a single kiss made it blossom to something more"

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"Our relationship is sexualized as nothing but meaningless, but to us we both know how a single kiss made it blossom to something more"

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