Dexter Pt. 2

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Dexter watched as the two hounds that brought him here, torn each other apart over a single scrawny chicken bone. Neither of them would give in, but as soon as he flinched they were on him. One had its jaw locked around his throat and the other was snarling in his face. Dexter relaxed his muscles and the two hounds went after the bone yet again. It didn't matter any ways, all the cuts and slashes made it hard for him to move anyway. So escaping was out of the question let along fighting off two hounds and whatever else was outside that door.

Dexter felt useless. He was originally here to pose as one of the half-breed prisoners, but it seems as though that was a horrible idea.

The half-breed he was covering for is known as the western king of demons. Being poor, Dexter's town had caught the half-breed and called in for the reward. When the went to retrieve him, they found the half-breed dead. He had been torn part, blood all over the walls. Dexter was the town's last demon so he volunteered to take the half-breed's place.

And now here he is, laying on his back, covered in countless injuries.

On the morning of the fifth day in the cell, the hounds we're nowhere to be seen. Dexter picked up his arm.

No growls.

Dexter started to sit up, all his muscles screaming in protest.

No attacks.

He attempted to stand up, not even getting to his knees before falling onto his back once again.

At that time the two hounds came running back into the cell. Their teeth bared and snarling something fierce.

Dexter went limp. The hounds circled him a few times before they disappeared into the wall. Dexter attempted to get up again but was met with the same result.

After the hounds disappeared into the wall for the sixth time, a guard came to his cell door. It was tall and bulky dressed in thick armor. Its head was shaped as a lizard, and it had a long tail that trail behind it. "It seems as though it is time for your punishment. Hehehe." The lizard guard said as he pulled out the keys to the door.

Once it opened the door the lizard guard stepped inside and grabbed both of Dexter's legs in one hand, then started to drag him out. All Dexter could do was go limp so that it hurt less.

He was through into a big empty room with white walls and a solid floor. Three creatures with dark heavy cloaks were standing at the opposite side of the room. The one in the middle gestured something with his finger, and Dexter was picked up then tied to a chair. The middle one then nodded his head and the lizard guard left the room.

There was silence for a moment before one of the creatures started to talk, as it pulled out a long list.

"Rage, half-breed, western king of demons, you are charged with several offences against the order. First offence, misuse of title. Second offence, murder of importance. Third offence, murder of importance. Fourth offence, running from capture. Fith offence, escaping before punishment. Sixth offence, running from capture. Seventh offence, non-obedience."

The creature rolled up the list and put it in its cloak. "Your punishment has been settled. You are here by sentence to protect and watch over the child of the power, until further ordered."

The three creatures spun around and walked out of the room. Leaving Dexter by himself. He sat there with his head between his legs, because he hurt too much to sit up. As he stared at his feet he saw that they started to change.  They became hairy and his knee bent the other way now. Dexter looked over at his hands and saw that they had turned into paws.

The ropes around him became very lose and Dexter fell to the floor. He moved his paw to feel his face and discovered he had a snout. Also it didn't hurt to move anymore, so Dexter tried to stand up. He got to all fours and discovered he could not go up any further. He looked at his body and found that it was now covered in hair, and he'd grown a tail.

Dexter looked forward to see a wolf puppy standing before him. Dexter started to walk towards it and it came at him. He stopped, the puppy stop. Dexter raised his paw, the puppy mirrored him. Dexter slowly approached the puppy. Once he was close enough he reached to touch it. Glass stopped his paw.

"Yes Rage. You are now the form of a helpless puppy." Said the creature from before. "You will remain that form until the child of the power becomes older, then you will get another form to follow him. But you will still have this dog form to watch over the child at night. If you are ever caught by the child, you will be immediately sent back to prison to be tortured for the rest of eternity."

Dexter soaked this in, considering what he could do. "How will I get to this child? Surely it will be hard to get into the house and become this pet." Dexter asked.

"We will send you there but the rest is your problem."

The floor beneath Dexter began to fall. And he was sucked into darkness.

Dexter landed on hard concrete. He looked up to see a huge door with warm light pouring out of the window. He reached out and started to claw at the door.

No response.

He started to whimper and howl just like a puppy.

Foot steps.

Dexter got to his feet and held a pathetic expression as the door creeks open. He was greeted with warm hands around his sides and a beautiful women holding him. "Dear, there's a puppy here, and he's just adorable, can we keep him?" The women called inside. "Sure dear, whatever you want." Replied another women's voice.

That was easy enough. Now all I have to do is find the child and wait. Dexter thought as he was brought into the warm house.

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