The citizens of Sha Ping City told him that there was a small oasis ten li to the East of the city. There were no people living there, and it was used specifically for burying the dead. But Yao shi was an outsider. Normally speaking, she should not be buried there. The prefect of Sha Ping City also would not agree to it. After all, the place was too small. If people were recklessly buried there, it was very likely that there would not be enough space. When that time came, it would not be good if Sha Ping City's own citizens could not be buried there. That was why whenever the people in the city performed a funeral, they would need to report to the government office. Only with a note from the prefect were they granted permission to bury their dead in that oasis.

But the citizens also said: "Right now, Sha Ping belongs to Da Shun. Gu Shu's regulations no longer matter. As long as Da Shun's ninth prince permits it, there is no problem."

Feng Jin Yuan knew that Xuan Tian Ming would definitely permit it and simply did not even bother asking. He just arranged for the soldiers to bring him to the oasis to take a look. Picking a nice place, a grave was dug, and a tombstone was engraved. When the tombstone was being engraved, Feng Jin Yuan personally went to ask Xuan Tian Ming for his opinion on what should be written on the tombstone and whose names would be used to set up the tombstone.

Xuan Tian Ming was not vague about it, immediately expressing his view: "Naturally, it would be this prince and Heng Heng's names." After some more though, he added: "Add in Zi Rui too."

Feng Jin Yuan saluted to him and did not say anything else before leaving. As for Xuan Tian Ming, at this moment, he was seated in the main hall of his temporary residence in Sha Ping City. At his side, Song Kang was also present and was messing around with some medicine. Xuan Tian Ming very helplessly said: "Can you go and do that in some other place? Don't you have your own room?"

Song Kang replied very naturally: "Right before leaving, master told me to keep a close eye on Your Highness."

Xuan Tian Ming was speechless. Keep an eye on? Like this? Feng Yu Heng meant for Song Kang to keep an eye on his health, alright? Why was it that this guy was keeping an eye on him as though he was a criminal? But he could not be bothered to argue with him. As a whole, Song Kang was not irritating. This person was addicted to medicine, and he was completely immersed in medicine. Even if the two were in the same place, the two might not speak for an entire day. They would work on their own work and would not get in the other's way. In addition to this, nearly half of the 100 thousand troops from Qian Zhou were struggling to endure the heat. The symptoms would suddenly appear, and Xuan Tian Ming would need to frequently enquire about the condition of the soldiers.

But this time, after Feng Jin Yuan left, Song Kang had some things to say. He stared at Feng Jin Yuan's parting figure for a while then said: "Did this person eat some medicine to become good? He's become normal."

Xuan Tian Ming snorted coldly: "Some people just will not look back until they reach the land of the dead. He needed to see death before he was willing to change. If he treated Yao shi and A-Heng like this in the past, how could the Feng family have fallen to this situation?"

Song Kang sniffled and agreed, saying: "That's right! He had a daughter like my master, yet he did not want her and insisted on some uncultivated one. Who knows what his mind is made of. How about giving it to me to be cut open to take a good look?"

Xuan Tian Ming did not continue the discussion with him. Song Kang's mind was only filled with cutting this and cutting that. He even said that he had learned how to cut open someone's head from his wife. He really... was a weirdo!

Naturally, Song Kang did not know of Xuan Tian Ming's evaluation of him. Turning his head, he continued to study his medicine.

Very quickly, the date of Yao shi's burial was about to arrive. On that morning, everyone got up early, including Xuan Tian Ming. For the first time, he changed out of his purple robes and put on a set of white clothes.

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