Max was in the cafeteria with Callie, normally she would be having lunch with her daughter but the poor thing was sick and staying with her Mom

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Max was in the cafeteria with Callie, normally she would be having lunch with her daughter but the poor thing was sick and staying with her Mom.

"Look how cute they are!" Max said showing some pictures of Maeve and Aslan to her friend.

"Aw, I want one" Callie said gushing over the small photo.

Max laughed "Which one?"

"The kid of course, you know me, I never want a pet" Callie said taking a bite out of her apple.

"Well, we have to get you a significant other for that" Max pointed out, Callie was relatively new to Seattle Grace Hospital but they became fast friends, one of her best friends actually.

"Right, what about you? Any guy catching your eye?" Callie said in a teasing tone poking Max with her elbow.

Max rolled her eyes "Hell no, I swear that whole Mark situation messed me up forever"

"What do you mean? I mean besides him leaving you all alone with Maeve and never talking to again" Callie joked, Max was used to her unfiltered comments so she never took anything Callie said to heart.

"He was an amazing guy, seven years with the guy of my dreams, that makes it hard to hate him. Sometimes I come across a guy that I find attractive but all I can think about is how happy I was with Mark but then there's this other part of me that hates him, like truly despises him, I often wonder how someone like him, or the man I knew at least, could receive a letter like that and not do anything, not having any desire to contact his daughter. So yeah I probably would never look him in the eyes again but I still remember how great we were and I need to get over that but it's hard I guess" Max said answering Callie's questions, she knew that was way more then she asked for but somehow when she started talking about how she felt she couldn't stop.

"I think I get it, I mean I've never been in a serious relationship but I understand you. You're still hung up on this version of Mark that you knew for so long and it gets hard because you don't think anyone can compete but it's been nine years! Max, you have to start doing things that could make you happy, having sex, going on dates!" Callie said trying to get her friend to come out of this funk that she's been in.

"Callie, I don't need a guy to make me feel happy, I guess it wouldn't hurt to feel appreciated from the male species but for now I don't want that in my life. I want Maeve and I want surgery" Max told Callie sternly, and since she knew her so well she knew that she liked to meddle and she was not here for it.

"Okay, Okay" Callie said lifting her hands up in mock serenader, she knew Max was catching on to her.

"Well, I have to go check up on the labs for my patient, I'll talk to you later?" Max said getting up from her chair and walking away once she saw Callie nod her head.

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