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Chan walks inside his office to set his briefcase down onto his desk. He clicks it open to take out all of his paperwork and notes about his newest client. The patient had a history of staying in psychiatric facilities through his late middle school and early high school years.

The patient said "I've never felt wanted or needed by anybody, they only ever come when they wanted or needed something from me."

"I'm an only child, my parents are Korean that have only carried about the money, paying the bills, and having food to eat. I was left to raise myself. I had no one..."

Chan clicks the tape recorder off when he hears a knock at his door. He finds it odd, looking down at his watch to see it was to early for his first appointment to be here. He keeps his briefcase and files on his desk open as he gets up from his chair to walk over to the door. Chan opens the door to see the patient he was just looking over.

"Kevin? What are you doing here so early?" Chan asks him.

"I need to talk with you Doc, I'm afraid I'll do something harmful if I don't." Kevin tells Chan.

Chan nods his head and let's Kevin into his office, closing the door behind them and locking it for no interruptions. Chan walks over to his desk and grabs his recorder to start recording their conversation.

"I'm in love with someone Doc, I've been in love with him for eight years now. He hadn't contacted me for those four years, and by the time he does it's to ask me for something." Kevin tells, taking a seat on the white leather sofa.

"When I came here to help work for him, I thought he'd be the same but he changed. He was gay, with a boyfriend....*scoffs* a boyfriend!" Kevin tells, his tone breaking into small laughter.

"This idiot has told me repeatedly he was straight for the four years we attended university together! And now! Now he admits to being GAY!" Kevin tells, grabbing at his hair to pull at it.

"I love him still Doc and I want him to be mine. He should see me and only remember me!" Kevin tells Chan as he gets from his seat to walk over to him.

"And you're going to help me" Kevin tells him. Chan was reaching into his coat for the sedative he usual packs into his jacket pocket for the mentally hysterical patients, but he was to slow. Kevin grabs Chan by his shoulder to have certain memories be changed or erased.

Chan waking up as a new person and Kevin wiping the blood under his nose. Kevin grabs Chan briefcase to stop the tape recorder and put it into the briefcase, along with his files. He takes the briefcase and walks over to the door to unlock it.

"Follow me and I'll tell you what you have to do" Kevin tells Chan. Chan doesn't object or question the motives as he simply follows Kevin out of his office.





"Please Chan! Why are you doing this to me? You're suppose to be my best friend" Minho asks him, looking up at Chan as he watched him administer something into his IV bag.

"Don't worry, this is only to help your pain" Chan tells him, taking the needle out of its tube to reconnect it to Minho IV.

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