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8:24 PM

Minho watched in the crowd of his class dancing to their third song of the night. Minho felt his foot tapping to the beat of Ateez: Say My Name. He looks around the crowd to catch two women that were wearing office clothing. He tried to read the badge underneath one women jacket but couldn't make it out. The other women badge seem to have said JYP but he wasn't positive.

He looks at Hyunjin who was doing Wooyoung part as he made sure every detail he performed was perfect. He smiled at the younger with a thumbs up. He could see he was focused in the character of the dance but Minho knew he saw. Minho directs his attention to the rest of his dancers. Minho knew of students that had the potential to be a trainee in an entertainment company; Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Jeongin.

He looks over at Jeongin to see the youngest in his class struggling slightly. He knew Jeongin could do it but the problem was that he lacked the confidence in himself. Minho tried speaking to him earlier today but it didn't go very well.


"Hyunjin Hyung said you wanted to see me." Jeongin says, walking into Minho office.

"Hey Jeongin, I thought me and you could have a chat." Minho began as Jeongin took a seat from across his desk.

"What about?" Jeongin asks him with a skeptical look on his face.

"I have some concern with your lack of confidence for tonight, because you can do it Jeongin and I know you can." Minho tells him.

"And you've been practicing your duet with Seungmin and the vocal coach. I know you can do this Jeongin." Minho assures him with his confident smile.

"I'm sorry Minho, but I'm not a dancer. I'm a singer, either you let me sing and skip the dance or I just run away from it." Jeongin tells him.

"You're going to do both Jeongin, that's the only way for you to look capable in both aspects." Minho tells him. Jeongin doesn't object or agree as he gets  up from his chair and storms out of his office. 





Jeongin sat on the pavement as he watched all his members and even his best friends being given company cards for auditions at different entertainment companies. He felt himself slowly breaking, his confidence descending into a pitch black void, heart breaking, and mind turning black. Jeongin couldn't watch anymore as he felt his tears building up and tiny voices in his head telling him what to do. He looked at Minho who was busy talking with Hyunjin about the different company cards he had gotten. He let it be his opportunity to sneak away from them with the crowd covering him long enough to be completely away from them. 

Tears began streaming down Jeongin face as he walked passed people on the sidewalk, never looking up at them and just letting the path take him where ever. He felt like his dream had been clutched by the hands of a black demon, squeezing it to see it crack until it finally shatters.

Jeongin felt emotionally broken as he finally looked up to see the Hangang bridge. His feet continued to move towards it as the ocean beneath it called to him. The voices became strong in his head but their was one very distinct word that drew him closer to the railing of the bridge.

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